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Results for "Florrie Hargreaves"

1 - 25 of 50 Records

Florrie Hargreaves - 1883 to 1930

Birth: 5 Sep 1883 Todmorden, Lancashire, Englandbirth0

Death: Sep 1930 Burnley, Lancashire, Englanddeath0


Father: Robert Riding Hargreaves

Mother: Sarah Suthers

Florrie Hargreaves - 1896 to 1985

Birth: 6 Oct 1896 Darwen, Lancashire, Englandbirth1

Death: 6 Nov 1985 Blackpool and Fylde, Lancashire, Englanddeath1


Father: Henry Hargreaves

Mother: Betsy Waddicor

Florrie Hargreaves - 1885 to 1930

Birth: 1885 Burnley, Lancashire, Englandbirth2

Death: 7 Jul 1930 4, Squire Street, Burnley, Lancashire


Father: William Thomas Hargreaves

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Townend

Florrie Hargreaves - 1907 to 1999

Birth: 20 OCT 1907 Clitheroe, Lancsbirth3

Death: 1999 Clitheroe, Lancsdeath3


Father: John Hargreaves

Mother: Edith Greenwood

Florrie Hargreaves - 1882 to 1960

Birth: 18 Mar 1882 Bradford, Yorkshire West Ridingbirth4

Death: 1960 Farmington, Mainedeath4


Father: Henry Robinson Blackburn

Mother: Margaret Blackburne

Florrie Hargreaves - 1892 to 1989

Birth: abt 1892 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth5

Death: 23 Apr 1989 Vanderhoof, British Columbiadeath5


Father: Albert Hargreaves

Mother: Harriet Hunt

Florrie Hargreaves - 1894

Birth: 1894 Yorkshire West Riding, United Kingdombirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: George Hargreaves

Mother: Ellen Aspin

Florrie Hargreaves - 1881

Birth: abt 1881 Yeadon, Yorkshire, Englandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmund Hargreaves

Mother: Sarah Ann Brooks

Florrie Hargreaves - 1896

Birth: 1896 Dewsbury, Yorkshire West Ridingbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: George Hargreaves

Mother: Annie Waring

Florrie (Florence) Hargreaves - 1888

Birth: 1888 Barnoldswick, Yorkshire, Englandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Hargreaves

Mother: Eliza Holdsworth

Florrie (Florence) Hargreaves - 1888

Birth: 1888 Barnoldswick, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Hargreaves

Mother: Eliza Holdsworth

Florrie Hargreaves - 1894

Birth: 1894 Scarborough, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: John Hargreaves

Mother: Ellen Hargreaves

Florrie Hargreaves - 1895

Birth: 22 May 1895 Nelson, Lancashire, Englandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: James Hargreaves

Mother: Virginia Walton

Florrie Hargreaves - 1895 to 1984

Birth: Abt 1895 Rawmarsh, Yorkshire, Englandbirth13

Death: Jun 1984 Hyndburn and Rossendale, Lancashire, Englanddeath13


Father: George William Hargreaves

Mother: Ellen Hamerton

Florrie Hargreaves - 1893 to 1919

Birth: 1893 1st Qr Barrowford, Lancashire, Englandbirth14

Death: 1919 4th Qr Burnley District Lancashire Englanddeath14


Father: Shadrick Hargreaves

Mother: Elizabeth Phillips

Florrie Hargreaves - 1907

Birth: abt 1907 Barnoldswick, Yorkshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert William Hargreaves

Mother: Jane Ellen Watson

Florrie Hargreaves - 1898

Birth: 1898 Horwich, Lancashire, Englandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: William Henry Hargreaves

Mother: Elizabeth Alice Barnes

Florrie Hargreaves - 1896 to 1985

Birth: 6 Oct 1896 Darwen, Lancashire, Englandbirth17

Death: Nov 1985 Blackpool and Fylde, Lancashire, Englanddeath17


Father: Henry Hargreaves

Mother: Betsy Waddicor

Florrie Hargreaves - 1908 to 1910

Birth: 29 Feb 1908 309 Barkerend Road, Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, England

Death: 3 Sep 1910 34 Webster Street, Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, England


Father: Edward Dawson Hargreaves

Mother: lily craik

Florrie Hargreaves - 1908 to 2001

Birth: 1//4//1908 Blackburn, Lancashire, England, United Kingdombirth19

Death: About 2001 Preston, Lancashire, England, United Kingdomdeath19


Father: James Hargreaves

Mother: Martha Alice Carr

Florrie emily Hargreaves - 1899 to 2002

Birth: abt 1899 Burnley, Lancashire, Englandbirth20

Death: 2002 Burnley, Lancashire, Englanddeath20


Father: Fred Mackintosh Gill

Mother: Janet Wightman Scott

Florrie Hargreaves - 1898

Birth: Abt. Apr 1898 Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire, Englandbirth21

Death: Not Available Unknown


Father: Elijah Hargreaves

Mother: Hannah Radcliffe

Florrie HARGREAVES - 1893 to 1919

Birth: 1893 Briercliffe, Lancsbirth22

Death: 1919 Briercliffe, Lancsdeath22


Father: John Hargreaves

Mother: Sarah Stuttard

Florrie Hargreaves - 1907 to 1923

Birth: 28 Apr 1907 Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth23

Death: abt 1923


Father: William Henry Hargreaves

Mother: Ada Hargreaves

Florrie Hargreaves - 1908 to 2005

Birth: 1908 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth24

Death: 2005


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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