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Results for "Floy Hampton"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Floy William Hampton - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 10 Nov 1890 Little Rock, Arkansas, USAbirth0

Death: 1 September 1971 St. Louis, Missouri USAdeath0


Father: Nathan Hampton

Mother: Edna Jones

Floy Hampton - 1871 to 1930

Birth: Nov 1871 Nebraskabirth1

Death: 1930


Father: John William Runnalls

Mother: Chastina Stall

Floy Hampton - 1871 to 1930

Birth: Nov 1871 Nebraskabirth2

Death: 1930


Father: John William Runnalls

Mother: Chastina Stall

Floy Hampton - 1871 to 1930

Birth: Nov 1871 Nebraskabirth3

Death: 1930


Father: John William Runnalls

Mother: Chastina Stall

Floy R Hampton - 1909 to 1995

Birth: 28 Jun 1909 Missouribirth4

Death: 11 June 1995 Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri, USAdeath4


Father: Jesse Davison Hampton

Mother: Blanche R Scruggs

Floy Hampton - 1900 to 1971

Birth: 22 Jan 1900 Texasbirth5

Death: 29 Oct 1971 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: J Thomas Hampton

Mother: Maggie Hampton

Floy L Hampton - 1900 to 1971

Birth: 25 Jan 1900 Warsaw, Kaufman, Texas, USAbirth6

Death: 29 Oct 1971 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: John Thomas Hampton

Mother: Maggie Hampton

Floy Louise Hampton - 1920 to 2011

Birth: abt 1920 Georgiabirth7

Death: 22 Oct 2011


Father: Barney Lee Hampton

Mother: DeLula L. Mitchell

Floy Sue Hampton - 1933 to 2014

Birth: 10 March 1933 Arkansasbirth8

Death: 14 September 2014


Father: Chester Floyd Hampton

Mother: Reba Jewell Cross

Floy Hampton - 1908 to 2011

Birth: March 6 1908 Missouribirth9

Death: 23 January 2011 Harrison, Boone, Arkansas, USAdeath9


Father: Joseph Henry Hampton

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Williams

Floy Hampton - 1902

Birth: 1902 Georgiabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Marion W Hampton

Mother: Lovie Richard Nunn

Floy J. Hampton - 1888 to 1889

Birth: 18 Apr 1888

Death: 10 Oct 1889


Father: Thomas Miller Hampton

Mother: Julia Avis RICE

Floy Russell Hampton - 1901

Birth: Abt. 1901

Death: Not Available


Father: Jesse Davison Hampton

Mother: Blanche R Scruggs

Floy Hampton - 1903

Birth: 1903 Mississippibirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Martha Hampton

Floy Hampton - 1908

Birth: 3 JUN 1908 ARbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Floy Hampton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Floy Hampton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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