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Results for "Gerald Ireland"

1 - 25 of 46 Records

Gerald L Ireland - 1934 to 2006

Birth: 22 Sep 1934 Cedar Rapids, Iowabirth0

Death: 15 Jul 2006 Costa Mesa, Orange, Californiadeath0


Father: Raymond Lester Ireland

Mother: Cecilia Marie Novotny

Gerald William Ireland - 1926 to 2020

Birth: 21 Dec 1926 Hennepin, Minnesota, USAbirth1

Death: 27 Jun 2020


Father: Chaplain Ireland

Mother: Leona Sophie Perkins

Gerald Ireland - 1939 to 1993

Birth: February 15, 1939 Seboeis, Mainebirth2

Death: 23 Apr 1993 Glenburn, Mainedeath2


Father: Perley Alton Ireland

Mother: Mary Ann Carr

Gerald Ireland - 1939 to 1993

Birth: February 15, 1939 Seboeis, Mainebirth3

Death: 23 Apr 1993 Glenburn, Mainedeath3


Father: Perley Alton Ireland

Mother: Mary Ann Carr

Gerald Ireland - 1929 to 2010

Birth: 24 Jan 1929 Coventry, Warwickshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 1 May 2010 Coventry, West Midlands, Englanddeath4


Father: Walter Ireland

Mother: Hilda May Jeffs

Gerald James Ireland - 1940 to 1994

Birth: 11 Aug 1940 Walcha, New South Wales, Australiabirth5

Death: SEP 1994 Walchadeath5


Father: James Murray IRELAND

Mother: Edna May McDougall

Gerald James Ireland - 1940 to 1994

Birth: 11 Aug 1940 Walcha, New South Wales, Australiabirth6

Death: SEP 1994 Walchadeath6


Father: James Murray IRELAND

Mother: Edna May McDougall

Gerald Ireland - 1910 to 1921

Birth: 1910 Indiana, USAbirth7

Death: BET 1921 AND 1965


Father: Charles H. Ireland

Mother: Auria Blanche Myers

Gerald Ireland - 1904 to 1981

Birth: 03 Sep 1904 Bristol, Pontiac, Quebec, Canadabirth8

Death: 24 Feb 1981 Maple Grove United Cemeterydeath8


Father: Robert Ireland

Mother: Mary Ann Rutledge

Gerald Leon Ireland - 1917 to 1999

Birth: 23 Apr 1917 Brocket, North Dakotabirth9

Death: 19 Jan 1999 Crescent City, Del Norte County, Californiadeath9


Father: George Leon Ireland

Mother: Ina M Dyer

GERALD JOHN IRELAND - 1926 to 2005

Birth: 26 Apr 1926 Leicester, Leicestershirebirth10

Death: 26 Jan 2005 Greenwich, Kent, Englanddeath10




Gerald Sydney Ireland - 1899 to 1976

Birth: 25/04/1899 Lubenham, Leicestershire, Englandbirth11

Death: 18/09/1976 Leicester, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: Henry Ireland

Mother: Anna Maria Chester

Gerald Ernest Ireland - 1912 to 2000

Birth: October 29 1912 Northumberland Co., Ontario, Canadabirth12

Death: May 7 2000 Burlington, Ontario, Canadadeath12


Father: Ernest Richard Ireland

Mother: Edith Pearl "Ethel" Collins

Gerald Fitzgerald Wallace Ireland - 1893 to 1945

Birth: 3 Dec 1893 Celbridge, Kildare, Irelandbirth13

Death: Dec 1945 Portunna, Irelanddeath13


Father: William John Albert Wallace Ireland

Mother: Sylvia Ada Coates

Gerald Arthur Ireland - 1922 to 1996

Birth: Dec 1922 Trenton Ontbirth14

Death: Oct 31, 1996 Campbellford, Northumberland, Ontario, Canadadeath14


Father: Arthur Ireland

Mother: Gracie "Mabel" Dusenbury

Gerald Melvin Ireland - 1913 to 1985

Birth: 03 07 1913 Elk River, Sherburne, Minnesota, USAbirth15

Death: 01 10 1985 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath15


Father: George Albert Ireland

Mother: Minnie Ellen Fidler

Gerald Alan Lewis Ireland - 1931 to 2014

Birth: Sep 1931 Barnet, Oxfordshirebirth16

Death: Nov. 2014 Australiadeath16


Father: Reginald Victor Ireland

Mother: Dorothy Elizabeth Holborn

Gerald Garnet Ireland - 1912 to 1992

Birth: 06 Nov 1912 Saskatchewan, Canadabirth17

Death: 23 Dec 1992


Father: Elwood Emerson IRELAND

Mother: Jennie May McDonald

Gerald Herbert Ireland - 1899

Birth: 17 Apr 1899 Trenton, Hastings, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: Not Available Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: Charles L Ireland

Mother: Armintha McColl

Gerald Harvey Ireland - 1910 to 1910

Birth: 10 Oct 1910 Verndale, Wadena, Minnesota, USAbirth19

Death: 25 Dec 1910 Verndale, Wadena, Minnesota, USAdeath19




Gerald Lionel Ireland - 1887 to 1900

Birth: 09 Jun 1887 Pembleton, Lancashire, Englandbirth20

Death: 2 Jan 1900 Islington, Londondeath20


Father: John Hilton Ireland

Mother: Mary Helena Bowden

Gerald Ireland - 1948

Birth: abt 1948 Mainebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Herbert Bateman Ireland

Mother: Rosetta Pearl McPherson

Gerald Albert Ireland - 1908 to 1980

Birth: 28 Sep 1908 Cawbredge, Glamorgan, Wales

Death: Dec 1980 Whitehaven, Cumbria, Englanddeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Alice Ireland

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