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Results for "Ferdinand Haseker"

1 - 25 of 32 Records
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Ferdinand John Boseker - 1889 to 1972

Birth: 8 Jan 1889 Coburg, Bayern, Germanybirth0

Death: 25 Jun 1972 Ludington City, Mason, Michigandeath0


Father: Johann Georg Bosseckerdt

Mother: Rosina Müller

Ferdinand Haderer - 1929 to 1997

Birth: 29.05.1929 Lockenhaus, Burgenland, Österreichbirth1

Death: 27.06.1997 Wien, Österreichdeath1


Father: Adolf Haderer

Mother: Maria Mayerhofer

Ferdinand August Häseker - 1897 to 1971

Birth: 21 MAR 1897 Nordelbirth2

Death: 1 JUN 1971 Nordeldeath2


Father: Heinrich Ferdinand Häseker

Mother: Sophie Caroline Beckschebe

Ferdinand Ludwig HÄSEKER - 1863 to 1931

Birth: 12 OCT 1863 Wehe Nr.201 (109) = Rahdenbirth3

Death: 24 NOV 1931


Father: Heinrich Ludewig HÄSEKER

Mother: Marie Sophie STRIEBECK

Ferdinand Heinrich Haberer - 1897 to 1985

Birth: 26 Nov 1897 Hay, Huron, Ontario, Canadabirth4

Death: 15 Aug 1985 Zurich, Ontario, Canadadeath4


Father: Jacob Haberer

Mother: Susanna Deichert

Ferdinand Haberer - 1909 to 1969

Birth: 20 JUN 1909 Crofton, Knox Co., NE.birth5

Death: 20 FEB 1969 Waterloo, IA.death5


Father: Joseph Leonard Haberer

Mother: Clara Biernbaum

Ferdinand Häseker - 1897

Birth: 9 Feb 1897 Lavelsloh, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilhelm Ludwig Häseker

Mother: Caroline Louise Haseker

Ferdinand Haberer - 1827 to 1910

Birth: 17 Oct 1827 Germanybirth7

Death: after 1910


Father: John Haberer

Mother: Anna Haberer

Ferdinand Aloyse Haberer - 1902 to 1975

Birth: 31 01 1902 Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth8

Death: 25 07 1975 Moselle, Lorraine, Francedeath8


Father: Julius Haberer

Mother: Marie-Antoinette Josâephine Weiser

Ferdinand Hermann Heinrich HÄSEKER - 1898 to 1900

Birth: 26 DEC 1898 Essern, Nienburgbirth9

Death: 5 MAR 1900 Essern, Nienburgdeath9


Father: Heinrich Wilhelm HÄSEKER

Mother: Caroline Dorothee Friederike KNÜPLING

Ferdinand W. Haecker - 1913 to 1984

Birth: 19 Jun 1913 Cibolo, Texas, USAbirth10

Death: 2 Jan 1984 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: August Andreas Haecker

Mother: Bertha Schneider

Ferdinand Ludwig Häseker - 1887

Birth: 18 März 1887 Bohnhorst, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Heinrich Wilhelm Häseker

Mother: Caroline Louise Quellhors??

Ferdinand Hasker - 1904

Birth: 1904 Illinois, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: James Uriah Hollis

Mother: Eliza Summers Smith

Ferdinand Haberer - 1833

Birth: 16 Aug 1833

Death: Not Available


Father: Bejnjamin Haberer

Mother: Magdalena (Matel) Haberer

Ferdinand-Louis Häseker - 1871 to 1872

Birth: 20 OCT 1871 Nordelbirth14

Death: 2 MAR 1872 Nordeldeath14


Father: Heinrich-Ludewig Häseker

Mother: Catharine-Wilhelmine Stegemeier

Ferdinand Haberer - 1841 to 1841

Birth: 06 Dec 1841 Sermersheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth15

Death: 21 Dec 1841 Sermersheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francedeath15


Father: Jean Haberer

Mother: Marie Anne Risser

Ferdinand Bernhard Adolf Haeseler - 1890

Birth: 26 OCT 1890 Hannover, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Carl Haeseler

Mother: Marie Emilie ELISE Wolff

Ferdinand Hadeler

Birth: Unknown

Death: Unknown


Father: Johann Peter Hadeler

Mother: Anna Catharina Steinmetz

Ferdinand Hadeler

Birth: Unknown

Death: Unknown


Father: Johann Peter Hadeler

Mother: Anna Catharina Steinmetz

Ferdinand Hadeler - 1873

Birth: Jan 1873 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry Hadeler

Mother: Rebecka Eydine

Ferdinand Haberer - 1833

Birth: 14 Mar 1833 Sermersheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: François Michael Haberer

Mother: Maria Magdalena Andlauer

Ferdinand Haberer - 1844

Birth: 17 Dec 1844 Sermersheim, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Haberer

Mother: Marie Madelaine Jehl

Ferdinand Haecker - 1913 to 1984

Birth: 19 Jun 1913 Cibolo, Guadalupe, Texas, USAbirth22

Death: 2 Jan 1984 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ferdinand Haberer - 1827

Birth: 17 Oct 1827 Germanybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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