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Results for "Harm Aden"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Harm Jansen Aden - 1887 to 1969

Birth: 15 Mar 1887 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 14 September 1969 Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Jann Aden

Mother: Maria Hein Fruhling

Harm Jansen Aden - 1887 to 1969

Birth: 15 Mar 1887 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 14 September 1969 Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Jann Aden

Mother: Maria Hein Fruhling

Harm Heyen Aden - 1718 to 1797

Birth: Jul 1718 Lübbertsfehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth2

Death: 01 Mar 1797 Hüllenerfehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath2


Father: Haye Aden Ehmen

Mother: Wübke Harms

Harm Aden - 1910 to 2004

Birth: 25 Jan 1910 Illinoisbirth3

Death: 6 Aug 2004 Rantoul, Champaign, Illinois, United Statesdeath3


Father: Ehm Heinrich Aden

Mother: Geske "Grace" Duden

Harm Janhsen ADEN - 1872 to 1953

Birth: 2 AUG 1872 Rechtsupwegbirth4

Death: 13 JAN 1953 Rechtsupwegdeath4


Father: Gert Janshen ADEN

Mother: Janna Janssen SANDERS

Harm Jansen Aden - 1890 to 1961

Birth: 1 September 1890 Chatton, Adams County, Illinois, United States of America

Death: 16 June 1961 Golden, Adams County, Illinoisdeath5


Father: Johann Janssen Aden

Mother: Ahltjen Jansen Klattenberg

Harm Heye Aden - 1898 to 1974

Birth: 9 May 1898 Adams County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 14 Jun 1974 Golden, Adams, Illinois, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Heye Mennen Aden

Mother: Gretje Albers Fecht

Harm Heyen Aden - 1855 to 1916

Birth: 3 May 1855 Grossefehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth7

Death: 21 Jun 1916 Bietzefehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath7


Father: Heÿe Ehmen Aden

Mother: Ettje Jürgens De Boer Aden

Harm Aden - 1879

Birth: Jul Abt 1879 Illinoisbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Aden

Mother: Mary Aden

Harm Aden - 1866 to 1866

Birth: 4 Feb 1866 Stadskanaal,Onstwedde,Groningen,Netherlandsbirth9

Death: 25 Feb 1866 Stadskanaal,Onstwedde,Groningen,Netherlandsdeath9


Father: Heinrich Hermann Aden

Mother: Geesien Roemeling

Harm Jacobs Aden - 1845 to 1922

Birth: 25 Jul 1845 Neuefehn, Leer, NI, DEUbirth10

Death: 26 Aug 1922 Neuefehn, Leer, NI, DEUdeath10


Father: Jacob Mennen Aden

Mother: Aaltje Harms Balshen

Harm Aden - 1755 to 1755

Birth: Feb 04, 1755 Grossefehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth11

Death: Feb 14, 1755 Grossefehn, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germanydeath11


Father: Ehme Heyen Aden

Mother: Janna Hindrichs

Harm Aden - 1851

Birth: 22 März 1851

Death: Not Available


Father: Enne Fahnster

Mother: Metje Harms Fahnster

Harm Aden

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Jann Aden

Mother: Not Available

Harm Aden

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Lammers Aden

Birth: Not Available Ihlowerfehnbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Engelbarts Aden - 1902

Birth: 23 JUN 1902

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm J Aden

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Aden

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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