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Results for "George Yerian"

1 - 25 of 37 Records

George Merinus Yerian - 1879 to 1960

Birth: 3 Oct 1879 Scotch Grove, Jones County, Iowabirth0

Death: 8 Jul 1960 Everett, Snohomish County, Washingtondeath0


Father: Frederick W YERIAN

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Sutherland

George Washington Yerian - 1866 to 1950

Birth: 11 Feb 1866 Ohiobirth1

Death: 23 May 1950 Los Angeles County, Californiadeath1


Father: Joseph Yerian

Mother: Hannah Lavina Mellor

George Washington Yerian - 1866 to 1950

Birth: 11 Feb 1866 Ohiobirth2

Death: 23 May 1950 Los Angeles County, Californiadeath2


Father: Joseph Yerian

Mother: Hannah Lavina Mellor

George Merinus Yerian - 1879 to 1960

Birth: 3 Oct 1879 Scotch Grove, Jones County, Iowabirth3

Death: 8 Jul 1960 Everett, Snohomish County, Washingtondeath3


Father: Frederick W YERIAN

Mother: Catherine "Kate" Sutherland

George F Yerian - 1870 to 1958

Birth: 1870 Iowabirth4

Death: 1958 Y/death4


Father: William Harrison Yerian

Mother: Mandania Fiedelia Gearheart

George F Yerian - 1870 to 1958

Birth: 1870 Iowabirth5

Death: 1958 Y/death5


Father: William Harrison Yerian

Mother: Mandania Fiedelia Gearheart

George YERIAN - 1837 to 1892

Birth: 27 Sep 1837 Dennison, Tuscarawas, Ohiobirth6

Death: 11 Mar 1892 Washington, United Statesdeath6


Father: Daniel Yearian

Mother: Mary "Polly" TRAGO (Yerian)

George Washington Yerian - 1871 to 1959

Birth: 23 May 1871 Ohiobirth7

Death: 5 Oct 1959 Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio, United Statesdeath7


Father: Emanuel A Yarian

Mother: Abigail Haines

George Yerian - 1785 to 1867

Birth: 2 Feb 1785 Mt Pleasant, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAbirth8

Death: 31 Mar 1867 Galatia, Saline County, Illinois, USAdeath8


Father: John "Frederick" Yerian

Mother: Anna Maria Dorn

George Henry Yerian - 1874 to 1952

Birth: 30 Apr 1874 Iowa, USAbirth9

Death: 11 Sep 1952 Kelso, Cowlitz, Washington, USAdeath9


Father: George Yerian

Mother: Amanda Overly

George Yerian - 1837 to 1892

Birth: 27 Sep 1837 Ohiobirth10

Death: 11 Mar 1892


Father: Daniel Yearian

Mother: Mary TRAGO

George Wilbur Yerian - 1912 to 1989

Birth: 22 Mar 1912 Shiawassee T, Michiganbirth11

Death: 08OCT1989 Holly, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath11


Father: Samuel T Yerian

Mother: Lulu Bell Van Doren

George Yerian - 1849 to 1931

Birth: 28 August 1849 Unity, Columbiana, Ohio, USAbirth12

Death: 08 SEP 1931 Shiatown, , Michigan, USA


Father: Samuel Yarian

Mother: Caroline Weil

George W. Yerian - 1913 to 1988

Birth: 18 Aug 1913 Jackson C0., Ohiobirth13

Death: 08 Dec 1988 High Place, Jackson, Ohiodeath13


Father: Earl Bertram Yerian

Mother: Nellie Mae Hayth

George K. Yerian - 1903 to 1911

Birth: 17 Jan 1903 Sargent Bluffs, Woodburry Co. Iowa

Death: 30 July 1911 Sargent Bluffs, Woodburry Co. Iowa


Father: Nelson Harvey Yerian

Mother: Alice Luella Conrad Yerian

George Yerian - 1850 to 1851

Birth: 30 May 1850 Noble County, Ohio, USAbirth15

Death: 1 August 1851 Noble County, Ohio, USAdeath15


Father: Frederick Yerian

Mother: Jane Shipley

George Yerian - 1733 to 1804

Birth: 10 December 1733 Philadelphia County, Northampton Co, PAbirth16

Death: 20 Nov 1804 Mt Pleasant, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath16


Father: Matthias Irion

Mother: Maria Magdalena Pfiters

George Yerian - 1846

Birth: 1846 Illinois, United Statesbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry Yearian

Mother: Eleanor McBride

George W Yerian - 1866

Birth: abt 1866 Ohiobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

George W Yerian - 1871 to 1959

Birth: 1871

Death: 5 Oct 1959 Zanesville, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

George Yerian - 1917

Birth: 17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George W Yerian

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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