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Results for "Ferdinand Harrington"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Ferdinand Finney Harrington - 1869 to 1932

Birth: 18 Nov 1869 St. Louis, MObirth0

Death: 8 Feb 1932 Richmond, VAdeath0


Father: Eugene C. Harrington

Mother: Harriet Edwards

Ferdinand M "Ferd" Harrington - 1862 to 1910

Birth: Jul 1862 Missouribirth1

Death: 1910


Father: Dempsey A Harrington

Mother: Sarah Higgins

Ferdinand Baldwin Harrington - 1906 to 1995

Birth: 21 Nov 1906 Norfolk, Independent Cities, Virginia, USAbirth2

Death: 11 Feb 1995 Westminster Canterbury, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach City, Virginia, United States of America


Father: Ferdinand Finney Harrington

Mother: Anna Victoria Baldwin

Ferdinand Harrington - 1585

Birth: 1585 Huyton by Roby, Lancashirebirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Percival Harrington / Herington

Mother: Ursula Twyford

Ferdinand Harrington - 1863

Birth: 1863

Death: Not Available


Father: Dempsey A Harrington

Mother: Sarah Higgins

Ferdinand Baldwin Harrington - 1907 to 1997

Birth: abt 1907 Norfolk, Virginiabirth5

Death: 1997 Norfolk, Virginiadeath5


Father: James Harrington

Mother: Not Available

Ferdinand Harrington - 1880 to 1973

Birth: abt 1880 Swedenbirth6

Death: 22 May 1973 Bellingham, Washington, USAdeath6


Father: Jakob Carlson

Mother: Not Available

Ferdinand Harrington - 1839

Birth: abt 1839 New York, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ferdinand Harrington

Birth: Not Available Canadabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ferdinand Finney Harrington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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