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Results for "Felicien Hanchard"

1 - 25 of 35 Records
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Felicita Blanchard - 1857 to 1893

Birth: Abt. 1857 Yamaska, Québec, Canadabirth0

Death: 1893 St-David d'Yamaska, Québec, Canadadeath0


Father: Basile Blanchard

Mother: Agathe Potvin

Félicien Blanchard - 1872

Birth: 4 Août 1872 Paris Sur Le Troisième Arrondissement, Francebirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Célestin Blanchard

Mother: Marie Villain

Felicie Blanchard - 1885 to 1932

Birth: abt 1885 Louisianabirth2

Death: 30 Dec 1932 Louisianadeath2


Father: Joseph Ademar Berard

Mother: Marie Arsene Arcenne Dugas

Felicite Blanchard - 1770 to 1819

Birth: 6 Dec 1770 St James Church, Jackson, Louisiana, United Statesbirth3

Death: 28 Jan 1819 Stjames, Stjames, Louisiana, United Statesdeath3


Father: Joseph Bourgeois

Mother: Anne Esther Bourgeois

Félicien Joseph Hanchard - 1833 to 1833

Birth: 21.02.1833 Walhain-St-Paulbirth4

Death: 27 .03.1833 Walhain-St-Pauldeath4


Father: Noël Joseph Hanchart

Mother: Marie Françoise Piérard

Felicite Blanchard - 1854 to 1921

Birth: 22 MAR 1854 Gloucester, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canadabirth5

Death: 1921 Caraquet, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canadadeath5


Father: Jean Louis (Mi'kmaq) BLANCHARD

Mother: Eugénie Boudreau

Felicite Blanchard - 1750

Birth: 26 SEP 1750 Annapolis Royal, Acadia, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Blanchard dit Levron

Mother: Marie Forest

Felicite BLANCHARD - 1750

Birth: 1750 Port Royal, Acadia, NSbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Marie Forest

Mother: Charles Blanchard dit Levron

Feliciane Blanchard - 1872

Birth: May 14, 1872 Breaux Bridge, St Martin, Louisiana, USAbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Marin Drauzin BLANCHARD

Mother: Feliciane Combe COHEM

Felicity Blanchard - 1906

Birth: abt 1906 Louisianabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Paul Theodore Blanchard

Mother: Eva Percle

Felicie Celestine GAUCHARD - 1835 to 1915

Birth: 27 Jan 1835 Charray, Eure et Loir, Francebirth10

Death: Bef. 15 Oct 1915 Neauphle le Vieux, France


Father: Louis Jean Baptiste GAUCHARD

Mother: Clemence Virginie DURAND

Felicie Blanchard - 1850

Birth: 23 JUL 1850 Klotzville, Louisianna.USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Clément Neuville Blanchard

Mother: Marie Louise Felicitee Savoy

Felicité BLANCHARD - 1783

Birth: 3 MAY 1783 Folembray,02670,Aisne,Picardie,FRANCEbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Claude BLANCHARD

Mother: Marie Suzanne FILLIEUX

Felician Blanchard - 1900

Birth: 07 Mar 1900 Cecilia, St Martin, Louisiana, USAbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Adrien Blanchard

Mother: Cecile Leblanc

Felicien Blanchard - 1856

Birth: 8 APR 1856

Death: Not Available


Father: August Blanchard

Mother: Clothilde Clemence Theriot

Felicien Blanchard - 1856

Birth: 8 APR 1856

Death: Not Available


Father: August Blanchard

Mother: Clothilde Clemence Theriot

Felicien Blanchard - 1856

Birth: 8 APR 1856

Death: Not Available


Father: August Blanchard

Mother: Clothilde Clemence Theriot

Félicien Joseph Hanchart - 1851

Birth: 16.01.1851 Walhain-St-Paulbirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Henri Joseph Hanchard

Mother: MarieThérèse Defrenne

Felicité Blanchard

Birth: Not Available

Death: Août 1871 Latillé, Haute-Vienne, Francedeath18


Father: Jacques Blanchard

Mother: Not Available

Felicie Blanchard - 1876

Birth: Jul 1876 Louisiana, United Statesbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Alexie/Alexis Blanchard

Mother: Not Available

Felicite G Blanchard - 1835 to 1913

Birth: 28 Nov 1835 Francebirth20

Death: 24 Jul 1913 San Diego, San Diego, California, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felicie Blanchard - 1841

Birth: 29 JUN 1841 Vénérieu, 38532, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, Francebirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felicien Alyhouse Blanchard - 1883 to 1943

Birth: 31 Jul 1883 Francebirth22

Death: Mar 1943 Holborn, London, Englanddeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Felicite Blanchard - 1824

Birth: ABT 1824 Saint Jerome, Terrebonne, Quebec, Canadabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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