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Results for "Halvor Samdal"

1 - 9 of 9 Records

Halvor Iversen Samdal - 1885 to 1932

Birth: 1885 Kvål, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwaybirth0

Death: 1932 Stokklykkja, Melhusdeath0


Father: Iver Olsen Helgemo

Mother: Siri Halvorsdatter Samdal

Halvor Arnsten Samdal - 1840 to 1886

Birth: 1840 Horg Parish, Sor-Trondelag, Norwaybirth1

Death: 1886 Rice Lake, Barron, Wisconsin, USAdeath1


Father: Arnt Halvorson Samdahl

Mother: Berit Johnsdatter Lund

Halvor Arnsten Samdal - 1840 to 1886

Birth: 1840 Horg Parish, Sor-Trondelag, Norwaybirth2

Death: 1886 Rice Lake, Barron, Wisconsin, USAdeath2


Father: Arnt Halvorson Samdahl

Mother: Berit Johnsdatter Lund

Halvor Iversen Samdal - 1885 to 1932

Birth: 1885 Kvål, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwaybirth3

Death: 1932 Stokklykkja, Melhusdeath3


Father: Iver Olsen Helgemo

Mother: Siri Halvorsdatter Samdal

Halvor Ingebrigtsen Samdal - 1910 to 1978

Birth: 03 Oct 1910 Bredlimoen, Melhusbirth4

Death: 30 Oct 1978 Flatmo, Lundemo, Melhusdeath4


Father: Ingebrigt Halvorsen Samdal

Mother: Randi Olsdatter Gaustad

Halvor Arntsen Samdal - 1832 to 1909

Birth: 1832 Auneggen, Samdal, Horg, Melhus, Sør-Trøndelag, Norgebirth5

Death: 1909


Father: Arnt Johnsen Hongrø

Mother: Siri Eliasdatter Folstad

Halvor Eliassen Samdal - 1912 to 1964

Birth: 23 Feb 1912 Rate, Melhusbirth6

Death: 1964


Father: Elias Halvorsen Samdal

Mother: Ragnhild Andersdatter Roskaft

Halvor Johnsen Samdal - 1902

Birth: 1902 Dalheim, Bones, Storen, Midtre gauldal

Death: Not Available


Father: Halvor Arntsen Samdal

Mother: Kari Kristiansdatter Hoiseth

Halvor A. Samdal - 1840 to 1886

Birth: 1840 Horg, Melhusbirth8

Death: 1886 Horg, Melhusdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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