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Results for "Hannah Abrams"

1 - 25 of 181 Records

Hannah H Abrams - 1929 to 1992

Birth: 08 Jun 1929 Virginiabirth0

Death: 25 May 1992 Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USAdeath0


Father: Arthur Kaufman Abrams

Mother: Bernice Newman

Hannah Abrams - 1850 to 1943

Birth: 19 Dec 1850 Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Aug 1943 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USAdeath1


Father: James Fuller Abrams

Mother: Catherine Matilda Rockefeller

Hannah Abrams - 1850 to 1943

Birth: 19 Dec 1850 Cobleskill, Schoharie, New York, USAbirth2

Death: 10 Aug 1943 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USAdeath2


Father: James Fuller Abrams

Mother: Catherine Matilda Rockefeller

Hannah Abrams - 1812 to 1870

Birth: 1812 Hempstead, Queens, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 7 Oct 1870 Hempstead, Queens, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Edward Abrams

Mother: Charity Pearsall Abrams

Hannah Abrams - 1903 to 1970

Birth: 1 Sep 1903 Grassy Point, New York, USAbirth4

Death: 17 March 1970 Schenectady, Schenectady, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Jacob Klein

Mother: Bertha

Hannah Jane ABRAMS - 1829 to 1854

Birth: Jul 31, 1829 Wayland, Steuben Co, NYbirth5

Death: 15 Aug 1854 Hempstead, Queens, New York, United Statesdeath5


Father: Cornwell Abrams

Mother: Mary Abrams

Hannah Jane ABRAMS - 1829 to 1854

Birth: Jul 31, 1829 Wayland, Steuben Co, NYbirth6

Death: 15 Aug 1854 Hempstead, Queens, New York, United Statesdeath6


Father: Cornwell Abrams

Mother: Mary Abrams

Hannah Abrams - 1856 to 1916

Birth: 1856 Ontariobirth7

Death: 01 Jul 1916 Walsingham Twp., Norfolk Co., Ontariodeath7


Father: Richard Murtland

Mother: Christina Johana Johnston

Hannah Abrams - 1815 to 1847

Birth: 1815 New York, USAbirth8

Death: 07 MAR 1847 Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Elijah Abrams

Mother: Mary Pearsall

Hannah Abrams - 1815 to 1847

Birth: 1815 New York, USAbirth9

Death: 07 MAR 1847 Hempstead, Nassau, New York, USAdeath9


Father: Elijah Abrams

Mother: Mary Pearsall

Hannah Abrams - 1827 to 1866

Birth: 19 APR 1827 White Colne Essex Englandbirth10

Death: 09 MAR 1866 Picton, Marlborough, New Zealanddeath10


Father: Samuel Abrams

Mother: Hannah Dowsett

Hannah E. Abrams - 1852 to 1899

Birth: abt 1852 Marylandbirth11

Death: 11 Sept 1899 Calvert, Cecil, Maryland, United Statesdeath11


Father: John WHITE

Mother: Mary Ann Brown

Hannah Abrams - 1896 to 1960

Birth: 1896 New York, USAbirth12

Death: 1960 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Samuel Abramovitch

Mother: Ethel Levin

Hannah Abrams - 1831 to 1919

Birth: Abt 1831 New Yorkbirth13

Death: 28SEP1919 Baldwinsville, Onondaga, New York, USAdeath13


Father: Israel Abrams

Mother: Martha Lake

Hannah Abrams - 1920 to 1990

Birth: About 1920 New York, USAbirth14

Death: About 1990 Florida, USAdeath14


Father: Sam Keshlansky

Mother: Sarah Keshlansky

Hannah Abrams

Birth: Not Available Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: BEF 1 JUN 1850 Ohio, U.S.A.death15


Father: Reuben Abrams

Mother: Rachel Royce

Hannah Abrams - 1834 to 1915

Birth: 6 November 1834 New York, USAbirth16

Death: 10 February 1915 Stewartville, Olmsted, Minnesotadeath16


Father: Richard Abrams

Mother: Elizabeth Dynes

Hannah Abrams - 1839 to 1881

Birth: About 1839 Jackson Co, Kentucky, USAbirth17

Death: About 1881 Jackson, Co, Kentucky, USAdeath17


Father: Friend Abrams

Mother: Esther Ann Rose

Hannah Ann Abrams - 1857 to 1932

Birth: 27 Mar 1857 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth18

Death: 6 Feb 1932 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: JACOB WILLIAM ABRAMS m 2nd ggf


Hannah Abrams - 1789 to 1858

Birth: Jan 1789 Ernestown Township, Lennox Addington, Ontario, Canadabirth19

Death: 11 Feb 1858 Prince Edward, Ontario, Canadadeath19


Father: Christian Abrahams

Mother: Evah Amey

Hannah Abrams - 1851 to 1921

Birth: 20 July 1851 New York, New York, USAbirth20

Death: 13 Sep 1921 Bethlehem Hospital, Littleton, New Hampshire, USAdeath20


Father: Philip Abrams Abrahams

Mother: Pauline Oser

Hannah Abrams - 1732 to 1828

Birth: 1732 Hempstead, Queens, New York, United Statesbirth21

Death: 1828 Hempstead, Nassau, New York, United Statesdeath21


Father: John Abraham Abrams

Mother: Hannah Linnington

Hannah Abrams - 1827 to 1866

Birth: 19 APR 1827 White Colne Essex Englandbirth22

Death: 09 MAR 1866 Picton, Marlborough, New Zealanddeath22


Father: Samuel Abrams

Mother: Hannah Dowsett

Hannah I. Abrams - 1826 to 1902

Birth: 1826 Ohio, USAbirth23

Death: Feb 15, 1902 Sullivan, Sullivan, Indiana, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah I. Abrams - 1826 to 1902

Birth: 1826 Ohio, USAbirth24

Death: Feb 15, 1902 Sullivan, Sullivan, Indiana, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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