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Results for "Giovanni Iob"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Giovanni Iob - 1775 to 1851

Birth: 1775 Cunevo,Provincia de Trento,Trentino-Alto Ádige,Itáliabirth0

Death: 10 Nov 1851 Trento, Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italydeath0


Father: Giuseppe Giovanni Iob Sicher

Mother: Teresa Catarina Pilati

Giovanni Felice Iob - 1885 to 1967

Birth: 7 AUG 1885 Coia di Tarcento

Death: 22 JUN 1967 Tarcentodeath1


Father: Girolamo Iob

Mother: Giuditta Muzzolini

Giovanni Cesare Iob - 1866 to 1918

Birth: 21 DEC 1866 Cunevo,Provincia de Trento,Trentino-Alto Ádige,Itáliabirth2

Death: 1918 USA, USA, United States


Father: Callisto Iob

Mother: Domenica Gentilini

Giovanni Ermanegildo Iob - 1823 to 1901

Birth: 1823 Cunevo,Provincia de Trento,Trentino-Alto Ádige,Itáliabirth3

Death: 12 AUG 1901


Father: Giovanni Iob

Mother: Elisabetta Delama

Giovanni Battista Iob - 1893

Birth: 17 SEP 1893 Coia di Tarcento

Death: Not Available


Father: Pietro Girolamo Iob

Mother: Angela Boschetti

Giovanni Callisto Serafino Iob - 1847

Birth: 12 OCT 1847 Cunevo,Provincia de Trento,Trentino-Alto Ádige,Itáliabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Callisto Iob

Mother: Teresa Brentari

Giovanni Battista Iob - 1815 to 1880

Birth: abt 1815 Cunevo, Italybirth6

Death: 09/28/1880 Cunevo, Italydeath6


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Battista Iob - 1698 to 1766

Birth: 30 JAN 1698/99 Lover, Trento, Italybirth7

Death: 10 SEP 1766 Sporminore, Trento, Italdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Battista Iob - 1802

Birth: Abt 1802 Flavon, Trento, Austriabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Battista Iob

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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