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Results for "Frank Scofield"

1 - 25 of 214 Records

Frank Lincoln Scofield - 1860 to 1941

Birth: Sep 1860 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 21 Jun 1941 Buried in Enterprise Cemetery, Grayson County, Texasdeath0


Father: Benjamin Burt Schofield

Mother: Sarah Ann Bonham

Frank Cowles Scofield - 1892 to 1968

Birth: 22 Jun 1892 District of Columbiabirth1

Death: 7 November 1968 Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland, USAdeath1


Father: John Cowles Scofield

Mother: Florence Lathim Clark

Frank Lincoln Scofield - 1860 to 1941

Birth: Sep 1860 Illinoisbirth2

Death: 21 Jun 1941 Buried in Enterprise Cemetery, Grayson County, Texasdeath2


Father: Benjamin Burt Schofield

Mother: Sarah Ann Bonham

Frank Cowles Scofield - 1892 to 1968

Birth: 22 Jun 1892 District of Columbiabirth3

Death: 7 November 1968 Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland, USAdeath3


Father: John Cowles Scofield

Mother: Florence Lathim Clark

Frank Lincoln Scofield - 1860 to 1941

Birth: Sep 1860 Illinoisbirth4

Death: 21 Jun 1941 Buried in Enterprise Cemetery, Grayson County, Texasdeath4


Father: Benjamin Burt Schofield

Mother: Sarah Ann Bonham

Frank Lincoln Scofield - 1860 to 1941

Birth: Sep 1860 Illinoisbirth5

Death: 21 Jun 1941 Buried in Enterprise Cemetery, Grayson County, Texasdeath5


Father: Benjamin Burt Schofield

Mother: Sarah Ann Bonham

Frank E Scofield - 1869 to 1952

Birth: 30 December 1869 Jerusalem, New Yorkbirth6

Death: 9 Jun 1952 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Richard Scofield

Mother: Olive Alexander/Schofield

Frank E Scofield - 1869 to 1952

Birth: 30 December 1869 Jerusalem, New Yorkbirth7

Death: 9 Jun 1952 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAdeath7


Father: Richard Scofield

Mother: Olive Alexander/Schofield

Frank Allen Scofield - 1957 to 2010

Birth: 5 Dec 1957 Chateauroux, Francebirth8

Death: 28 AUG 2010 Richmond, Wayne, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Delphord Francis Scofield

Mother: Mary Ellen Kirkman

frank e Scofield - 1895 to 1964

Birth: abt 1895 New Yorkbirth9

Death: aug 23 1964 Catskill, Greene, New York, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Melvin Scofield

Mother: Claribel Conrow

Frank White Scofield - 1888 to 1969

Birth: abt 1888 Connecticutbirth10

Death: 19 Oct 1969 Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USAdeath10


Father: George Edgar Scofield

Mother: Isabelle Merritt

Frank Warren SCOFIELD - 1884 to 1946

Birth: 9 Dec 1884 Nashville Ba, Michiganbirth11

Death: 1946


Father: Theodore Johnson Scofield

Mother: Laura A Burch

Frank L. Scofield - 1876 to 1944

Birth: 22 Mar 1876 Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, USAbirth12

Death: 13 Oct 1944 Franklin, Vermontdeath12


Father: Jeremiah Scofield

Mother: Marietta Kendall

Frank Enos Scofield - 1857 to 1882

Birth: 9 Jul 1857 Paw Paw, Van Buren, Michigan, United Statesbirth13

Death: 18 May 1882 Houston, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath13


Father: Oliver Johnson Scofield

Mother: Sarah E Ford

Frank Warren SCOFIELD - 1884 to 1946

Birth: 9 Dec 1884 Nashville Ba, Michiganbirth14

Death: 1946


Father: Theodore Johnson Scofield

Mother: Laura A Burch

Frank Plimpton Scofield - 1877 to 1965

Birth: 14 Sep 1877 Boston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth15

Death: 14 February 1965


Father: Henry Burritt SCOFIELD

Mother: Emily L Winters

Frank Enos Scofield - 1857 to 1882

Birth: 9 Jul 1857 Paw Paw, Van Buren, Michigan, United Statesbirth16

Death: 18 May 1882 Houston, Harris, Texas, United Statesdeath16


Father: Oliver Johnson Scofield

Mother: Sarah E Ford

Frank Scofield - 1862 to 1940

Birth: 1862 New York, United Statesbirth17

Death: 13 Apr 1940


Father: William H Scofield

Mother: Sarah Jane Scofield

Frank W Scofield - 1886 to 1941

Birth: 1886 MI, USAbirth18

Death: 24 February 1941 Willows, Glenn Co., CA USAdeath18


Father: Frank SCOFIELD

Mother: Laura Wilson

Frank McComb SCOFIELD - 1910 to 1994

Birth: 09 Sep 1910 Stoutland, Camden, Missouri, USAbirth19

Death: 08 Sep 1994 Ceres, Stanislaus, California, USAdeath19


Father: William Joshua Scofield

Mother: Josephine Florence Rainwater

Frank W. Scofield - 1858 to 1936

Birth: Aug 1858 Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USAbirth20

Death: 17 February 1936 Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Ephraim E Scofield

Mother: Helen R Merideth

Frank H. Scofield - 1897 to 1979

Birth: 03 JAN 1897 McKeen, Clark, Illinoisbirth21

Death: 16 APR 1979 Hendersonville, Henderson County, North Carolinadeath21


Father: Clifton Henry Scofield

Mother: Lora L Myers

Frank Kimball Scofield - 1861 to 1921

Birth: 15 Nov 1861 East Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, United Statesbirth22

Death: 07 Jan 1921 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United Statesdeath22


Father: Sylvester Green Scofield

Mother: Frances Eliza Kimball

Frank Elmer Scofield - 1857 to 1951

Birth: 4 Apr 1857 Wisconsinbirth23

Death: 23 Aug 1951 Goodhue, Goodhue, Minnesota, United Statesdeath23


Father: James Lewis Scofield

Mother: Sophia Getman

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