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Results for "Florence Hagle"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Florence Hagle - 1922 to 2000

Birth: 11 Dec 1922 North Dakotabirth0

Death: 3 Jan 2000 Cooperstown, Griggs County, North Dakota, USAdeath0


Father: Henry William Hagle

Mother: Anna Ingibrigtsdtr Bakke

Florence J Hagle - 1880 to 1968

Birth: 23 Aug 1880 Oxford, Oakland, Michigan, USAbirth1

Death: Jul 1968 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Peter Noblet Hagle

Mother: Martha Nora L. Starring

Florence Gertrude Woodman Hagle - 1883 to 1958

Birth: 28 Jan 1883 Toronto, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 16 April 1958 Essondale, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canadadeath2


Father: Nathaniel Francis Hagel

Mother: Susan Adeline Summers

Florence V Hagle - 1921 to 1996

Birth: 6 September 1921 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisbirth3

Death: 19 Jul 1996 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: William Hagle

Mother: Eleanor Veronica Brown

Florence Lenora Hagle - 1889 to 1972

Birth: 1 Apr 1889 Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, USAbirth4

Death: 23 Jun 1972 Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington, USAdeath4


Father: Andrew H Hagle

Mother: Laura Ellen Ella Reynolds

Florence Hagle - 1924 to 1924

Birth: 12 May 1924

Death: 14 May 1924


Father: Willis Bartrand Hagle

Mother: Olive Margaret Thomas

Florence Hagle - 1924 to 1924

Birth: 12 May 1924

Death: 14 May 1924


Father: Willis Bartrand Hagle

Mother: Olive Margaret Thomas

Florence Hagle - 1924 to 1924

Birth: 12 May 1924

Death: 14 May 1924


Father: Willis Bartrand Hagle

Mother: Olive Margaret Thomas

Florence E Hagle - 1874

Birth: 1874 Coventry, Warwickshire, Englandbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Florence Hagle - 1891

Birth: 1891 Louisianabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Florence Hagle - 1886

Birth: 24 Jan 1886

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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