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Results for "Florence Haworth"

1 - 25 of 142 Records

Florence Cammeline Haworth - 1867 to 1949

Birth: 12 Feb 1867 Afton, Greene, Tennessee, USAbirth0

Death: 23 Jan 1949 Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, United Statesdeath0


Father: Howard King Haworth

Mother: Cammeline Ripley

Florence Cammeline Haworth - 1867 to 1949

Birth: 12 Feb 1867 Afton, Greene, Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 23 Jan 1949 Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida, United Statesdeath1


Father: Howard King Haworth

Mother: Cammeline Ripley

Florence Bernice Haworth - 1927 to 2017

Birth: 21 May 1927 St. Helens Oregonbirth2

Death: 23 Oct 2017 Marble Falls, Burnet, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Robert Chalkly HAWORTH

Mother: Stella Louise Hawn (Shaw)

Florence Edna Haworth - 1895 to 1976

Birth: October 1895 Barton, Lancashirebirth3

Death: 15 Jan 1976 Trafford, Greater Manchester, Englanddeath3


Father: Robert Haworth

Mother: Sarah Bale Moseley

Florence Haworth - 1900 to 1963

Birth: 13 Jan 1900 St Saviour Southwark, Londonbirth4

Death: Dec 1963 Camberwell, London, Englanddeath4


Father: George Thomas Haworth

Mother: Mary Ann Ward

Florence Haworth - 1879 to 1947

Birth: 1879 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth5

Death: Apr 1947 Fylde, Lancashire, Englanddeath5


Father: Joseph Makinson

Mother: Betsy Makinson

Florence HAWORTH - 1890 to 1937

Birth: 26 Mar 1890 Yongalabirth6

Death: 1 Mar 1937 Wallaroo, South Australia, Australiadeath6


Father: Thomas Haworth

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Stephens / Haworth

Florence Haworth - 1879 to 1910

Birth: 04 Nov 1879 Nelson, Lancashire, Englandbirth7

Death: 1910


Father: Henry Howarth

Mother: Emily Symonds

Florence Haworth - 1879 to 1932

Birth: 1879 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth8

Death: 1932


Father: John James Haworth

Mother: Matilda Kay

Florence Haworth - 1879 to 1932

Birth: 1879 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth9

Death: 1932


Father: John James Haworth

Mother: Matilda Kay

Florence Haworth - 1879 to 1932

Birth: 1879 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth10

Death: 1932


Father: John James Haworth

Mother: Matilda Kay

Florence Haworth - 1930 to 1971

Birth: 9 Jan 1930 ACCRINGTONbirth11

Death: 7 JUly 1971 Accrington, Lancashire, Englanddeath11


Father: James Fielding Haworth

Mother: Mary J Haworth

Florence Marie Haworth - 1894 to 1967

Birth: 08 Jan 1894 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: 26 Dec 1967 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath12


Father: Bernard Haworth

Mother: Elizabeth A. McD. "Lizzie" Speak

Florence Viola Haworth - 1886 to 1970

Birth: 28 December 1886 Wellington, Sumner, Kansas, USAbirth13

Death: 16 September 1970 Greeley, Weld, Colorado, USAdeath13


Father: Foster Elliot Haworth (Hayworth)

Mother: Flora Ann Gardner

Florence A. Haworth - 1878

Birth: abt 1878 Accrington, Lancashire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: John Heyworth

Mother: Roseanna

Florence A. Haworth - 1878

Birth: abt 1878 Accrington, Lancashire, Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: John Heyworth

Mother: Roseanna

Florence Haworth - 1870 to 1925

Birth: ABT 1870 Longridge, Lancashire, Englandbirth16

Death: 1 Dec 1925 Perth, Western Australia, Australiadeath16


Father: Dionysius Haworth

Mother: Margaret Taylor

Florence Melvine Haworth - 1917 to 1943

Birth: 7 Nov 1917 Iowabirth17

Death: 15 Jan 1943 Spokane, Spokane, Washingtondeath17


Father: Arthur Donald Haworth

Mother: Katie B Fitchhorn

Florence Haworth - 1895 to 1960

Birth: 30 Jul 1895 Accrington, Lancashire, Englandbirth18

Death: 12 May 1960 Blackpooldeath18


Father: Randolph Haworth

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Pickup

Florence Haworth - 1889 to 1930

Birth: Dec 1889 Lancashire, , Englandbirth19

Death: 1930 Rossendale,Waterfoot,Lancashire,Englanddeath19


Father: John Alfred Haworth

Mother: Alice Ann Cunliffe

Florence Haworth - 1895 to 1960

Birth: 30 Jul 1895 Accrington, Lancashire, Englandbirth20

Death: 12 May 1960 Blackpooldeath20


Father: Randolph Haworth

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Pickup

Florence Haworth - 1862 to 1953

Birth: 28 Apr 1862 Touchet, Walla Walla, Washington, USAbirth21

Death: 13 Jun 1953 Shasta County, California, USAdeath21


Father: Job Scott Hayworth

Mother: Elizabeth Burris Thornburgh

Florence Nightingale Haworth - 1891 to 1956

Birth: 3 Aug 1891 Blackburn, Lancashire, Englandbirth22

Death: Aug 1956 Amounderness, Lancashire, Englanddeath22


Father: Joseph Haworth

Mother: Mary Ann Nightingale

Florence Haworth - 1899 to 1998

Birth: 6 Oct 1899 Clitheroe Lancashire Englandbirth23

Death: 8 Jan 1998 Spring Valley, San Diego, California, USAdeath23


Father: William Thomas Haworth

Mother: Annie Reece

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