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Results for "Hanna Saberg"

1 - 25 of 46 Records
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Hanna Jensine Sanberg - 1873 to 1948

Birth: 30 Sep 1873 Gildeskaal, , Norwaybirth0

Death: 18 Oct 1948 Burley, Cassia, Idahodeath0


Father: Ole Sandberg

Mother: Jorgene Davidson

Hanna Jensine Sanberg - 1873 to 1948

Birth: 30 Sep 1873 Gildeskaal, , Norwaybirth1

Death: 18 Oct 1948 Burley, Cassia, Idahodeath1


Father: Ole Sandberg

Mother: Jorgene Davidson

Hanna C Seaberg - 1881 to 1962

Birth: 1881 Swedenbirth2

Death: 1962 Moline, Rock Island, IL USAdeath2


Father: August Friberg

Mother: Johanna Johansdotter

Hanna C Seaberg - 1881 to 1962

Birth: 1881 Swedenbirth3

Death: 1962 Moline, Rock Island, IL USAdeath3


Father: August Friberg

Mother: Johanna Johansdotter

Hannah AABERG - 1895 to 1947

Birth: 10 Feb 1895 Deuel, S.Dak.birth4

Death: 27 Jul 1947 Hazel, Hamlin, South Dakota, USAdeath4


Father: Ole Larsen Aaberg

Mother: Marie Johnson Flattun

Hannah Helen Spaberg - 1891 to 1962

Birth: May 1891 Grafton, Walsh, North Dakota, USAbirth5

Death: Aug 2, 1962 Watson, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath5


Father: Ole Peterson Spaberg

Mother: Annie Braget

Hannah Salberg - 1878 to 1929

Birth: 12 May 1878 Mulheim an der Ruhr, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanybirth6

Death: 6 Mar 1929 Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United Statesdeath6


Father: Johann Friedrich Saalberg

Mother: Johana Catherine Vossic

Hanna Martina Staberg - 1860 to 1943

Birth: 29 Apr 1860 Mosvik, Norwaybirth7

Death: 22 Apr 1943 Fort Scott, Kansasdeath7


Father: Andreas Larson Calder Staberg

Mother: Karen Marie Ingebrigtsdatter

Hannah Seaberg - 1905 to 1989

Birth: May 24, 1905 Pembroke Dock Dyfed Walesbirth8

Death: OCT 1989 Plymouth, Devon, Englanddeath8


Father: Nathan Seaberg

Mother: Hennie Kahn

Hanna Henneretta Esther "Hattie" Seaberg - 1900 to 1929

Birth: 29 Apr 1900 Crystal Lake, Wells, North Dakota, United Statesbirth9

Death: 24 Mar 1929 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, United Statesdeath9


Father: Peter August Seaberg

Mother: Frances Ludmilla May Steidl

Hannah Susan Sanberg - 1875

Birth: Sep 1875 Minnesotabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: John Sanburg(Sandberg)

Mother: Sarah Christine Peterssdotter Strand

Hanna Johanna Aaberg - 1889

Birth: 1 Febr 1889 Kristianiabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Karl Aaberg

Mother: Helene Bolette Johanesen

Hanna Matilda Asberg - 1906

Birth: 5 APR 1906 Vade,Bergsjo,Gavleborg,Swedenbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Eric Asberg

Mother: Johanna Pehrsdotter Kack

Hanna Josefina Salberg - 1887 to 1893

Birth: 1887 10 12 Täng, Västra Götaland, Sverigebirth13

Death: 18 Mar 1893 Saleby, Skaraborg, Sverigedeath13


Father: Lars Johan Salberg

Mother: Maria Kristina Johansdotter

Hanna J. Sanberg - 1784 to 1835

Birth: 1784/10/05 Ortta,,Malmohus,Sverigebirth14

Death: 1835


Father: Truls Nilsson Samberg

Mother: Dorothea Larrson

Hannah (Annie) Saber - 1862

Birth: Sep 1862 Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis Saber

Mother: Agnes Sewell

Hanna Marie Salberg - 1874

Birth: abt 1874 Borgebirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Lars Otto Sahlberg

Mother: Anna Lisa Andersdotter

Hanna Charlotta Säberg - 1887

Birth: 24 OCT 1887 Norberg Bondgruvan

Death: Not Available


Father: Emanuel Säberg

Mother: Hilda Carolina Setterström

Hanna Alberg - 1787

Birth: 1787 Alunbruket, Andrarum, Tomelilla (L), Sweden

Death: Not Available


Father: Pehr Sonasson

Mother: Kärsten Pärsdotter

Hannah Salberg - 1878 to 1929

Birth: May 1878 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germanybirth19

Death: 6 Mar 1929 Massillon, Stark, Ohio, United Statesdeath19


Father: Johann Friedrich Saalberg

Mother: Not Available

Hanna Pehrson Alberg - 1839 to 1913

Birth: 2 Nov 1839 of Yarsta, Christianstad, Swedbirth20

Death: 22 Feb 1913


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Samberg - 1868

Birth: 1868 Polandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Ethel Seberg - 1881 to 1962

Birth: 1881 Blaby Leicestershirebirth22

Death: 1962 Leicesterdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Amberg - 1807

Birth: 1807 Linton, Herefordshire, Englandbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hannah Sanberg - 1823

Birth: 1823 Swedenbirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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