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Results for "Fredie Parker"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Fredie A Parker - 1910 to 1998

Birth: 28 Sep 1910 Alabamabirth0

Death: 05 Oct 1998 Huntsville, Madison, Alabama, USAdeath0


Father: John William Parker\Pritchett

Mother: Frances LouJennie Poole

Fredie A Parker - 1910 to 1998

Birth: 28 Sep 1910 Alabamabirth1

Death: 05 Oct 1998 Huntsville, Madison, Alabama, USAdeath1


Father: John William Parker\Pritchett

Mother: Frances LouJennie Poole

Fredie Parker - 1910 to 1966

Birth: 17 Jun 1910 North Carolinabirth2

Death: 19 Mar 1966 Evergreen, Columbus, North Carolinadeath2


Father: William P Parker

Mother: Mary Williamson

Fredie Graye Parker - 1916 to 2009

Birth: 27 Jul 1916 Franklin, Virginiabirth3

Death: 13 OCT 2009 Richmond, Virginiadeath3


Father: Edgar Mark Parker

Mother: Cora Lee Deloatch

Fredie Richard Parker - 1904 to 1904

Birth: 19 FEB 1904 Claghorn Valley,, Virginiabirth4

Death: MAY 1904 Claghorn Valley,, Virginiadeath4


Father: Israel Bryant Parker

Mother: Lannie R. Thompson

Fredie R Parker - 1917 to 1964

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahomabirth5

Death: 6 MAY 1964


Father: John Adams Parker

Mother: Alice Pitt

Fredie R Parker - 1917 to 1964

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahomabirth6

Death: 6 MAY 1964


Father: John Adams Parker

Mother: Alice Pitt

Fredie Parker - 1937

Birth: abt 1937 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: James Parker

Mother: Fannie Parker

Fredie E Parker - 1900

Birth: abt 1900 Ohiobirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: James Marion Parker

Mother: Mary Candace Coward

Fredie Parker - 1904 to 1934

Birth: ABT 1904 Texasbirth9

Death: 1934 Village Mills, Hardin, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: William Lee Parker

Mother: Julia Nicholas

Fredie PARKER - 1945 to 1946

Birth: 02 JUN 1945 Woodstock Ontbirth10

Death: 11 FEB 1946 Woodstock Ontdeath10


Father: Robert Harold Parker

Mother: Anna MCMILLAN

Fredie H Parker - 1890

Birth: Oct 1890 Franklin Twsp., Rowan, N.Cbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel L Parker

Mother: Harriet M. Crump Parker

Fredie Parker - 1876

Birth: abt 1876 Pennsylvaniabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Orville Parker

Mother: Anna Parker

Fredie Parker - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 New Yorkbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: John Parker

Mother: Mary Ann Story

Fredie Parker - 1872

Birth: 1872

Death: Not Available


Father: John Parker

Mother: Mary Victoria

Fredie A Parker - 1867

Birth: abt 1867 Ontariobirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Pricillia Bessey

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