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Results for "Faye Hardy"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Faye Anne Hardy - 1937 to 2006

Birth: 23 Dec 1937 Mount Union, Huntingdon, Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 9 Jan 2006 Carmel, Hamilton, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Franklin Hardy

Mother: Olive Larue Ramsey

Faye T Hardy - 1907 to 1995

Birth: 11 May 1907 Carthage, Hancock, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: March 1995 Carthage, Hancock, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: Thomas Lee Hardy

Mother: Mary M Davison

Faye Hardy - 1900 to 1983

Birth: 04 Dec 1900 Bremen Indianabirth2

Death: 4 Jul 1983 Michigandeath2


Father: Leander J Hardy

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Eckert

Faye Ethel Hardy - 1912 to 1993

Birth: 18 Sept 1912 Frederick Oklahomabirth3

Death: 11 Jun 1993 Oklahoma City, Cleveland, Oklahomadeath3


Father: James Lorenzo Hardy

Mother: Lydia Ann Dubois

Faye Ruth Hardy - 1933 to 2014

Birth: December 5, 1933 Tennessee, USAbirth4

Death: 26 April 2014 Madison, Davidson County, Tennessee, USAdeath4


Father: Edward K Hardy

Mother: Mamie Ruth Hale

Faye Hardy - 1933 to 1980

Birth: 18 Mar 1933 Newton, Texasbirth5

Death: 24 Jan 1980 Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, United Statesdeath5


Father: Thomas Wesley Hardy

Mother: Anna Maude Adams

Faye Hardy - 1940

Birth: abt 1940 Alabamabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: James Thomas Hardy

Mother: Bessie Mae Horton

Faye Lula Hardy - 1891 to 1990

Birth: 16 APR 1891 Bloomfield, Davis County, Iowabirth7

Death: 8 Nov 1990


Father: Thomas H. Hardy

Mother: Mary Mollie Dilliner

Faye Katherine Hardy - 1942 to 2014

Birth: 24 Jul 1942 Watauga County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 8 Apr 2014 Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Bynum Jack Hardy

Mother: Mary Nora Moody

Faye Annette HARDY - 1943 to 1990

Birth: 7 Apr 1943 Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregonbirth9

Death: 20 May 1990 Multnomah Co., Oregondeath9


Father: Donald Marion Hardy

Mother: Anne Amelia Stoughton

Faye Hardy - 1900 to 1983

Birth: Dec 04, 1900 Bremen Indianabirth10

Death: Jul 04, 1983 Michigandeath10


Father: Leander J Hardy

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Eckert

Faye Hardy - 1951 to 2017

Birth: 4 Sep 1951 unknown

Death: 11 Apr 2017 West Fargo, Cass, North Dakota, USAdeath11


Father: Leonard Wayne Hardy

Mother: Doris Ann Stonebreaker

Faye Hardy - 1942 to 2002

Birth: 28 Feb 1942 Calhoun, Alabamabirth12

Death: 25 Nov 2002


Father: James Walter Hardy

Mother: Nora Lee Nolan

Faye Taylor Hardy - 1940 to 2018

Birth: 19 Jul 1940

Death: 13 Mar 2018


Father: Raymond Taylor Hardy

Mother: Jimmie Margaret Smith

Faye Hardy - 1951 to 1951

Birth: 1951

Death: 1951


Father: Vestal Hollingsworth Hardy

Mother: Frances Monahan

Faye Bessie Hardy - 1917 to 2012

Birth: 6/14/1917 Cement, Caddo, Oklahomabirth15

Death: 10/27/2012 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahomadeath15


Father: Not Available

Mother: Sophrina "Janie" (Hardy) Hobbs

Faye Hardy - 1930

Birth: 1930 Oconee, Georgiabirth16

Death: Not Available Gainesville, Hall, Georgiadeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Faye Hardy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Faye Hardy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Faye Hardy

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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