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Results for "Giovanni Imbrogno"

1 - 25 of 33 Records

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1848 to 1921

Birth: ABT 1848 Castiglione Cosentino, Italybirth0

Death: 29 Mar 1921 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: Antonio Imbrogno

Mother: Michelina Maria Lanza

Giovanni Battista Imbrogno - 1803 to 1845

Birth: Abt 1803/1804 Zumpano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth1

Death: 31 Jan 1845 Zumpano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italydeath1


Father: Giovanni Imbrongo

Mother: Vincenza Gaetana Guzzi

Giovanni Battista Imbrogno - 1780 to 1852

Birth: ABT 1780 Zumpano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth2

Death: 27 AUG 1852 Lappano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italydeath2


Father: Saverio Imbrogno

Mother: Innocenza Falbo

Giovanni ( John ) Imbrogno - 1847 to 1921

Birth: 6 July 1847 Castiglione , Cosentino, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth3

Death: 29 Mar 1921 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: Antonio Imbrogno

Mother: Michelina Maria Lanza

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1871 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1871 Zumpano, italybirth4

Death: BEF AUG 1900


Father: Giorgio Imbrogno

Mother: Maria Rosaria Paese

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1848

Birth: 1848 Italybirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Gaetano Antonio Imbrogno

Mother: Antonio Imbrogno

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1871 to 1900

Birth: ABT 1871 Zumpano, italybirth6

Death: BEF AUG 1900


Father: Giorgio Imbrogno

Mother: Maria Rosaria Paese

Giovanni Natale Imbrogno - 1878 to 1955

Birth: 15 Dec 1878 Rose, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth7

Death: 04 Jan 1955 Dover, Ohiodeath7


Father: Raffaele Imbrogno

Mother: Marianna Filato

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1802 to 1803

Birth: May 1802 Lappano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth8

Death: 4 Jul 1803 Lappano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italydeath8


Father: Pietro Imbrogno

Mother: Lucia Lifrieri

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1807 to 1830

Birth: 1807 Lappano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy (Zumpana prev name)birth9

Death: Jan 15, 1830


Father: Giuseppe Imbrogno

Mother: Teresa Milizia

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1796 to 1872

Birth: ABT 1796 San Beneditto, Italybirth10

Death: BEF 1872


Father: Giorgio Imbrogno

Mother: Arcangela Micieli

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1887

Birth: 21 OCT 1887 Zumpano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Giuseppe Imbrogno

Mother: Maria Innocenza Veltri

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1791

Birth: about 1791 living in Castiglione Calabria Cosenza Italybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Giorgio Imbrogno

Mother: Arcangela Micieli

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1880 to 1884

Birth: 16 OCT 1880 Castiglione Cosentino, Italybirth13

Death: 17 FEB 1884 Castigleone Cosentino, Italydeath13


Father: Michele Imbrogno

Mother: Orsala Alitto

Giovanni Imbrogno

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Salvatore Imbrogno

Mother: Filomena Domanico

Giovanni Imbrogno

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Salvatore Imbrogno

Mother: Filomena Domanico

Giovanni Imbrogno

Birth: Not Available Castiglione Cosentino, Calabria, Italybirth16

Death: Not Available Lakewood, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: Tommaso Imbrogno

Mother: Rosa Lappano

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1856

Birth: Jan 1856 Lappano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Teresia DeMarco


Birth: 4 Jun 1890 Zumpano, Cosenza, Calabria, Italybirth18

Death: Oct 1971 Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Pasquale Imbrogno

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Imbrogno - 1890 to 1952

Birth: 1890 Calabria, Cosenza, Italybirth19

Death: 1 Feb 1952 Calabria, Cosenza, Italydeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni imbrogno

Birth: Not Available cosenza Italy calabriabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Imbrogno

Birth: Not Available Italybirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giovanni Imbrogno

Birth: Not Available Italybirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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