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Results for "Frank Quigley"

1 - 25 of 294 Records

Frank Joseph Quigley - 1897 to 1986

Birth: 13 Apr 1897 California, USAbirth0

Death: Nov 1986 Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Gonzalo Quigley aka “Warren” aka “Burton”

Mother: Carmen Lopez De La Ossa (Osa)

Frank E. Quigley - 1887 to 1954

Birth: 24 Dec 1887 Floris, Iowabirth1

Death: 18 Apr 1954 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath1


Father: William Charles Quigley

Mother: Mary Jane Heady

Frank B Quigley - 1909 to 1992

Birth: 7 May 1909 Etna, Siskiyou, California, United Statesbirth2

Death: 27 Nov 1992 Etna, Siskiyou, California, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Charles Daniel Quigley

Mother: Alma Mae Mann

Frank E. Quigley - 1887 to 1954

Birth: 24 Dec 1887 Floris, Iowabirth3

Death: 18 Apr 1954 Seattle, King, Washington, USAdeath3


Father: William Charles Quigley

Mother: Mary Jane Heady

Frank B Quigley - 1909 to 1992

Birth: 7 May 1909 Etna, Siskiyou, California, United Statesbirth4

Death: 27 Nov 1992 Etna, Siskiyou, California, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Charles Daniel Quigley

Mother: Alma Mae Mann

Frank J Quigley - 1908 to 1977

Birth: 17 Jun 1908 New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvaniabirth5

Death: 11 Nov 1977 New Castle, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: William Quigley

Mother: Louise R Murphy

Frank B Quigley - 1883 to 1964

Birth: 26 Feb 1883 Waupaca, Waupaca County, Wisconsin, USAbirth6

Death: 18 January 1964 Chippewa Falls, Chippewa County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Francis Bernard Quigley

Mother: Mary Gilroy

Frank V Quigley - 1914 to 1992

Birth: 8 Sep 1914 Twin Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho, USAbirth7

Death: 30 Jun 1992 Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USAdeath7


Father: Louis Jefferson Quigley

Mother: Ethel Hazel Coulter

Frank H. Quigley - 1866 to 1936

Birth: 19 Mar 1866 Illinoisbirth8

Death: 10 Dec 1936


Father: Warren George Quigley

Mother: Martha M Marshall

Frank James QUIGLEY - 1894 to 1961

Birth: 20 Jul 1894 Tipton, Moniteau, Missouri, United Statesbirth9

Death: 21 May 1961 Jefferson City, , MO, USAdeath9


Father: William Frank Quigley

Mother: LaLava "Lola" Hammond

Frank Nathaniel Quigley - 1891 to 1972

Birth: Mar 1891 Bedeque, Lot 26, Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth10

Death: February 01, 1972 Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canadadeath10


Father: James Clarke Quigley

Mother: Mary Ann Francis

Frank Nathaniel Quigley - 1891 to 1972

Birth: Mar 1891 Bedeque, Lot 26, Prince Edward Island, Canadabirth11

Death: February 01, 1972 Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canadadeath11


Father: James Clarke Quigley

Mother: Mary Ann Francis

Frank Quigley - 1906 to 1943

Birth: 1906 Connecticutbirth12

Death: 01/06/1943 Hartford CT USAdeath12


Father: Thomas Joseph Quigley (Kegley)

Mother: Mary Quigley

Frank M. Quigley - 1854 to 1908

Birth: Aug 1854 Nelsonville, Athens, Ohio, United Statesbirth13

Death: 1908


Father: William M. Quigley

Mother: Julia Ann Quigley

Frank Martin Quigley - 1891 to 1943

Birth: 3 Mar 1891 Gisborne NZbirth14

Death: 23 Feb 1943 Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealanddeath14


Father: William James Quigley

Mother: Clara Jane Coles

Frank Quigley - 1881 to 1960

Birth: Mar 1881 Rochester, Monroe , New Yorkbirth15

Death: Apr 19, 1960


Father: John Quigley

Mother: Mary Jane Doyle

Frank Quigley - 1883 to 1954

Birth: abt 1883 Massachusettsbirth16

Death: 22 Jan 1954 Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Daniel Joseph Quigley

Mother: Mary Anne Slamon

Frank M QUIGLEY - 1917 to 2000

Birth: 15 Dec 1917 Washingtonbirth17

Death: 29 JAN 2000


Father: Leonard William Quigley

Mother: Della May Souvenir

Frank R Quigley - 1914 to 1961

Birth: abt 1914 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 5 Apr 1961 Salt Lake City, Utahdeath18


Father: Charles Franklin Quigley

Mother: Blanche Clara McKeever

Frank Alexander Quigley - 1916 to 2011

Birth: 16 Mar 1916 farm Mawer, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth19

Death: 12 Aug 2011 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath19


Father: Alexander Thompson Quigley

Mother: Annie Griffiths

Frank M Quigley - 1878 to 1885

Birth: Abt 1878 New Yorkbirth20

Death: 9 February 1885


Father: John Quigley

Mother: Mary Quigley

Frank M Quigley - 1878 to 1885

Birth: Abt 1878 New Yorkbirth21

Death: 9 February 1885


Father: John Quigley

Mother: Mary Quigley

Frank K Quigley - 1917 to 2017

Birth: 9 Oct 1917 Columbus, Ohiobirth22

Death: 23 Aug 2017


Father: Frank Thomas Quigley

Mother: Florence Lucille Kemp

Frank Emmet Quigley - 1882

Birth: 17 Apr 1882 Coloradobirth23

Death: Not Available Spokane Co., Washington, USAdeath23


Father: P J Quigly

Mother: Not Available

Frank Emmet Quigley - 1882

Birth: 17 Apr 1882 Coloradobirth24

Death: Not Available Spokane Co., Washington, USAdeath24


Father: P J Quigly

Mother: Not Available

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