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Results for "Geoffrey Quigley"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

Geoffrey Alexander Quigley - 1929 to 1992

Birth: 1929 Sydney, New South Wales, Australiabirth0

Death: 22 October 1992 Sydney, New South Wales, Australiadeath0


Father: George Alexander Quigley

Mother: Mildred May Beater

Geoffrey Alexander Quigley - 1929 to 1992

Birth: 1929 Sydney, New South Wales, Australiabirth1

Death: 22 October 1992 Sydney, New South Wales, Australiadeath1


Father: George Alexander Quigley

Mother: Mildred May Beater

Geoffrey David Quigley - 1929 to 1990

Birth: 27 may 1929 Launceston, Tasmania, Australiabirth2

Death: 21 Jul 1990 Launceston, Tasmania, Australiadeath2


Father: Michael Joseph Quigley

Mother: Janette Margaret Henderson

geoffrey quigley - 1926 to 2002

Birth: 1926 Waterford, Irelandbirth3

Death: 2002


Father: michael quigley

Mother: sarah walsh

geoffrey quigley - 1926 to 2002

Birth: 1926 Waterford, Irelandbirth4

Death: 2002


Father: michael quigley

Mother: sarah walsh

Geoffrey M Quigley - 1942 to 1972

Birth: 27 May 1942 Malwinbar House, Eastgate, South Driffield, Yorkshire

Death: 22 Jan 1972 Germany (Burial Driffield, Yorkshire


Father: Basil Francis Quigley

Mother: Winifred Eileen Flintoft

Geoffrey Paul Quigley

Birth: Not Available

Death: 13 January 1998 Sydney New South Wales,Australiadeath6


Father: John Nelson Quigley

Mother: Dorothy M.G. McGrath

geoffrey francis quigley - 1951

Birth: 24/06/1951 Llandudno, Conwy, Walesbirth7

Death: 31/09/1999 bangor, north walesdeath7


Father: francis quigley

Mother: Not Available

Geoffrey Henry Quigley - 1936 to 1999

Birth: Dec 1936 Ilford, Dorsetbirth8

Death: Apr 1999 Worthing, West Sussex, Englanddeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Rosamund Mary Truss

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