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Results for "George Isner"

1 - 25 of 33 Records

George Joseph ISNER - 1887 to 1977

Birth: 26 May 1887 New York City, NYbirth0

Death: 18 JUN 1977 Cascade, Kent, Michigan, United Statesdeath0


Father: Louie John Isner

Mother: Bertha Hurni

George F Isner - 1884 to 1946

Birth: 22 Sep 1884 Washburn, Ritchie, West Virginia, United Statesbirth1

Death: 1946


Father: Washington Isner

Mother: Diannah S. Webb Isner

George Isner - 1874 to 1930

Birth: Abt 1874 West Virginiabirth2

Death: 06 Apr 1930 Lower Cheat River, Randolph, West Virginiadeath2


Father: Adonijah N. Isner

Mother: Martha E Kittle

George W. Isner - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 14 Jan 1866 Beverly, Randolph, West Virginiabirth3

Death: 25 May 1942 Randolph, West Virginia, United Statesdeath3


Father: Isaiah Isner

Mother: Mary Ellen Scott

George Washington Isner - 1838 to 1919

Birth: 22 Jul 1838 Harrison County, VAbirth4

Death: 20 Feb 1919 Parkersburg, Wood, WVdeath4


Father: John Isner

Mother: Mary Hadkins

George Hampton Isner - 1878 to 1963

Birth: 6 May 1878 Barbour, West Virginiabirth5

Death: 11 March 1963 Elkins, Randolph County, West Virginia, USAdeath5


Father: James W Isner

Mother: Mariah Jennings

George W Isner - 1873 to 1930

Birth: 22 Jul 1873 West Virginiabirth6

Death: 6 Apr 1930 Elkins, Randolph, West Virginia, USAdeath6


Father: Adonijah A Isner

Mother: Martha E Kittle

George W Isner - 1902 to 1947

Birth: 31 Mar 1902 Elkins, Randolph, West Virginiabirth7

Death: 31 Dec 1947 Elkins, Randolph, West Virginiadeath7


Father: Rennix Joseph Isner

Mother: Emma Donaldson

George Rogers Isner - 1904 to 1955

Birth: September 9, 1904 Randolph Co., West Virginiabirth8

Death: 29 Mar 1955 Randolph, West Virginiadeath8


Father: Creed Isner

Mother: Alice Howdyshell

George Joseph Isner - 1918 to 2003

Birth: 15 Nov 1918 Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USAbirth9

Death: 21 Sep 2003 Danville, Danville City, Virginia, United States of Americadeath9


Father: George Joseph Isner

Mother: Ida Amelia MOE

George Freer Isner - 1884 to 1946

Birth: 22 Sep 1884 Washburn Rit, West Virginiabirth10

Death: 1946 Ritchie County, West Virginia, United States of Americadeath10


Father: George Washington Isner

Mother: Deanne S"Dianne" Webb

George E Isner - 1870

Birth: May 2 1870 Ritchie County, West Virginia, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Hanson Imer

Mother: Mary Emma Chippy

George Isner - 1905

Birth: 1905 South Carolinabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mittie Isner

George Isner - 1871

Birth: 1871 Nova Scotiabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Eliza Isner

George Woodrow "Woody" Isner - 1916 to 2007

Birth: 16 Nov 1916 Barbour, West Virginia, USAbirth14

Death: 30 Nov 2007 Philippi, Barbour, West Virginia, USAdeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Sarah Margaret "Maggie" Poling

George Isner - 1830 to 1914

Birth: 18 Jan 1830 Glen Margaret, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth15

Death: 05 Feb 1914 Hackett's Cove, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath15


Father: Isnor

Mother: Not Available

George Isner - 1830 to 1914

Birth: 18 Jan 1830 Nova Scotiabirth16

Death: 05 Feb 1914 Hackett's Cove, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner - 1873

Birth: Jul 1873 West Virginia, USAbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner - 1869

Birth: Dec 1869 Nova Scotiabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George H Isner - 1875

Birth: abt 1875 Canadabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

George Isner - 1857 to 1891

Birth: WFT Est 1857/1877

Death: WFT Est 1891/1963


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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