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Results for "George Infinger"

1 - 25 of 44 Records

George W. Infinger - 1909 to 1969

Birth: Cir 1909 South Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 07 Mar 1969 South Carolina, USAdeath0


Father: Willis Pickney Infinger

Mother: Frances Whetsell

George Infinger - 1896 to 1965

Birth: 19 April 1896 Floridabirth1

Death: 13 February 1965 Walton, Florida, United Statesdeath1


Father: William Frederick Infinger

Mother: Catharine Langford

George Lewis Infinger - 1918 to 1996

Birth: 14 March 1918 Dorchester, County, South Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 6 Sept 1996 Scranton, Florence, South Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: Cornelius Pinckney Infinger

Mother: Maggie Mae Walters

George Lee Infinger - 1879 to 1943

Birth: 8 October 1879 South Carolinabirth3

Death: 31 Dec 1943 Dorchester, South Carolina, USAdeath3


Father: George Nathaniel Infinger

Mother: Julia E Weathers

George Infinger - 1856 to 1888

Birth: 1856 Walton, Florida, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1888


Father: George Washington Infinger

Mother: Mariah Padgett

George Washington Infinger - 1854 to 1947

Birth: Sep 1854 Freeport, Walton Co., FLbirth5

Death: 18 Oct 1947 Ponce de Leon, Holmes, Florida, United Statesdeath5


Father: George Washington Infinger

Mother: Mariah Padgett

George Nathaniel Infinger - 1839 to 1916

Birth: 25 December 1839 South Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 3 Jul 1916 Dorchester, South Carolinadeath6


Father: Jacob Frederick Infinger

Mother: Rosanna Bradwell

George Infinger - 1856 to 1888

Birth: 1856 Walton, Florida, United Statesbirth7

Death: 1888


Father: George Washington Infinger

Mother: Mariah Padgett

George Washington Infinger - 1864 to 1947

Birth: 1864 Walton Co. Floridabirth8

Death: 18 Oct 1947 Ponce de Leon, Holmes, Florida, USAdeath8


Father: William Frederick Infinger

Mother: Catherine Williams

George Infinger - 1896 to 1965

Birth: 19 April 1896 Floridabirth9

Death: 13 Feb 1965 Walton County, Floridadeath9


Father: William Frederick Infinger

Mother: Catherine Williams

George Washington Infinger - 1820 to 1862

Birth: 1820 Rabun, Georgia, USAbirth10

Death: 1862 Defuniak Springs, , Florida, USAdeath10


Father: Peter Infinger

Mother: Rebecca Millhouse

George Infinger - 1851 to 1872

Birth: June 1851 South Carolinabirth11

Death: Bet. 1872–1941


Father: William Absolan Infinger

Mother: Elizabeth Brown

George Dewey Infinger - 1908 to 1962

Birth: 7 January 1908 South Carolinabirth12

Death: 28 Apr 1962 South Carolina, USAdeath12


Father: George Lee Infinger

Mother: Nora Carrie Jackson

George Clifton Infinger - 1905 to 1972

Birth: 10 August 1905 South Carolinabirth13

Death: 08 May 1972 Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, USAdeath13


Father: George Lee Infinger

Mother: Nora Carrie Jackson

George Infinger - 1920

Birth: abt 1920 South Carolinabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: William Marvin Infinger

Mother: Lydia Viola Canady

George Washington Infinger - 1929 to 1930

Birth: 15 August 1929 South Carolinabirth15

Death: 30 June 1930 Dorchester, South Carolinadeath15


Father: George Washington Infinger

Mother: Julia Agnes Infinger

George Whetsell Infinger - 1902 to 1902

Birth: 18 September 1902 South Carolinabirth16

Death: 01 Oct 1902 Dorchester, South Carolina, USAdeath16


Father: John Wesley Infinger

Mother: Mary "Minnie" Jane WHetsell

George Infinger - 1818

Birth: 1818



Father: Henry Worley Emfinger

Mother: Mourning Trotter

George Infinger - 1805

Birth: 1805 South Carolina, USAbirth18

Death: Not Available South Carolina, USAdeath18


Father: Daniel Infinger

Mother: Margaret Myer

George L Infinger - 1888

Birth: Mar 1888 South Carolinabirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Brantley Taylor

Mother: Victoria Bruner

George Infinger - 1819 to 1859

Birth: 1819 Florida, United Statesbirth20

Death: 1859 Defuniak Springs, Florida, United Statesdeath20


Father: Peter Infinger

Mother: Not Available

George W. Infinger - 1860

Birth: 1860

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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