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Results for "George Jr"

1 - 25 of 340 Records

George William Hauck Jr - 1857 to 1932

Birth: 16 Jun 1857 Mt. Healthy, Bartholomew County, Indianabirth0

Death: 23 February 1932 Spraytown, Jackson County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath0


Father: George William Hauck

Mother: Dorothie Ungerer

George Shaw Jr - 1822 to 1855

Birth: 1822 McComb, Ohiobirth1

Death: 30 Oct 1855 McComb, Ohiodeath1


Father: George Shaw Sr.

Mother: Dorcas Smith

George William Hook Jr. - 1883 to 1960

Birth: Abt. 1883 Carroll County, Marylandbirth2

Death: 10 FEB 1960 Union Mills, Carroll County, Marylanddeath2


Father: George William Hook Sr.

Mother: Carrie BELL

George Ira Donivan jr - 1912 to 1961

Birth: 5 Jan 1912 Chazy, Clinton, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 10 Mar 1961 York, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: George Ira "Frank" Donivan

Mother: "Lucy" Lucille E Lezotte

George Ellis (Washington) Harwood (Jr.) - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 20 May 1909 Kearny, Hudson, New Jersey, USAbirth4

Death: 4 JAN 1971 Point Pleasant Boro, New Jerseydeath4


Father: George Harwood

Mother: Lillian Harwood

George Irving Schlotterbeck Jr. - 1933 to 2016

Birth: 1933/01/31 Port Angeles, WAbirth5

Death: 03/22/2016 AZdeath5


Father: George Irving Schlotterbeck

Mother: Louise Noah Hotchkin

George McLeod jr - 1909 to 1944

Birth: 11 Aug 1909 Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth6

Death: 06 Dec 1944 Overseas (Military)death6


Father: John George Mcleod

Mother: Mary Ann Yule

George B. Wells Jr - 1910 to 1994

Birth: 11 Jul 1910 Philadelphia Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 19 Nov 1994 Philadelphia Pennsylvaniadeath7


Father: George Wymer B Wells

Mother: Emma Mumenthaler

George Oetinger Jr. - 1903 to 1983

Birth: 9 Aug 1903 Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth8

Death: 3 Sep 1983 Monticello, Jefferson, Florida, USAdeath8


Father: George Oetinger

Mother: Emma Heiß

George Frederik Pushaw Jr. - 1913 to 1990

Birth: 15 Feb 1913 Washington D.Cbirth9

Death: 20 Dec 1990 Trenton, Michigandeath9


Father: George Frederik Pushaw

Mother: Matilda C. Georgi

George Joseph Stever Jr. - 1913 to 1962

Birth: 10 Jan 1913 Philadelphia, PAbirth10

Death: 29 Jun 1962 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: George Joseph Stever

Mother: Margaret M. Murray

George Conley Jr. - 1841 to 1923

Birth: 28 Apr 1841 Jackson County, W. Vabirth11

Death: 16 Feb 1923 Sistersville, Pleasants, W. Vadeath11


Father: George Conley

Mother: Mary Ellen

George Long Jr - 1827 to 1872

Birth: 1827 Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: 3 Feb 1872 Normalville, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAdeath12


Father: George Long

Mother: Margaret Bailey

George McLeod jr - 1909 to 1944

Birth: 11 Aug 1909 Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandbirth13

Death: 06 Dec 1944 Overseas (Military)death13


Father: John George Mcleod

Mother: Mary Ann Yule

George W. Nexsen, Jr. - 1838 to 1911

Birth: 20 October 1838 New Yorkbirth14

Death: Jun 05, 1911 Evansville, Indianadeath14


Father: George Washington Nexsen

Mother: Catherine Mary Basset Nexsen

George Henry Bevington Jr - 1918 to 2004

Birth: 21 JAN 1918 Dayton, Ohiobirth15

Death: 10 FEB 2004 Dayton, Ohiodeath15


Father: George Henry Bevington

Mother: Nelle Henrietta Seiker

George Arthur Colley Jr. - 1904 to 1983

Birth: 5 JUN 1904 Prattville, Autauga County, ALbirth16

Death: 10/19/1983 Clanton Chilton Co ALdeath16


Father: George Arthur Colley

Mother: Ida Deliah Scott

George Henry LaMountain Jr. - 1920 to 1994

Birth: 4 Jan 1920 Proctor, Rutland, Vermont, USAbirth17

Death: 2 May 1994 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath17


Father: George Henry LaMountain

Mother: Lillian M. "Lillie" Geno (La Mountain)

George Henry Walter Jr - 1919 to 1998

Birth: 10 Sep 1919 Williamstown, Gloucester, New Jersey, USAbirth18

Death: 11 Aug 1998 Williamstown, Gloucester, New Jersey, USAdeath18


Father: George Henry Walter

Mother: Harriet Elizabeth White

George William Isgrigg (Jr) - 1897 to 1975

Birth: 15 Oct 1897 Jeffersonville, Clark, Indiana, USAbirth19

Death: 05 Nov 1975 Jeffersonville, Clark, Indiana, USAdeath19


Father: William George Isgrigg

Mother: Emma Elizabeth McFarland

George Dishman Jr - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 1916 Vicksburg, MSbirth20

Death: 1998 Chicago, ILdeath20


Father: George A Dishman

Mother: Lucy Tucker

George Edward Bowman Jr - 1909 to 1952

Birth: 29 MAR 1909 Wheeling, West Virginiabirth21

Death: 16 Oct 1952 Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia, United States of Americadeath21


Father: George Bowman

Mother: Ella Helen Nickerson

George Augustus Vaughn MAJOR Jr. - 1897 to 1989

Birth: 20 May 1897 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USAbirth22

Death: 31 JUL 1989 Staten Island, NYdeath22


Father: George Augustus Vaughn

Mother: Grace A Sours

George William Bamman Jr. - 1923 to 1983

Birth: 7/26/1923 Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 2/28/1983 Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath23


Father: George William Bamman

Mother: Grace Elizabeth Cobb

George William Stewart Jr - 1907 to 1986

Birth: abt 1907 Illinoisbirth24

Death: 25 March 1986 St Joseph's Medical Center, South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, USAdeath24


Father: George William Stewart

Mother: Julia Marie Hallitschke

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