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Results for "Guillaume Yviquel"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

GUILLAUME YVIQUEL - 1721 to 1803

Birth: 07 OCT 1721 GUERANDEbirth0

Death: 14 APR 1803 GUERANDEdeath0


Father: François YVIQUEL

Mother: Perrine EON

Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1765 to 1831

Birth: 14 OCT 1765 Guérande, 44350, BMS 1765 v48

Death: 30 JAN 1831 Guérande, 44350, D 1831 v7


Father: Guillaume YVIQUEL

Mother: Michèle PERRÉON

Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1645 to 1697

Birth: 29 JAN 1645 St Molf,44350,Loire Atlantique,Pays de Loire,FRANCE

Death: 27 SEP 1697 St Molf,44350,Loire Atlantique,Pays de Loire,FRANCE


Father: Nicolas YVIQUEL

Mother: Perrine LESPERT

Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1798

Birth: 04 JUN 1798 Guérande, 44350, N An VI v55

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume YVIQUEL

Mother: Françoise LECOQ


Birth: ABT 1805 GUERANDEbirth4

Death: Not Available




Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1827

Birth: ABT 1827 Guérande, 44350

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume YVIQUEL

Mother: Suzanne ROBERT

Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1800

Birth: ABT 1800 Ferel, 56130

Death: Not Available


Father: Pierre YVIQUEL

Mother: Guillemette GUIHENEUF

Guillaume Marie YVIQUEL - 1866

Birth: 06 MAR 1866 Guérande, 44350, N 1866 v8

Death: Not Available


Father: Guillaume YVIQUEL

Mother: Marie Louise BERTHO

Guillaume YVIQUEL - 1576 to 1640

Birth: 27 NOV 1576 St Molf,44350,Loire Atlantique,Pays de Loire,FRANCE

Death: ABT 1640 St Molf,44350,Loire Atlantique,Pays de Loire,FRANCE


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available


Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Guillaume4 YVIQUEL

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Guillaume YVIQUEL

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Guillaume YVIQUEL

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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