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Results for "Hans Aakaer"

1 - 25 of 77 Records
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Hans Bakker - 1824 to 1883

Birth: 12 MAY 1824 Benedenknijpe (Fr)birth0

Death: 1 AUG 1883 Benedenknijpe (Fr)death0


Father: Jouke Roelofs Bakker

Mother: Hiltje Hanses Oosterhof

Hans Bakker - 1824 to 1883

Birth: 12 MAY 1824 Benedenknijpe (Fr)birth1

Death: 1 AUG 1883 Benedenknijpe (Fr)death1


Father: Jouke Roelofs Bakker

Mother: Hiltje Hanses Oosterhof

Hans Geeles Bakker - 1847 to 1917

Birth: 10 Nov 1847 Joure, Friesland, Netherlandsbirth2

Death: 16 MAR 1917 Haskerland, Friesland, Nederlanddeath2


Father: Geele Gerrits BAKKER

Mother: Tietje Hanzes Dijkstra

Hans J. Aakjer - 1878 to 1970

Birth: 4 Oct 1878 Schlesvig Holstein, Germanybirth3

Death: 14 Mar 1970 Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath3


Father: George Aakjer

Mother: Margaretha Catharina Hinrichsen

Hans Bakker - 1884

Birth: 31 Aug 1884 Schoterland

Death: Not Available


Father: Jouke Hanzes Bakker

Mother: Jeltje Feddes Bilyam

Hans Hansen Aaker - 1713 to 1782

Birth: 1713 Stenbaldregård, Pedersker, Bornholm, Danmarkbirth5

Death: 1782 Rønne købstad og sogn, Vester herred, Bornholm, Danmarkdeath5


Father: Hans Henrichsen

Mother: Giertrud Nielsdatter

Female IconMale Icon

Hans Bernard Bakker - 1827 to 1874

Birth: 1827 Assenbirth6

Death: 25 Apr 1874 Kloosterveen (Assen)death6


Father: Koert Bakker

Mother: Christina Beck

Hans Aaker - 1882 to 1882

Birth: 6 DEC 1882 Moody Co., South Dakota, (USA)birth7

Death: 6 DEC 1882 Moody Co., South Dakota, (USA)death7


Father: Ole Olsen Aaker

Mother: Ellen Aaker

Hans Bakker - 1864

Birth: 1 Juli 1864 Teroelebirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Tijitte Anthoons Bakker

Mother: Baukje Hanzes Boersma

Hans Ankner - 1941 to 1951

Birth: 19 Aug 1941 Örgryte, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverigebirth9

Death: 27 September 1951


Father: Artur Leander Karlsson

Mother: Anni Julia Karlsson

Hans Ingebrigtsen Haaker - 1830 to 1915

Birth: 22 Feb 1830 Oppdal, Sør Trøndelag, Norgebirth10

Death: 22 May 1915


Father: Steengrim Ingebrigtsen Haaker

Mother: Marit Hansdatter Sliper

Hans O Aaker - 1825 to 1900

Birth: 25 OCT 1825 Hjartdal, Telemark, (Norgebirth11

Death: 15 Sep 1900


Father: Ole Drengmansen Aakre

Mother: Aslaug Gunleikdatter MOEN

Hans Jørgen Torvaldsøn Aaker - 1889 to 1980

Birth: 1889 Ytre Sandsvær, Buskerud, Norwaybirth12

Death: 1980 Sandsvær, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norwaydeath12


Father: Torvald Torkelsøn Aaker

Mother: Maren Andrine Hansdatter Bjerknes

Hans Nilsen Bakker - 1690 to 1752

Birth: 1690 Eidsberg, Ostfold, Norwaybirth13

Death: 1752


Father: Nils Torersen

Mother: Olaug Kristoffersdatter

Female IconMale Icon

Hans Bernard Bakker - 1896

Birth: 30 Okt 1896 Musselkanaal Gem. Onstwedde

Death: Not Available


Father: Cent Bakker

Mother: Alida Antienna Lok

Hans Klazes Bakker - 1836

Birth: 21 Apr 1836 Makkum, Wonseradeel, Friesland, Netherlandsbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Klaas Hanzes Bakker

Mother: Geertje Dooitzes Meinsma

Hans Reuben Aaker - 1892 to 1936

Birth: 12 Apr 1892 Moody Co , S Cbirth16

Death: 2 Nov 1936 Proviso Township, Cook, Illinoisdeath16


Father: Ole Olson Aaker

Mother: Eli Ellen ORVEDAHL

Hans Bakker - 1861

Birth: 29Dec1861 Netherlandsbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Tjitte Anthoon Bakker

Mother: Baukje Hanzes Boersma

Hans Haaker - 1894 to 1916

Birth: 24 DEC 1894 Steinbek, j. 22115 Hamburgbirth18

Death: 4 DEC 1916 Boberg, j. 21033 Hamburgdeath18


Father: Ludwig Bernhard Johann Haaker

Mother: Marie Caroline Louise Eggers

Hans Bakker - 1925 to 1944

Birth: 2 Jan 1925 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlandsbirth19

Death: 21 May 1944 Perished in Awschwitz, Oswiecim, Malopolskie, Poland in the Holocaust


Father: Daniel Bakker

Mother: Sientje Lelie

Hans Andreas Aaker - 1912 to 1912

Birth: 4 Apr 1912 Aacher, Dønnes, Nordland, Norwaybirth20

Death: 5 Dec 1912 Aacher, Dønnes, Nordland, Norwaydeath20


Father: Otto Hjalmar Hansen

Mother: Inga Marie Andersdatter

Hank Bakker - 1836

Birth: 12 December 1836 Zwijndrecht, Zuid-Holland, Nederlandbirth21

Death: Not Available Zwijndrecht, Zuid-Holland, Nederlanddeath21


Father: Hendrik Piertersz Bakker

Mother: barbera de KLERK

Hans Ackher - 1635

Birth: 1635 Germanybirth22

Death: Not Available Grötzingen, Stadt Karlsruhe, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germanydeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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