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Results for "Gyorgy Ivanych"

1 - 25 of 144 Records
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George Evanich - 1912 to 2003

Birth: 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 21 Apr 2003 Romneydeath0


Father: Joseph Evanic

Mother: Mary Check Evanich

George Evanich - 1912 to 2003

Birth: 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 21 Apr 2003 Romneydeath1


Father: Joseph Evanic

Mother: Mary Check Evanich

George Ivany - 1802 to 1831

Birth: Abt Feb 1802 New Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth2

Death: May 1831 Ship Cove Now Port Rexton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath2


Father: John Ivamy

Mother: Amy Miller

George Ivany - 1890 to 1976

Birth: 08 Feb 1890 Portland Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadabirth3

Death: Bef. 24 Nov 1976 George's Brook, Trinity Bay, Newfoundlanddeath3


Father: Elias Ivany

Mother: Emmeline Janes

George Ivany - 1802 to 1831

Birth: Abt Feb 1802 New Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth4

Death: May 1831 Ship Cove Now Port Rexton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath4


Father: John Ivamy

Mother: Amy Miller

George Ivany - 1890 to 1976

Birth: 08 Feb 1890 Portland Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadabirth5

Death: Bef. 24 Nov 1976 George's Brook, Trinity Bay, Newfoundlanddeath5


Father: Elias Ivany

Mother: Emmeline Janes

George Ivany - 1830 to 1875

Birth: About 1830 English Harbour, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadabirth6

Death: 29 November 1875 Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath6


Father: George Ivany

Mother: Susannah Cook

George Ivany - 1802 to 1831

Birth: Abt Feb 1802 New Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth7

Death: May 1831 Ship Cove Now Port Rexton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath7


Father: John Ivamy

Mother: Amy Miller

George Ivany - 1802 to 1831

Birth: Abt Feb 1802 New Bonaventure, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth8

Death: May 1831 Ship Cove Now Port Rexton, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadadeath8


Father: John Ivamy

Mother: Amy Miller

George P Vanuch - 1880 to 1938

Birth: abt 1880 Czechoslovakiabirth9

Death: 16 Nov 1938 USAdeath9


Father: George Vanuch

Mother: Maria Homolya

George P Vanuch - 1880 to 1938

Birth: abt 1880 Czechoslovakiabirth10

Death: 16 Nov 1938 USAdeath10


Father: George Vanuch

Mother: Maria Homolya

George Sivanich - 1928 to 2019

Birth: 27 Jul 1928 Minnesota, USAbirth11

Death: 6 Mar 2019 Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, USAdeath11


Father: Mitro J Sivanich

Mother: Maria Jacenko

George Gilbert Ivany - 1907 to 1986

Birth: 1907 Otter's (Hodder's) Cove, Smith Sound, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth12

Death: 1986 St. John's, Newfoundland, Canadadeath12


Father: George W. Ivany

Mother: Eleanor (Ellen) Pitcher

George Gilbert Ivany - 1907 to 1986

Birth: 1907 Otter's (Hodder's) Cove, Smith Sound, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth13

Death: 1986 St. John's, Newfoundland, Canadadeath13


Father: George W. Ivany

Mother: Eleanor (Ellen) Pitcher

Gyorgy "George" Ivanyo - 1908 to 1965

Birth: 9 Oct 1908 Born at Seabirth14

Death: 19 November 1965 Elizabeth, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath14


Father: György (George) Ivanyó

Mother: Mária (Mary) Penák

George Ivany - 1952 to 2018

Birth: 6 Sep 1952 Bell Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadabirth15

Death: 1 Jan 2018 Galt, Cambridge, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadadeath15


Father: Ernest Donald Ivany

Mother: Clara Harris

George Ivany - 1952 to 2018

Birth: 6 Sep 1952 Bell Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadabirth16

Death: 1 Jan 2018 Galt, Cambridge, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadadeath16


Father: Ernest Donald Ivany

Mother: Clara Harris

George Ivany - 1891 to 1966

Birth: 8 DEC 1891 Robin Hood Trinity Baybirth17

Death: 15 July 1966


Father: William Henry Ivany

Mother: Elinda "Ellen" Lavender

George W. Ivany - 1863 to 1929

Birth: 26 February 1863 New Bonaventure, Newfoundlandbirth18

Death: 28 Jun 1929 Burgoyne's Cove, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canada


Father: James Ivany

Mother: Judith Higden

George IVANY - 1867 to 1944

Birth: Jun 1867 English Harbour, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, Canadabirth19

Death: 1944 Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canadadeath19


Father: George Ivimey

Mother: Amy Penny

George Evanich - 1880 to 1940

Birth: 12 Apr 1880 Mernyik, Zemplen County, Austria-Hungarybirth20

Death: 16 Feb 1940 died in Kingston, Luzerne County Padeath20


Father: John Ivancsak

Mother: Maria Mizsov

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