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Results for "Grietje Iwema"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Grietje Iwema - 1860 to 1918

Birth: 2 July 1860 Hoogemeeden (Gem. Zuidhorn) (Groningen

Death: 24 Feb 1918 Groningen (Groningendeath0


Father: Abel Iwema

Mother: Grietje Homan

Grietje Iwema - 1888 to 1954

Birth: 12 OCT 1888 Hoogemeeden, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Niederlandebirth1

Death: 24 March 1954 Groningen Groningen Netherlandsdeath1


Father: Jacobus Iwema

Mother: Aaltje Johannes Homan

Grietje Jans Iwema - 1783 to 1861

Birth: 9 November 1783 Lucaswolde, Marum, Groningen, Netherlandsbirth2

Death: 19 May 1861 Grootegast Groningen Netherlandsdeath2


Father: Jan Rienks

Mother: Jitske Minzes

Grietje Iwema - 1843 to 1925

Birth: 5 Oct 1843 Lutjegast (Grootegast) Groningen Netherlandsbirth3

Death: 18 MAY 1925 Groningendeath3


Father: Bonne Harms Iwema

Mother: Hiltje Pieters Hazenberg

Grietje Iwema - 1737

Birth: 8 Dec 1737 Tolbert, Leek, Groningen, Netherlandsbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Gelte Iwema

Mother: Jantien Jans

Grietje Wiebrands IWEMA - 1802

Birth: Bef 21 Feb 1802 Niebert (Marum) Groningen Netherlandsbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Wybrand Geltes Ywema

Mother: Anje Heines

Grietje Dates Iwema - 1620

Birth: Abt 1620

Death: Not Available


Father: Date Abels Iwema

Mother: Abeltien Eppens

Grietje Iwema - 1879

Birth: 1879

Death: Not Available


Father: John Jan Iwema

Mother: Antje Jager

Grietje Iwema - 1610

Birth: Abt. 1610 Prov. Groningen, Netherlandsbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Grietje Iwema

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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