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Results for "Hannah Sandusky"

1 - 19 of 19 Records

Hannah Sandusky - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 28 Jul 1866 Mississippibirth0

Death: 18 Mar 1931 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: James Middleton Sandusky

Mother: Theresa Betigheimer

Hannah Jane Sandusky - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 4 JUN 1887 Kentuckybirth1

Death: 24 Aug 1975 Nevada, Arkansas, United Statesdeath1


Father: John William Sandusky

Mother: Laura Belle Hulett

Hannah Frances "Fannie" Sandusky - 1866 to 1931

Birth: 28 Jul 1866 Claiborne, Mississippi, USAbirth2

Death: 18 Mar 1931 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: James Middleton Sandusky

Mother: Theresa G. Betigheimer

Hannah Sandusky - 1824 to 1892

Birth: 23 Jan 1824 Jessamine, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 20 Jul 1892 Jessamine Co Kentuckydeath3


Father: Jacob Sandusky

Mother: Mourning Mary Bowles

Hannah Sandusky - 1780 to 1843

Birth: 1780 Wayne, Kentucky, United Statesbirth4

Death: 23 Sep 1843 Shelbyville, Shelby, Kentucky, United Statesdeath4


Father: Samuel Sandusky

Mother: 7-12 Margaret HORNBACK

Hannah Melvina Sandusky - 1846 to 1903

Birth: 1846 Illinois, United Statesbirth5

Death: 4 Aug 1903


Father: Jacob Sandusky

Mother: Malinda Hays

Hannah Sandusky - 1763 to 1806

Birth: 1763 Hardy, Bedford, Virginia, USAbirth6

Death: 04 Jan 1806 Harrodsburg, Mercer, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: Samuel Sandusky

Mother: Elizabeth Jamima Voss

Hannah Sandusky - 1762 to 1849

Birth: 1762 or 1763 Hardy County, West Virginia, USAbirth7

Death: 1849


Father: Andrew Anton Sadowski Sandusky

Mother: Catherine Inskeep

Hannah Sandusky - 1760

Birth: 1760

Death: Not Available


Father: Jonathan Jacob Sandusky

Mother: Hannah Duskip

Hannah Sandusky

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Sadowski

Mother: Mourning Bowles

Hannah Sandusky - 1780 to 1843

Birth: , 1780

Death: 23 Sep 1843


Father: Samuel Sandusky

Mother: Elizabeth Jemima Voss

Hannah Sandusky - 1762

Birth: 1762

Death: Not Available


Father: Andrew Anton Sadowski Sandusky

Mother: Catherine Inskeep

Hannah Sandusky

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Sandusky

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sandusky

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: James Middleton Sandusky

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sandusky

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Ricky Thomas Sandusky

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sandusky - 1878 to 1901

Birth: Feb 1878 Indianabirth15

Death: 22 May 1901 Brown Townshipdeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sandusky - 1811 to 1831

Birth: 1811 Athens Co., Ohiobirth16

Death: 1831 Athens Co., Ohiodeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sandusky - 1762 to 1848

Birth: 1762

Death: 1848 Washington County, Kentuckydeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available


Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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