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Results for "Felix Quinterod"

1 - 25 of 196 Records
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Felix Quintero - 1835 to 1880

Birth: abt 1835 Mexicobirth0

Death: 26 Abr 1880 Linares, Nuevo León, Méxicodeath0


Father: José Maria Quintero

Mother: Candelaria Torres

Félix Quintard - 1777 to 1853

Birth: 19 NOV 1777 Ménigoute (Les Boucault), Code postal=79340 Code INSEE=79176, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes, Francebirth1

Death: 16 APR 1853 Ménigoute, Code postal=79340 Code INSEE=79176, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes, Francedeath1


Father: Étienne Quintard

Mother: Marie BOURDET

Feliz Quintero - 1926 to 1992

Birth: Feb. 6, 1926 Graytown Texas Wilson Countybirth2

Death: 4 April 1992 Morrilton, AR buried in Arkansas


Father: Gilberto Quintero

Mother: Micaela Tejeda

Félix Quintero - 1905 to 1906

Birth: 11 Jun 1905 Bolaños, Jalisco, Méxicobirth3

Death: 22 Abr 1906 Colatlán, Jalisco, Méxicodeath3


Father: Fermín Quintera

Mother: Maria Felix Garcia

Felix (Jose) Quintero - 1868 to 1868

Birth: 10 JUL 1868 Jerez de García Salinas, Zacatecas Mexicobirth4

Death: 20 Jul 1868 García, Zacatecas, Méxicodeath4


Father: Pioquinto Quintero

Mother: María Ventura López

Felix Quintero - 1896

Birth: 7 Jun 1896 Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, USAbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Ruperto Quintero

Mother: Inez Quintero

Felix Quintero - 1844

Birth: 1844 Tordesillas

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexandro Guintero

Mother: Maria Romera

Felix Mercado Quintero - 1897

Birth: 23 Jun 1897 Calamba, Laguna, Philippinesbirth7

Death: Not Available Calamba, Laguna, Philippinesdeath7


Father: Pantaleon Quintero

Mother: Soledad Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

Felix Quinteros

Birth: 12

Death: 15 Marzo 1901 Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Méxicodeath8


Father: Exignio Quintero

Mother: Brigida Vazquez

Felix Quinteros - 1857 to 1903

Birth: 1857

Death: 10 Jun 1903 Juanacatlán, Jalisco, Méxicodeath9


Father: Juan Quinteros

Mother: Maria Gonzalez

Felix Quintero - 1915 to 1995

Birth: 1915

Death: 10 Oct 1995 Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Méxicodeath10


Father: Felix Quinteros

Mother: María Gracia

Felix Quintero - 1852

Birth: about 1852 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexicobirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Calisto Quintero

Mother: Juana Bretado

Felix Quintero - 1905

Birth: 15 Mayo 1905 Arteaga, Coahuila, Méxicobirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Gregorio Quintero

Mother: Manuela Luna

Felix Quintero - 1889

Birth: 31 Marzo 1889 Platanar, Jalisco, Méxicobirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Nicolas Quintero

Mother: Refugio Gaitan

Felix Quintero - 1872

Birth: 10 Jul 1872 Mascota, Jalisco, Méxicobirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Refugio Quintero

Mother: Anastacio Ramirez

Felix Quintero - 1892

Birth: 20 Nov 1892 Sayula, Jalisco, Méxicobirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Josefa Lopez

Mother: Refugio Ibánez

Felix Quintero - 1949 to 1989

Birth: 18 jan 1949 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexicobirth16

Death: 20 jan 1989 Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexicodeath16


Father: Julio Quintero Díaz

Mother: Ofelia Cruz Olivarez

Felix Quintero - 1928 to 1932

Birth: 1928

Death: 26 Jul 1932 Santa Cruz de las Flores, Jalisco, Méxicodeath17


Father: Firzo Quintero

Mother: MA Leonor Gomez

Felix Quintero - 1891

Birth: 18 May 1891 Bachigualato, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexicobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Caciano Quintero

Mother: Not Available

Felix Rogers Quintero - 1915 to 1988

Birth: 22 Jan 1915 Cosman, Texasbirth19

Death: 16 Nov 1988 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USAdeath19


Father: Felixicano R Quintero

Mother: Not Available

Felix Quintero - 1954 to 2010

Birth: 07/06/1954 Durango Mexicobirth20

Death: 06/06/2010 Redwood City Californiadeath20


Father: Alberto Quintero

Mother: Not Available

Felix Quintero - 1954 to 2009

Birth: 1954 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USAbirth21

Death: 2009 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Félix Quintero - 1850

Birth: 1850 Tamazula, Durango, Mexicobirth22

Death: Not Available Tamazula, Durango, Mexicodeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felix Quintero

Birth: Not Available Canary island Spain birth23

Death: Not Available Havana Cuba death23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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