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Results for "Feliciano Quintero"

1 - 25 of 70 Records

Feliciano Quintero - 1868 to 1956

Birth: Jun 1868 Navidad, Mascota, Jalisco, Mexicobirth0

Death: 19 Abr 1956 Navidad, Jalisco, Méxicodeath0


Father: Tiburcio Quintero Cueto

Mother: Dionisia Arce

Feliciano Quintero - 1868 to 1956

Birth: Jun 1868 Navidad, Mascota, Jalisco, Mexicobirth1

Death: 19 Abr 1956 Navidad, Jalisco, Méxicodeath1


Father: Tiburcio Quintero Cueto

Mother: Dionisia Arce

Feliciano Quintero - 1922 to 1925

Birth: 25 Mayo 1922 La Cuesta, Jalisco, Méxicobirth2

Death: 3 Mayo 1925 Mascota, Jalisco, Méxicodeath2


Father: Valente Quintero

Mother: Hermelinda López

Feliciano Quintero - 1785

Birth: Abt. 1785 Jerez De Garcia Salinas, Zacatecas Mexicobirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Ubaldo (Juan) Quintero

Mother: Simona Gertrudis Arriasola

Feliciano Quintero - 1873 to 1923

Birth: 1873

Death: 19 Sep 1923 México, Distrito Federal, Méxicodeath4


Father: Dolores Quintero

Mother: Cipriana Quintero

Feliciano Quintero - 1848 to 1894

Birth: 1848

Death: 4 Enero 1894 Guadalcázar, San Luis Potosi, Méxicodeath5


Father: Candido Quintero

Mother: Lucia Saldaña

Feliciano Quintero - 1922

Birth: 10 Jun 1922 Alvarez, Colima, Méxicobirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Maria Ismael Quintero

Mother: Margarita Delgado

Feliciano Quintero - 1932 to 1995

Birth: 1 November 1932 Texasbirth7

Death: 28 October 1995 Bexar, Texasdeath7


Father: Trinidad Quintero

Mother: Sofia Casas

Feliciano Quintero - 1877

Birth: 1877 Pueblo Viejo, Moyahua, Zacatecasbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Gregorio Quintero

Mother: MA Brigida Magallan

Feliciano Quintero - 1877 to 1878

Birth: 1877

Death: 26 Jun 1878 México, Distrito Federal, Méxicodeath9


Father: Felipe Quintero

Mother: Juana Ramirez

Feliciano Quintero - 1892 to 1916

Birth: 1892

Death: Ago 1916 Tarandacuao, Guanajuato, Méxicodeath10


Father: Isabel Quintero

Mother: MA Jesús Gurrero

Female IconMale Icon

Feliciano Quintero - 1830

Birth: 1830

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacinto Quintero

Mother: MA. Josefa Carrillo

Female IconMale Icon

Feliciano Quintero - 1806

Birth: 1806

Death: Not Available


Father: Meledro Quintero

Mother: Feliciana Sifuentes

Feliciano Quintero - 1903

Birth: 1903

Death: Not Available


Father: Francesco Quintero

Mother: Teodora Jadraque

Feliciano Quintero - 1883

Birth: 1883

Death: Not Available


Father: Antonio Quintero

Mother: Victoriana Rodriguez

Feliciano Quintero - 1849 to 1909

Birth: abt 1849

Death: 28 Ene 1909 San Buenaventura, Coahuila, Méxicodeath15


Father: Ramon Quintero

Mother: Maria Luisa Garcia

Female IconMale Icon

Feliciano Quintero - 1858

Birth: 1858

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: MA Eziquia Bojorges

Feliciano Quintero - 1883 to 1899

Birth: 1883

Death: 25 Feb 1899 Huejotzingo, Puebla, Méxicodeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Maria Gonsales

Feliciano Quintero - 1861

Birth: 2 Nov 1861 Xicoténcatl, Tamaulipas, Méxicobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Dolores Quintero

Feliciano Quintero - 1927

Birth: 20 Oct 1927 Autlán, Jalisco, Méxicobirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Pragedis Cabrera

Feliciano Quintero - 1893

Birth: Abt 1893 Talpa de Allende, Jalisco, Méxicobirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Andrea García

Feliciano Quintero - 1770

Birth: Aproximadamente 1770 Guanajuato, Méxicobirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Feliciano Quintero - 1852 to 1892

Birth: 1852

Death: 3 Enero 1892 Amanalco, México, Méxicodeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Feliciano Quintero

Birth: Not Available Jalisco, Mexicobirth23

Death: Not Available Jalisco, Mexicodeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Feliciano Quintero - 1770

Birth: Aproximadamente 1770 Guanajuato, Méxicobirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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