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Results for "George Quigg"

1 - 25 of 96 Records

George Quigg - 1897 to 1966

Birth: 1897 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 1966 Virginia, Cass, Illinois, United States of Americadeath0


Father: John Matthew Quigg

Mother: Carrie Ellen Dobson

George Irvin Quigg - 1875 to 1942

Birth: 11 October 1875 Indianabirth1

Death: 04 July 1942 Westerville, Franklin, Ohio, United Statesdeath1


Father: Huston Roosa

Mother: Eunice Ann Quigg

George Irvin Quigg - 1875 to 1942

Birth: 11 October 1875 Indianabirth2

Death: 04 July 1942 Westerville, Franklin, Ohio, United Statesdeath2


Father: Huston Roosa

Mother: Eunice Ann Quigg

George A. Quigg - 1854 to 1875

Birth: 19 Feb 1854 , Hickory, Missouri, USAbirth3

Death: 1875


Father: John Wesley Quigg

Mother: Hannah Bartshe

George A. Quigg - 1854 to 1875

Birth: 19 Feb 1854 , Hickory, Missouri, USAbirth4

Death: 1875


Father: John Wesley Quigg

Mother: Hannah Bartshe

George Quigg - 1861 to 1914

Birth: Abt 1861 Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 25 Jun 1914 Blackhawk, Iowa, USAdeath5


Father: Frederick Quigg

Mother: Dorothea McCormick

George Quigg - 1909 to 1974

Birth: abt 1909 Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: May 1974


Father: Harry Griffith Quigg

Mother: Lena Marie Brouse

George P Quigg - 1935 to 1977

Birth: 17 Mar 1935 Bklyn, New Yorkbirth7

Death: 14 Jun 1977


Father: George L Quigg

Mother: Agnes Bridget Deacy

George N Quigg - 1841 to 1922

Birth: Jun 1841 Bullitt, Kentucky, USAbirth8

Death: 21 Nov 1922 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USAdeath8


Father: Benjamin Franklin Quigg

Mother: Sarah Ann Amos

George Fenwick Quigg - 1873 to 1915

Birth: 13 Jun 1873 Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 24 Apr 1915 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath9


Father: William A Quigg

Mother: deborah elizabeth wallace

George Quigg - 1872 to 1962

Birth: 8 Sep 1872 Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 26 Oct 1962 Norristown, Montgomery, Pennsylvaniadeath10


Father: Andrew Quigg

Mother: Jane Devenney

George L Quigg - 1862 to 1916

Birth: 11 Sep 1862 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: 5 Apr 1916 Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: Frederick W Quig

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Leslie

George B Quigg - 1857 to 1880

Birth: abt 1857 Waltham, MAbirth12

Death: 23 Mar 1880 Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusettsdeath12


Father: Patrick Quigg

Mother: Elizabeth "Betsey" Kane

George A. Quigg - 1865 to 1946

Birth: Abt 1865 New Jerseybirth13

Death: 1946 United States of Americadeath13


Father: William J. Bowne

Mother: Pernella White

George William Quigg - 1899 to 1976

Birth: 28 Dec 1899 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentuckybirth14

Death: 17 Oct 1976 Union Lake, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath14


Father: William Thomas Quigg

Mother: Ida May Stultz

George B Quigg - 1842 to 1920

Birth: abt 1842 Chicagobirth15

Death: 11/24/1920 Cook County, Illdeath15


Father: George H Quigg

Mother: Julia McDonald Quigg

George Henry Quigg - 1867 to 1907

Birth: 11 Apr 1867 Kansas, USAbirth16

Death: 4 Dec 1907 Leavenworth, Kansas, USAdeath16


Father: Matthew A Quigg

Mother: Mary Anne Cooper

George W. Quigg - 1883 to 1937

Birth: Nov 20, 1883 Kentucky, United Statesbirth17

Death: 16 MAR 1937 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentuckydeath17


Father: George N Quigg

Mother: Margaret Corrigan

George Edwin Quigg - 1899 to 1987

Birth: 7 Jun 1899 Grey, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: 01 Jan 1987 Duncan, British Columbia, Canadadeath18


Father: James Thos Quigg

Mother: Jane Anne Jennie Sherson (Shearson)

George Lawrance Quigg - 1901 to 1989

Birth: 16/4/1901

Death: 1989 Brooklyn New Yorkdeath19


Father: Neil Quigg

Mother: Margaret Carlin

George Lawrance Quigg - 1901 to 1989

Birth: 16/4/1901

Death: 1989 Brooklyn New Yorkdeath20


Father: Neil Quigg

Mother: Margaret Carlin

George Edwards Quigg - 1879 to 1959

Birth: 15 Dec 1879 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americabirth21

Death: Feb. 1959


Father: George B Quigg

Mother: Marie Degenhart

George H Quigg - 1804 to 1866

Birth: Abt. 1804 Irelandbirth22

Death: 2 Apr 1866 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George H Quigg - 1804 to 1866

Birth: Abt. 1804 Irelandbirth23

Death: 2 Apr 1866 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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