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Results for "Genevieve Quignot"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Geneviève Pequignot - 1809 to 1855

Birth: ABT 1809 Frahier-et-Chatebier,70248,Haute Saône,Bourgogne-Franche-Comté,FRANCE,birth0

Death: 2 JAN 1855 Cernay,68063,Haut Rhin,Grand-Est,FRANCE,death0


Father: Alexis Pequignot

Mother: Appoline Lejeune

Geneviève Bugnot - 1724 to 1782

Birth: 17 JUL 1724 Étrelles-sur-Aube, 10144, Aube, Champagne-Ardenne, France, birth1

Death: 08 NOV 1782 Saint-Just-Sauvage, 51492, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France, death1


Father: Savinien BUGNOT

Mother: Martine LÉVÊQUE

Geneviève Pequignot - 1804

Birth: 25 Jul 1804 Courchaton, Canton of Villersexel, Haute Saone, Francebirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Francois Pequignot

Mother: Catharine Bondenet

Geneviève Quignot - 1780

Birth: 4 Jan 1780 Épinay-sur-Orgebirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Baptiste Quignot

Mother: Marie Geneviève Pagin

Geneviève Quignot - 1702 to 1771

Birth: 7 Nov 1702 pinay-sur-Orgebirth4

Death: 24 Aug 1771 pinay-sur-Orgedeath4


Father: Pierre Quignot

Mother: Marie Lasnier

Genevieve Pequignot - 1745 to 1790

Birth: 09 Jul 1745 Courchaton, Departement de la Haute-Saône, Franche-Comté, France

Death: 14 Dec 1790 Courchaton, Departement de la Haute-Saône, Franche-Comté, France


Father: Jean Francois Pequignot

Mother: Jeanne Francois Bersot

Geneviève Quignot - 1753 to 1801

Birth: 27 Mar 1753 pinay-sur-Orgebirth6

Death: 15 Mar 1801 pinay-sur-Orgedeath6


Father: Pierre Quignot

Mother: Marie Madeleine Blondeau

Geneviève Quignot - 1737 to 1811

Birth: 6 Sep 1737 pinay-sur-Orgebirth7

Death: 15 Jul 1811 pinay-sur-Orgedeath7


Father: Claude Quignot

Mother: Françoise Roger

Geneviève BUIGNET - 1733 to 1787

Birth: 02 OCT 1733 Amiens, 80021, Somme, Picardie, France, St Rémi

Death: 02 MAY 1787 Amiens, 80021, Somme, Picardie, France, St Rémy


Father: Jean François BUIGNET

Mother: Geneviève BOUTIN

Geneviève Françoise Louise Cuignet - 1791 to 1863

Birth: 28 APR 1791 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, 94190, Francebirth9

Death: 8 DEC 1863 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, 94190, Francedeath9


Father: Geneviève Françoise Louise Cuignet

Mother: Geneviève Françoise Louise Cuignet

Genevieve Quigney - 1912 to 1998

Birth: 8 Mar 1912 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 13 Dec 1998 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Patrick James Quigney

Mother: Jennie Titus

Geneviève PEQUIGNOT - 1749 to 1777

Birth: 3 APR 1749 Courchaton,70110,Haute-Saône,Franche-Comté,FRANCE

Death: 12 JUN 1777 Courchaton,70110,Haute-Saône,Franche-Comté,FRANCE


Father: Jean Claude Richard PEQUIGNOT

Mother: Jeanne Françoise PRETOT

Geneviève GUINOT - 1792

Birth: 20 AUG 1792 Bélâbre,36370,Indre,Centre,FRANCE,nesmesbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Pierre Guinot

Mother: Marguerite FOURNIER

Genevieve A Pequignot - 1888 to 1923

Birth: 26 Sep 1888 Mt. Clemens, Macomb, Michigan, USAbirth13

Death: 20 May 1923 Mt. Clemens, Macomb, Michigan, USAdeath13


Father: Frank August Pequignot

Mother: Margaret O'Leary

Geneviève JUIGNET - 1730

Birth: 25 JAN 1730 Montrenault, Sarthe, Pays de la Loire, Francebirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Pierre JUIGNET

Mother: Geneviève CHARPENTIER

Geneviève CUIGNET - 1714 to 1738

Birth: 28 FEB 1714 Morvillers, 60435, Oise, Picardie, France

Death: 02 FEB 1738 Morvillers, 60435, Oise, Picardie, France


Father: Pierre CUIGNER

Mother: Marie BAILLEUX

Geneviève PEQUIGNOT - 1728 to 1806

Birth: 4 APR 1728 Courchaton,70110,Haute-Saône,Franche-Comté,FRANCE

Death: 7 FEB 1806 Courchaton,70110,Haute-Saône,Franche-Comté,FRANCE


Father: Claude Nicolas PEQUIGNOT

Mother: Marguerite BERSOT

Geneviève Soignot - 1755 to 1756

Birth: 13 Dec 1755 Onans, Departement du Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francebirth17

Death: 28 Dec 1756 Onans, Departement du Doubs, Franche-Comté, Francedeath17


Father: Guillaume Soignot

Mother: Anne Pichon

Genevieve Guignet

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis Guignet

Mother: Michele Mauclair

Genevieve Juignet - 1732


Death: Not Available


Father: Francois Juignet

Mother: Françoise Chevereau

Geneviève Louise Clémence Quignot - 1839

Birth: 30 Aug 1839 pinay-sur-Orgebirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Simon Clément Quignot

Mother: Marie Geneviève Girard

Genevieve Quignon

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Marie-Elizabeth Mortier

Gennevieve Quisnot - 1693

Birth: about 1693 Bonneville-la-Louvet, Calvados, Normandie, France

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Geneviève Pequignot - 1734 to 1796

Birth: 1734

Death: 25 Sept 1796 Damprichard, Doubs, Doubs, Francedeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Genevieve Quiguon

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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