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Results for "Floyd Haire"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Floyd Newton Haire - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 3 Nov 1924 Jonesboro WA, Tennesseebirth0

Death: 18 Mar 2000 Jonesborough, Washington, TNdeath0


Father: Isaac Newton Haire

Mother: Polly A Deyton

Floyd Melvin Haire - 1889 to 1974

Birth: 16 Mar 1889 Weyauwega, Waupaca, Wisconsin, USAbirth1

Death: 1974 Weyauwega, Waupaca, Wisconsin, United Statesdeath1


Father: James A HAIRE

Mother: Alice Cora Pope

Floyd Dales Haire - 1927 to 1993

Birth: 2 Jun 1927 Washington, North Carolinabirth2

Death: 28 Apr 1993 Encinitas, San Diego, California, USAdeath2


Father: Ashby Haire

Mother: Ophelia E Sawyer

Floyd Allison Haire - 1890 to 1919

Birth: 30 Jan 1890 Iredell, North Carolina, USAbirth3

Death: 21 Jan 1919 Jerusalem, Davie, North Carolinadeath3


Father: Henry Stokes Haire

Mother: Martha Jane "Mattie" Johnston

Floyd J Haire - 1887 to 1951

Birth: 16 Jun 1887 Sparkill, New York, USAbirth4

Death: 5 Jan 1951


Father: George C Haire

Mother: Ida Kunze

Floyd C Haire - 1908 to 1986

Birth: 22 Sep 1908 Leitchfield, Grayson, Kentucky, USAbirth5

Death: 16 July 1986 Daviess, Kentuckydeath5


Father: Carmel Hair

Mother: Laura Belle Reeves

Floyd Haire - 1900 to 1971

Birth: 17 Jun 1900 Georgiabirth6

Death: 7 sept 1971 Cordele, Crisp, Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: Issac Haire

Mother: Ella Eugenia Walden

Floyd Elwood Haire - 1927 to 1998

Birth: 15 Feb 1927 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAbirth7

Death: 21 Feb 1998 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAdeath7




Floyd L Haire - 1908 to 1988

Birth: 1908 Louisianabirth8

Death: 17 Mar 1988


Father: James Thomas TOM Haire

Mother: Susan Elizabeth "Lizzie" Ramsey

Floyd Haire - 1899 to 1900

Birth: 1899

Death: 1900


Father: Thomas M. Haire

Mother: Ida G Wall

Floyd Haire - 1900

Birth: 1900 Seville, Crisp County GA

Death: Not Available Cordele GAdeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Floyd Haire - 1911

Birth: 1911

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Floyd Haire

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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