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Results for "Gertrude Bouquard"

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Gertrude Bouchard - 1917 to 2008

Birth: abt 1917 Michiganbirth0

Death: 16 May 2008 Flint, Genesee, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: David Albert Bouchard

Mother: Mary Mable Beaudoin

Gertrude Celina Bouchard - 1912 to 1990

Birth: 7 Oct 1912 Masson Quebe, Canadabirth1

Death: 27 Jul 1990 Lee, Florida, United Statesdeath1


Father: Napoleon Foubert

Mother: Marie Bougie

Gertrude Bouchard - 1917 to 2001

Birth: 27 Mar 1917 Maine, USAbirth2

Death: 22 Sep 2001 Hampstead, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath2


Father: Denis Bouchard

Mother: Clara Ann Ouellette

Gertrude T Bouchard - 1918 to 1970

Birth: 1918 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAbirth3

Death: 1970 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Gagnon

Mother: Anna M Paquin

Gertrude T Bouchard - 1918 to 1970

Birth: 1918 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAbirth4

Death: 1970 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Gagnon

Mother: Anna M Paquin

Gertrude Bouffard - 1934 to 2021

Birth: 1 Oct 1934 Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of Americabirth5

Death: 14 Apr 2021 Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Albert B. Bouffard

Mother: Irene Gauthier

Gertrude May Bouchard - 1905 to 2003

Birth: 25 Dec 1905 Malose, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 13 Jan 2003 Nursing home, St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USAdeath6


Father: Levi Bouchard

Mother: Emma Leduc

Gertrude May Bouchard - 1905 to 2003

Birth: 25 Dec 1905 Malose, New York, USAbirth7

Death: 13 Jan 2003 Nursing home, St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USAdeath7


Father: Levi Bouchard

Mother: Emma Leduc

Gertrude R Bouffard - 1881 to 1971

Birth: 29 Oct 1881 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 4 November 1971 Waterbury, Connecticutdeath8


Father: John Junk Reed

Mother: Emily Tregea Reed

Gertrude Bouchard - 1908 to 1934

Birth: Mar 1908 New Brunswickbirth9

Death: 23 August 1934


Father: François Francis Bouchard

Mother: Marthe Mattie Desrosiers

Gertrude Bouchard - 1925 to 2015

Birth: 1925 Massachusettsbirth10

Death: 13 Sep 2015 Middletowndeath10


Father: George H Bouchard

Mother: Albertine Pelletier

Gertrude Bouchard - 1915 to 1998

Birth: 6 MAR 1915 Grande-Baie, Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, Québec, Canadabirth11

Death: 11 JUN 1998 Lavaldeath11


Father: Nil Bouchard

Mother: Emma Grenon

Gertrude BOUCHARD - 1928 to 1975

Birth: 1928 Indéterminé, , , Québec, Canada, birth12

Death: 30 AUG 1975 Val-d'Or, Abitibi - Témiscamingue, Canadadeath12


Father: Emile Bouchard

Mother: Rose Anna Bernier

Gertrude Bouchard - 1909 to 1956

Birth: 23 Nov 1909 Vermont, USAbirth13

Death: 23 Jan 1956 st, ignace, de, Stanbridge Station, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canadadeath13


Father: Andre Arthur Bouchard

Mother: Rose Deliah Breault

Gertrude BOUCHARD - 1917 to 1989

Birth: 4 FEB 1917 Chicoutimi,,Saguenay/lac-Saint-Jean,Québec,CANADAbirth14

Death: 31 JAN 1989 Chicoutimi,,Saguenay/lac-Saint-Jean,Québec,CANADAdeath14


Father: Arthamase Bouchard

Mother: Florence Bouchard

Gertrude Bouchard - 1913 to 2003

Birth: 15 May 1913 Frenchville, Aroostook, Maine, USAbirth15

Death: 10 Jan 2003 Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine, USAdeath15


Father: Aime Bouchard

Mother: Anastasie Flavie Baron

Gertrude Bouchard - 1711 to 1790

Birth: 4 Jul 1711 Baie St Paul, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canadabirth16

Death: 26 Apr 1790 L'Isle-aux-Coudres, Charlevoix, Quebec, Canadadeath16


Father: Francois Bouchard

Mother: Marguerite Ursule Simard

Gertrude L. Bouchard - 1923 to 2016

Birth: 22 DEC 1923 Greenville, MEbirth17

Death: 1 JUN 2016 Seaside Rehabilitation Center, Portland, Cumberland, MEdeath17


Father: Charles Bouchard

Mother: Vivian G. Ryan

Gertrude Bouchard - 1913 to 1975

Birth: 1913 Montreal, Québec Province, Canadabirth18

Death: 1975


Father: Edmond Bouchard

Mother: Marie Ange Vignola

Gertrude Bouffard - 1932 to 2010

Birth: 01 Dec 1932 Saint-Léon de Standon, Dorchesterbirth19

Death: 23 Déc 2010 Hôpital Laval, Québecdeath19


Father: Philippe BOUFFARD

Mother: Emerilda VALLIÈRES

Gertrude G Bouchard - 1904 to 1937

Birth: 19 JUL 1904 Fort Kent, Mainebirth20

Death: abt 1937 Millinocket, Aroostook, Mainedeath20


Father: George Bouchard

Mother: Marie Viel

Gertrude Bouchard - 1894

Birth: Jan 1894 Michiganbirth21

Death: 1 December Alpena County


Father: David Bouchard

Mother: Maria Henrica Roberts

Gertrude Bouchard - 1915 to 2010

Birth: 1915 La Baie, Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, Quebec, Canadabirth22

Death: 2010 Chicoutimi, Le Fjord-du-Saguenay, Quebec, Canadadeath22


Father: Welley BOUCHARD

Mother: Mary Bouchard

Gertrude Bouffard - 1923

Birth: 1923 Mainebirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Elzéar Bouffard

Mother: Fabiola Robitaille

Gertrude BOUCHARD - 1919 to 1993

Birth: 5 Mar 1919 L'Anse St-Jean, Saguenay, Québec, Canadabirth24

Death: 23 Aug 1993 L'Anse St-Jean, Saguenay, Québec, Canadadeath24


Father: Xavier BOUCHARD

Mother: Marie Georgianne HOUDE

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