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Results for "Florence Isler"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Florence Wilma Isler - 1924 to 2016

Birth: 27 APRIL 1924 SC, Cherokee Co. .birth0

Death: 26 March 2016 Kings Mountain NCdeath0


Father: Joseph Webster Isler

Mother: Daisy A. Isler

Florence Isler - 1900 to 1950

Birth: 12 Oct 1900 Lenoirbirth1

Death: 15 Sep 1950 Lenoir Co., North Carolina, United Statesdeath1


Father: Isaiah Isler

Mother: Josephine Taylor

Florence Hettie Isler - 1917 to 1917

Birth: 16 Mar 1917 Concord, Elkhart, Indiana, USAbirth2

Death: 16 Mar 1917 Concord, Elkhart, Indiana, USAdeath2


Father: Grover Ister

Mother: Lillian Harryetta Melvin

Florence Hettie Isler - 1917 to 1917

Birth: 16 Mar 1917 Concord, Elkhart, Indiana, USAbirth3

Death: 16 Mar 1917 Concord, Elkhart, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Grover Ister

Mother: Lillian Harryetta Melvin

Florence June Isler - 1916 to 2009

Birth: 1916 Minnesotabirth4

Death: 04/30/2009 Stillwater, Washington, Minnesotadeath4


Father: William Isler

Mother: Annie Fossum

Florence Mable Isler - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 15 August 1889 South Carolina, United States of Americabirth5

Death: 9 Feb 1973 Grover, Cleveland, North Carolina, USAdeath5


Father: William B Isler

Mother: Joanne Wilson

Florence Isler - 1903 to 1973

Birth: 17 May 1903 Canton, Stark, Ohiobirth6

Death: 13 February 1973 Massillon, Stark County, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: Henry L Isler

Mother: Nettie J. Beard

Florence Isler - 1936 to 2004

Birth: 1936

Death: 1 Nov 2004


Father: Ernest Isler

Mother: Beatrice Holloway

Florence M Isler - 1856 to 1882

Birth: 1856 Parramatta, NSW #6605_1856

Death: 1882 Petersham, NSW #3216_1882


Father: Henry Isler

Mother: Jane Denbow

Florence Isler - 1916

Birth: 1916 Wisconsin, USAbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Otto Isler

Mother: Caroline Louisa [Lena] Hoff

Florence Isler - 1943 to 1977

Birth: 26 Jan 1943 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USAbirth10

Death: 16 aug 1977 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USAdeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Anna Davis

Florence Isler - 1878

Birth: Abt. 1878 Saulston, Wayne, North Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available Saulston, Wayne, North Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Florence Isler - 1878

Birth: Abt. 1878 Saulston, Wayne, North Carolina, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available Saulston, Wayne, North Carolina, USAdeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Florence Isler - 1937

Birth: 25 May 1937 Lenoir, North Carolinabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Florence Isler

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Florence Isler

Birth: Not Available Wayne Cobirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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