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Results for "Gladys Iliffe"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Gladys Richards Iliffe - 1894 to 1934

Birth: abt 1894 Meir, Staffordshire, Englandbirth0

Death: Jun 1934 Cheadle, Staffordshire, Englanddeath0


Father: Thomas L Iliffe

Mother: Beatrice Iliffe

Gladys M Iliffe - 1912 to 1981

Birth: 1912 Northamptonshire, Englandbirth1

Death: Sep 1981 Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, Englanddeath1


Father: John Herbert Iliffe

Mother: Edith Stow

Gladys Irene Iliffe - 1902 to 1996

Birth: 20 Apr 1902 Kings Norton, Birminghambirth2

Death: Nov 1996 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englanddeath2


Father: George Edmund Iliffe

Mother: Emma (Iliffe)

Gladys Iliffe - 1904 to 1904

Birth: Aug 1904 South Normantonbirth3

Death: 1904 South Normantondeath3


Father: John Henry Iliffe

Mother: Katherine Bramley Iliffe

Gladys Iliffe - 1904 to 1904

Birth: Aug 1904 South Normantonbirth4

Death: 1904 South Normantondeath4


Father: John Henry Iliffe

Mother: Katherine Bramley Iliffe

Gladys Maud Emma Iliffe - 1903 to 1984

Birth: 30 June 1903 Smeeton Westerby, Leicestershire, Englandbirth5

Death: 16 Oct 1984 Kibworth Beauchamp Leicsdeath5


Father: Richard Walter Iliffe

Mother: Priscilla Robinson

Gladys Iliffe - 1899 to 1993

Birth: 07 Nov 1899 Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusettsbirth6

Death: 28 Jul 1993 Oak Bluffs, Edgartown, Dukes, Massachusetts, USAdeath6


Father: William Henry Iliffe

Mother: Mary H Marriott

Gladys Myfanwy Iliffe - 1884 to 1919

Birth: 4 Sep 1884 Nuneaton, Warwickshire, Englandbirth7

Death: 1 Jun 1919 Rhyl, Denbighshire, Walesdeath7


Father: George Iliffe

Mother: Caroline Laura George

Gladys Iliffe - 1910

Birth: 1910 Liverpoolbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Reginald Joseph Iliffe

Mother: Ada Jackson

Gladys M Iliffe - 1897

Birth: abt 1897 Little Bowden, Northamptonshire, Englandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: William Edward Iliff

Mother: Elizabeth

Gladys May Iliffe - 1892

Birth: 1892 Astonbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Leopold James Iliffe

Mother: Lizzie SANDS

Gladys Iliffe - 1910

Birth: 1910 Liverpoolbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Reginald Iliffe

Mother: Ada Jackson

Gladys Mary Iliffe - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 27 Sep 1909 Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, United Kingdombirth12

Death: 14 Sep 1986 Tameside, Greater Manchester, Englanddeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Winnifred Mary Wilson

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