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Results for "george quidland"

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Name: George Quinlan

Birth: 20 Jan 1899 Nova Scotia, Canada

Death: 1963 Somerville

Father: George Wardlaw Quinlan

Mother: Sarah Quinlan Myra

Name: George L Quinlan

Birth: Oct 1889 New York

Death: 2 Sep 1964 Albany, New York

Father: John J. Quinlan

Mother: Susan A Noonan

Name: George William Rudland

Birth: January 1858 Wherstead, Suffolk, England

Death: 1929 Samford, Suffolk

Father: Robert Chaplin Rudland

Mother: Jane Felgate

Name: George Edward Quinlan

Birth: 17 August 1916 Quebec, Canada

Death: 03 December 1959 Great Barrington, Berkshire, MA

Father: Lucien Quinlan

Mother: Elizabeth Provost

Name: George Ramsey Rudland

Birth: April 1881 Offton, Suffolk, England

Death: 12 Sep 1956 Barnet, Hertfordshire, England

Father: Henry William Rudland

Mother: Maria Schofield

Name: George A Quinlan

Birth: Abt 1881 Waco, Texas

Death: 1961 Wilmette, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: George Augustine Quinlan

Mother: Mary Kate SAUNDERS

Name: George Quinlan

Birth: 12 SEP 1871 Pendleton, Kentucky, United States

Death: 07 Jul 1957 Butler, Ohio, United States

Father: William Harvey Quinlan

Mother: Mary Maria Crabb

Name: George M Quinlan

Birth: 1888 New Jersey, United States

Death: 22 May 1984 Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Patrick Quinlan

Mother: Bridget F Foley

Name: George Joseph Quinlan

Birth: 3 MAR 1931 Boston, Massachusetts

Death: 14 AUG 1997 Hudson, Middlesex, Massahusetts

Father: Patrick W. Quinlan

Mother: Ellen Anderson

Name: George W. Quinlan

Birth: 1854 Lockport, Niagara County, NY

Death: Not Available Buffalo, Erie, New York

Father: Daniel Quinlan

Mother: Bridget Allman

Name: George E. Quinlan

Birth: 22 Mar 1907 Washington, Minnesota

Death: Jul 1975

Father: John Francis Quinlan

Mother: Catharine Burke

Name: George Vaughn Quinlan

Birth: 20 Dec 1903 Patterson, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Death: 29 Nov 1985 Vineland, Cumberland, New Jersey, USA

Father: Thomas P Quinlan

Mother: Mary E Parsons

Name: George Quinlan

Birth: 01 Nov 1908 Kansas

Death: 29 Dec 1977 California

Father: Edward William Quinlan

Mother: Anna Monroe

Name: George W. Midland

Birth: 1904 Washington

Death: 1956

Father: Charles Henry Midland

Mother: Nellie E Connery

Name: George Francis Quinlan

Birth: 31 Oct 1907 St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota

Death: 27 Feb 1993 , Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: John Michael Quinlan

Mother: Catherine McCormick

Name: George John Quinlan

Birth: 12 MAY 1922 Winnipeg Man. Canada

Death: 31 DEC 1993 Seatle Washington, USA

Father: Charles John Quinlan

Mother: Eleanor Kemp

Name: George Cridland

Birth: 5 Nov 1890 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Death: 1 May 1928 75 Barker Ave., Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada

Father: James CRIDLAND

Mother: Anna Maria Fyfe

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