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Results for "Hans Vollmer"

1 - 25 of 178 Records

Hans Vollmer - 1575 to 1659

Birth: 1575 Stuttgart, Neckar, Württemberg, Germanybirth0

Death: 31 May 1659 Sondelfingen, Reutlingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath0


Father: Michael Vollmer

Mother: Mrs. Michael Vollmer

Hans Vollmer - 1707 to 1759

Birth: 02 Oct 1707 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanybirth1

Death: 21 Dec 1759 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanydeath1


Father: Johannes * Vollmer

Mother: Magdalena Bentz

Hans Vollmer - 1707 to 1759

Birth: 02 Oct 1707 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanybirth2

Death: 21 Dec 1759 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanydeath2


Father: Johannes * Vollmer

Mother: Magdalena Bentz

Hans Vollmer - 1707 to 1759

Birth: 02 Oct 1707 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanybirth3

Death: 21 Dec 1759 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanydeath3


Father: Johannes * Vollmer

Mother: Magdalena Bentz

Hans Jacob Vollmer - 1642 to 1689

Birth: 3 AUG 1642 Otisheim Germanybirth4

Death: 19 MAY 1689 Wildbaddeath4


Father: Michael Volmar

Mother: Anna (Margaretha) Walz

Hans Jakob Vollmer - 1645 to 1698

Birth: 10 Feb 1645 Nuertingen, Schwarzwald, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth5

Death: 1 May 1698 Grafenberg, Schwarzwald, Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath5


Father: Hans Jakob Vollmer

Mother: Catharina Bratsch

Hans Vollmer - 1725 to 1806

Birth: 13 NOV 1725 Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden, Germanybirth6

Death: 22 JAN 1806 Neuenweg, Loerrach, Baden, Germanydeath6


Father: Jacob Vollmer

Mother: Barbara Vollmer

Hans Jacob Vollmer - 1704 to 1757

Birth: 25.10.1704 Ruit (Bretten), Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth7

Death: 21.12.1757 Ruit, Karlsruhe, BWdeath7


Father: Hans Jacob Volmar

Mother: Anna Margaretha Müntzheimer

Hans Jakob Vollmer - 1724 to 1779

Birth: 19 September 1724 Bischholtz,67340,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,birth8

Death: 13 September 1779 Bischholtz,67340,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,death8


Father: Philipp Vollmer

Mother: Anna Maria Leonhard

Hans Jakob Vollmer - 1724 to 1779

Birth: 19 September 1724 Bischholtz,67340,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,birth9

Death: 13 September 1779 Bischholtz,67340,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,death9


Father: Philipp Vollmer

Mother: Anna Maria Leonhard

Hans Vollmer - 1893 to 1946

Birth: 18 November 1893 Rheinbreitbach, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlandbirth10

Death: 10 April 1946 Rheinbreitbach, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlanddeath10


Father: Daniel Vollmer

Mother: Maria Menden

Hans Jakob Vollmer - 1761 to 1818

Birth: 1 JUN 1761 Bülach,8180,Zurich,Zurich,SUISSE,birth11

Death: 30 JUL 1818 Bülach,8180,Zurich,Zurich,SUISSE,death11


Father: Dr. Volmar Vollmer von Zürich

Mother: Anna REINACHER

Hans Jacob Vollmer - 1704 to 1757

Birth: 25.10.1704 Ruit (Bretten), Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanybirth12

Death: 21.12.1757 Ruit, Karlsruhe, BWdeath12


Father: Hans Jacob Volmar

Mother: Anna Margaretha Müntzheimer

Hans Jacob VOLLMER - 1703 to 1733

Birth: 6 AUG 1703 Birkenfeld, Enzkreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlandbirth13

Death: 15 JUL 1733 Birkenfeld, Enzkreis, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschlanddeath13


Father: Georg Vollmer

Mother: Anna Essig

Hans Vollmer - 1652 to 1677

Birth: 1652 Engstlatt, Balingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germanybirth14

Death: 3 Jan 1677


Father: Conrad Vollmer

Mother: Ursula Steinhilber

Hans Jacob Vollmer - 1670 to 1671

Birth: 20 DEC 1670 Wildbadbirth15

Death: 8 MAR 1671 Wildbaddeath15


Father: Jacob Vollmar

Mother: Agnes Kettner

Hans Jacob Vollmer - 1697 to 1762

Birth: 06 Mar 1697 Kohlstetten, Donau, Wuerttembergbirth16

Death: 25 Jan 1762 Tulpehocken, Berks, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath16


Father: Hans Joerg "Jakob" Vollmar/Fullmer

Mother: Anna Beck

Hans Karl Wilhelm Vollmer - 1899 to 1991

Birth: 25 feb 1899 Ronneby, Blekinge, Sverigebirth17

Death: May 1991 Richmond Upon Thames, Greater London, Englanddeath17


Father: Engelbert Albert Vollmer

Mother: Margarete Paarsch

Hans Vollmer - 1707 to 1759

Birth: 02 Oct 1707 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanybirth18

Death: 21 Dec 1759 Tegernau, Loerrach, Baden, Germanydeath18


Father: Fridlin Vollmer

Mother: Magdelena Benz

Hans Philipp Vollmer - 1672 to 1711

Birth: ABT 1 NOV 1672 Wildbadbirth19

Death: 28 Juli 1711


Father: Hans Michael Vollmer

Mother: Susanna Schmid

Hans VOLLMER - 1646 to 1702

Birth: 1646 Demberg, Lorrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth20

Death: 22 Sep 1702 Fischenberg, Wies, Lorrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath20


Father: Hans Volmers Vollmer

Mother: Barbara GAßER

Hans Jochim Vollmer - 1660 to 1728

Birth: 25 OCT 1660 Wildbadbirth21

Death: 1 MAR 1728 Wildbaddeath21


Father: Christoph Vollmer

Mother: Agnes Schober

Hans Vollmer - 1636 to 1717

Birth: 29 Nov 1636 Bürchau, Lorrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth22

Death: 28 Apr 1717 Bürchau, Lorrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath22


Father: Augustin Vollmer

Mother: Maria Gysi Vollmer

Hans Michael VOLLMER - 1719 to 1761

Birth: 03 Apr 1719 Stommeln, Rheinland,Germany,Prussiabirth23

Death: 02 May 1761 Stommeln, Rheinland,Germany,Prussiadeath23


Father: Vollmar Volner

Mother: Not Available

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