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Results for "Felix Beltran"

1 - 25 of 116 Records

Felix Obispo Beltran - 1907 to 1985

Birth: 21 Feb 1907 Californiabirth0

Death: February 23, 1985 Ventura County, California, USAdeath0


Father: Cornelio Cypriano Beltran y Acuna

Mother: "Angelita" Ortega

Felix Obispo Beltran - 1907 to 1985

Birth: 21 Feb 1907 Californiabirth1

Death: February 23, 1985 Ventura County, California, USAdeath1


Father: Cornelio Cypriano Beltran y Acuna

Mother: "Angelita" Ortega

Felix F Beltran

Birth: Not Available Poteet, TXbirth2

Death: 22Dec Round Rock txdeath2


Father: Felix Beltran

Mother: Ysabel Flores

Felix Beltran - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 20 Nov 1887 San Jose, Bajio De San Jose, Jalisco, Mexicobirth3

Death: 12 Dic 1975 Matanzas, Jalisco, Méxicodeath3


Father: Felipe Beltran

Mother: Tomasa Martinez Alonzo

Felix Beltran - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 20 Nov 1887 San Jose, Bajio De San Jose, Jalisco, Mexicobirth4

Death: 12 Dic 1975 Matanzas, Jalisco, Méxicodeath4


Father: Felipe Beltran

Mother: Tomasa Martinez Alonzo

Felix Beltran - 1941

Birth: 28 Aug 1941 Travis, Texas, USAbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Felix F Beltran

Mother: Lydia Domingus

Felix Beltran - 1817

Birth: abt 1817 Charcas, San Luis Potosí, Mexicobirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Juan Jose Beltran

Mother: Catarina de la Rosa

Felix Beltran - 1873

Birth: 1873 Cubiri, Sinaloa, Sinaloa, Méxicobirth7

Death: Muerto Cubiri, Sinaloa, Sinaloadeath7


Father: Enrique Beltrán

Mother: Antonia Bojorquez

Felix Louis Beltran - 1923 to 1992

Birth: 26 May 1923

Death: 22 sept 1992


Father: Jesus Joseph Beltran

Mother: Martha Herrera

Felix Beltran - 1855

Birth: abt 1855 Macoyahui, Sonora, Mexicobirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Juan Beltrán

Mother: Maria Guadalupe Gil Samaniego

Felix Beltran - 1870

Birth: 1870

Death: Not Available Jala, Tamazula, Durango, Mexicodeath10


Father: Pedro Beltran

Mother: Maria Magdalena Barraza

Felix Lopez Beltran - 1926 to 1991

Birth: 21 Oct 1926 Douglas, Cochise, Arizonabirth11

Death: 11 May 1991 Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles, Californiadeath11


Father: Jose Beltran

Mother: Rafaela Lopez

Felix Beltran - 1908

Birth: abt 1908 Mexicobirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Pascual BELTRAN

Mother: Gregoria PALACIOS

Felix Beltran - 1892

Birth: 31 Marzo 1892 Ocotlan, Jalisco, Méxicobirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Demecio Beltran

Mother: Maria Ladislao Gutierrez

Felix Beltran - 1908

Birth: abt 1908 Mexicobirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Pascual BELTRAN

Mother: Gregoria PALACIOS

Felix Beltran - 1887

Birth: 31 Mar Abt 1887 Coquimatlán, Colima, Méxicobirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Bernardino Beltran

Mother: Crescenciana Romero

Felix Beltran - 1868

Birth: 31 Mar 1868 Independencia, Michoacán, Méxicobirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Alejo Beltran

Mother: Ramona Moran

Felix Beltran - 1903

Birth: 31 Mar Abt 1903 los Remedios, Durango, Méxicobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Cartolio Beltran

Mother: Maria Higinia Lopez

Felix Beltran - 1874

Birth: 1874

Death: Not Available


Father: Pebiona Beltran

Mother: Coriaca Lopez

Felix Beltran - 1885 to 1912

Birth: 21 Feb 1885 Moca, Puerto Ricobirth19

Death: 26 Jun 1912 Moca, Puerto Ricodeath19


Father: Vicente Rivera

Mother: Isabel Beltran Y Ramos De Rivera

Felix Beltran - 1946 to 1949

Birth: 1946

Death: 22 Mar 1949 Cuencamé, Durango, Méxicodeath20


Father: Francisco Beltran

Mother: Felipa Montelongo

Felix Beltran - 1839 to 1905

Birth: 1839

Death: 2 Nov 1905 Candelaria, Cuscatlán, El Salvadordeath21


Father: Nieves Beltran

Mother: Florencia Vasquez

Felix Beltran - 1875 to 1882

Birth: 1875

Death: 25 Mayo 1882 Zacatecas, Méxicodeath22


Father: Natividad Beltran

Mother: Maximiana Losano

Felix Beltran - 1888 to 1977

Birth: 20 Nov 1888 Encinal, La Salle, Texas, USAbirth23

Death: 31 Dec 1977 Round Rock, Williamson, Texas, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felix Beltran - 1932

Birth: 1932 Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuadorbirth24

Death: Not Available Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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