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Results for "Felipa Quintero"

1 - 25 of 120 Records

Felipa Quintero - 1847 to 1877

Birth: 1847 Navidad, Mascota, Jalisco, Mexicobirth0

Death: 3 Sep 1877 Navidad, Mascota, Jalisco, Mexicodeath0


Father: Olayo Quintero

Mother: Maria Concepcion Ruiz

Felipa Quintero - 1864 to 1928

Birth: abt 1864 San Martin de Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexicobirth1

Death: 16 May 1928 Tenamaxtlán, Jalisco, Méxicodeath1



Mother: Maria Nuño

Felipa Quintero - 1864

Birth: 1864 Cimarrón Chico, Mascota, Jalisco, Mexicobirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: Quintero

Mother: Juana Quintero

Felipa Quintero - 1889 to 1914

Birth: 1889

Death: 18 May 1914 Ecuandureo, Michoacán, Méxicodeath3


Father: Felipe Quintero

Mother: María Cenona García

Felipa Quintero - 1899

Birth: Mar 1899 Texasbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Phillipia Quintaro

Mother: Refugia Cisneros

Felipa Quintero - 1877 to 1877

Birth: 1877

Death: 6 Jul 1877 Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Méxicodeath5


Father: Manuel Quintero

Mother: Wenceslao Reyna

Felipa Quintero - 1942 to 1942

Birth: 1942

Death: 5 September 1942 Juchipila, Zacatecas, Mexicodeath6


Father: Jose Jesus Quintero Llamas

Mother: Maria Santos Zataray

Felipa Quintero - 1870 to 1900

Birth: 1870

Death: 23 Dic 1900 San Juan del Teul, Zacatecas, Méxicodeath7


Father: Dionicio Quintero

Mother: Santos Rivera

Felipa Quintero - 1923

Birth: 1923

Death: Not Available


Father: Arcadio Quintero

Mother: María Ruíz

Felipa Quintero - 1873

Birth: 1873

Death: Not Available


Father: Luís Quíntero

Mother: Antonína Hernandez

Felipa Quintero - 1904

Birth: 1904

Death: Not Available


Father: Isidro Quintero

Mother: Calletaria Valdez

Felipa Quintero - 1902

Birth: 1902

Death: Not Available


Father: Bacilio Quintero

Mother: Alejandra Guerra

Felipa Quintero - 1888

Birth: 1888

Death: Not Available


Father: Agustin Quintero

Mother: Ysabel Garcia

Felipa Quintero - 1892

Birth: 1892

Death: Not Available


Father: Margarito

Mother: Porfiria Munos

Felipa Quintero - 1866 to 1938

Birth: 1866

Death: 8 Sep 1938 Jiménez, Chihuahua, Méxicodeath14


Father: Dolores Quintera

Mother: Refugio Moreno

Felipa Quintero - 1937 to 1937

Birth: 1937

Death: 6 Jun 1937 la Reforma, Coahuila, Méxicodeath15


Father: Matias Quintero Zapata

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero - 1830 to 1910

Birth: 1830

Death: 23 Jun 1910 Victoria, Cabañas, El Salvadordeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Teresa Quintero

Felipa Quintero - 1880

Birth: 1880 Jalisco, Mexicobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Cresaco Quintero

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero

Birth: Not Available Los Mayos, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Méxicobirth18

Death: Not Available Los Mayos, Culiacán, Sinaloa, Méxicodeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero - 1861 to 1931

Birth: 1861

Death: 12 Feb 1931 Durango, Durango, Méxicodeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero - 1928

Birth: 23 Dic 1928 Doctor Arroyo, Nuevo León, Méxicobirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero

Birth: Not Available Mexicobirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero - 1821 to 1867

Birth: 1821

Death: 1867


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero - 1870 to 1891

Birth: 1870

Death: 1891


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felipa Quintero

Birth: Not Available Mexicobirth24

Death: Not Available Mexicodeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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