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Results for "Genevieve Ingersall"

1 - 17 of 17 Records
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Genevieve Bernadean Ingersoll - 1912 to 1997

Birth: 19 Feb 1912 Clay County, Minnesotabirth0

Death: 20 Apr 1997 Contra Costa County, Californiadeath0


Father: John Henry Ingersoll

Mother: Grace Laura Prier

Genevive Ingersoll - 1849 to 1921

Birth: 15 May 1849 Levingston County, Michiganbirth1

Death: 30 Aug 1921 Forest, Genesee, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: David J INGERSOLL

Mother: Susannah BUCKEL

Genevieve Joanita Ingersoll - 1923 to 2003

Birth: 9 Apr 1923

Death: 6 Nov 2003 Saint Joseph, Andrew, Missouri, USAdeath2


Father: Fay Robert Ingersol

Mother: Tressa Baughn Smith

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1930 to 2013

Birth: 1930 New Yorkbirth3

Death: 3 May 2013 Newburgh, NYdeath3


Father: Charles Purdy Ingersoll

Mother: Nina R Curry

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1930 to 2013

Birth: 1930 New Yorkbirth4

Death: 3 May 2013 Newburgh, NYdeath4


Father: Charles Purdy Ingersoll

Mother: Nina R Curry

Genevieve Alfreda Ingersoll - 1870 to 1919

Birth: Jan 1870 Evans, Erie, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 1919 Evans, Erie, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Edward Augustus INGERSOLL

Mother: Almira Elizabeth Howard

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1912 to 1994

Birth: abt 1912 Kentuckybirth6

Death: Aug 1994 Clio, Genesee, Michigan, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Arch Hampton

Mother: Kitty Hampton

Genevieve Gladys INGERSOLL - 1919 to 2009

Birth: 18 Dec 1919 Oklahomabirth7

Death: 22 Apr 2009 Joplin, Newton, Missouri, United Statesdeath7


Father: Earl Morris /Marce INGERSOLL

Mother: Della Elizabeth BROWN

Geneviève Alice Ingersoll - 1901 to 2004

Birth: 02 Oct 1901 Libby (Coosbay), Oregon, USAbirth8

Death: 16 October 2004 Sparks, Washoe, Nevada, USAdeath8


Father: Absolom Martin Ingersoll

Mother: Jennie Rosalie Ringue

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1919 to 2009

Birth: 13 Dec 1919 Salina, Mayes County, Oklahoma, USAbirth9

Death: 1 Apr 2009 Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USAdeath9


Father: Earl Morris /Marce INGERSOLL

Mother: Della Elizabeth BROWN

Genevieve Louise Ingersoll - 1927 to 1972

Birth: 1927 New Yorkbirth10

Death: 19 Mar 1972


Father: Frederick James Ingersoll

Mother: Anna G Bedell

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1909

Birth: 6 April 1909 Oelwein, Fayette, Iowabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Lee L Ingersoll

Mother: Edith Katherine Wegner

Genevieve Ingersoll - 1910

Birth: 1910 Iowabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Edith Katherine Wegner Ingersoll Harris

Genevieve ingersoll - 1869

Birth: abt 1869

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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