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Results for "George Istre"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

George Istre - 1876 to 1948

Birth: 10 Feb 1876 Abbeville, Louisianabirth0

Death: 2 Jul 1948 Abbeville, Vermillion, Louisiana, United Statesdeath0


Father: Louis J Istre (East)

Mother: Aurelia Hoffman

George Istre - 1876 to 1948

Birth: 10 Feb 1876 Abbeville, Louisianabirth1

Death: 2 Jul 1948 Abbeville, Vermillion, Louisiana, United Statesdeath1


Father: Louis J Istre (East)

Mother: Aurelia Hoffman

George Istre - 1850

Birth: 1850 Mermentau, Acadia Parish, Louisianabirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Onezime Joseph Istre

Mother: Eliza Stutes

George Istre - 1850

Birth: 1850 Mermentau, Acadia Parish, Louisianabirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Onezime Joseph Istre

Mother: Eliza Stutes

George Albert "AJ" Istre - 1912 to 1934

Birth: 22 Feb 1912 Morse, Acadia, Labirth4

Death: 6 Aug 1934 Esterwood, Acadia Par., LA v22 cert# 8796


Father: Joseph Maximilien "Pt" Istre

Mother: Selima Thibodeaux

George Istre - 1932 to 1986

Birth: 7 Feb 1932 Lake Charles, Calcasieu, Louisiana, USAbirth5

Death: 22 Jun 1986 Lake Charles, Calcasieu, Louisiana, USAdeath5


Father: Vincent (Shawee) Istre

Mother: Ora McNeal

George Istre - 1940 to 1990

Birth: 1940 Rayne Acadia, Louisianabirth6

Death: 1990


Father: Ozare Istre

Mother: Bertha Dupont

George Allen ISTRE - 1937 to 1938

Birth: 13 JUN 1937

Death: 22 MAR 1938


Father: Andrew ISTRE

Mother: Hazel RAMUAR

George Louis (East) Istre - 1876

Birth: 1876/02/10 Abbeville,Vermilion,Louisiana,USAbirth8

Death: Not Available Abbeville,Vermilion,Louisiana,USAdeath8


Father: Louis Istre

Mother: Not Available

George J. Sr Istre - 1941 to 1992

Birth: 14 September 1941 Morse Acadia, Louisianabirth9

Death: 3 January 1992 Egan, Acadia, Louisiana, USAdeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Istre - 1932 to 1985

Birth: Feb 7 1932 Lake Charles, Louisiana, USAbirth10

Death: July 1985 Lake Charles, Louisiana, USAdeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Istre

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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