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Results for "Farley Hargis"

1 - 25 of 313 Records
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Arkley L Harris - 1879 to 1962

Birth: abt 1879 Tennesseebirth0

Death: 06 Feb 1962 Madill, Marshall Co., OKdeath0


Father: Henry Harris

Mother: Louisa E Harris

Earley Daniel Harris - 1872 to 1927

Birth: Jul 1872 Georgiabirth1

Death: 4 Aug 1927 Avondale Estates, DeKalb, Georgia, United Statesdeath1


Father: WILLIAM Fleming Harris

Mother: Martha Caroline Payne

Harley M Harris - 1910 to 1977

Birth: 01 Dec 1910 La Farge, Vernon Co.WIsconsinbirth2

Death: 16 Feb 1977 Racine, Wisconsin, USAdeath2


Father: James W. Harris

Mother: Berkie Gift Richard

Arkley L Harris - 1879 to 1962

Birth: abt 1879 Tennesseebirth3

Death: 06 Feb 1962 Madill, Marshall Co., OKdeath3


Father: Henry Harris

Mother: Louisa E Harris

Farley Harris - 1929 to 1998

Birth: 16 Nov 1929 Harlan, Kentucky, USAbirth4

Death: May 29,1998 Laurel County, Kentucky, USAdeath4


Father: Delbert Brownlee Harris

Mother: Susie Sudie Huff

Harley J. Harris - 1898 to 1970

Birth: 12 Aug 1898 Arkansas, USAbirth5

Death: Apr 1970 Ozark, Franklin Co., ARdeath5


Father: Milton Harris

Mother: Josephine Adams

Earley Nathan Harris - 1884 to 1977

Birth: 8 APR 1884 Dickson County Tennesseebirth6

Death: May 1977 White Bluff, Dickson, Tennessee, USAdeath6


Father: Loyd Favicius Harris

Mother: Isadora Eugenia McLaughlin

Arkley L Harris - 1879 to 1962

Birth: abt 1879 Tennesseebirth7

Death: 06 Feb 1962 Madill, Marshall Co., OKdeath7


Father: Henry Harris

Mother: Louisa E Harris

Harley M Harris - 1910 to 1977

Birth: 01 Dec 1910 La Farge, Vernon Co.WIsconsinbirth8

Death: 16 Feb 1977 Racine, Wisconsin, USAdeath8


Father: James W. Harris

Mother: Berkie Gift Richard

Parley Estes Harris - 1890 to 1950

Birth: 13 Oct 1890 Leeds, Washington Co., UTbirth9

Death: 15 AUG 1950 St George, Washington Co., UTdeath9


Father: William Silas Harris

Mother: Susanna "Susan" Adams

Harley Leo Harris - 1892 to 1975

Birth: 10 Oct 1892 Catawba, Marion, West Virginiabirth10

Death: 26 May 1975 Fairmont, Marion, West Virginia,death10


Father: Daniel Alvin Harris

Mother: Caroline Teresa Swisher

Harley Herold Harris - 1879 to 1936

Birth: abt 1879 Ohiobirth11

Death: 21 JUL 1936 Springfield, , Ohio, USAdeath11


Father: Euclid Quintus Harris

Mother: Malinda Emily Clark

Harley N Harris - 1915 to 1968

Birth: 21 Mar 1915 Yale, Oklahoma, USAbirth12

Death: 11 Feb 1968 Auburn, Placer, California, United States of Americadeath12


Father: William Harris

Mother: Nellie Francis Doughty

Parley Estes Harris - 1890 to 1950

Birth: 13 Oct 1890 Leeds, Washington Co., UTbirth13

Death: 15 AUG 1950 St George, Washington Co., UTdeath13


Father: William Silas Harris

Mother: Susanna "Susan" Adams

Arkley L Harris - 1879 to 1962

Birth: abt 1879 Tennesseebirth14

Death: 06 Feb 1962 Madill, Marshall Co., OKdeath14


Father: Henry Harris

Mother: Louisa E Harris

Earley Daniel Harris - 1872 to 1927

Birth: Jul 1872 Georgiabirth15

Death: 4 Aug 1927 Avondale Estates, DeKalb, Georgia, United Statesdeath15


Father: WILLIAM Fleming Harris

Mother: Martha Caroline Payne

Harley Howard Harris - 1890 to 1958

Birth: 24 Sep 1890 Marshall, Jackson County, West Virginia, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 19 Jan 1958 Columbus (Pt), Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: Henry Awise Harris

Mother: Mary Ellen Stewart

parley elbert harris - 1918 to 1999

Birth: 12 march 1918 unadilla nybirth17

Death: oo march 1999 delhi delaware nydeath17


Father: orville baldwin

Mother: Myrtle Sarah Harrison

Harley Francis Harris - 1885 to 1951

Birth: 4 Jan 1885 Olive, Noble, Ohiobirth18

Death: 31 May 1951 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath18


Father: John HARRIS **

Mother: Mary Emma Wells

Harley J Harris - 1910 to 1987

Birth: 21 Aug 1910 Grantsville, Calhoun, West Virginia, United States of Americabirth19

Death: 7 Aug 1987 Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: General Floyd Harris

Mother: Elizabeth Buxby

Harley Mack Harris - 1920 to 1997

Birth: 1 Mar 1920 Buffalo Near, South Carolinabirth20

Death: 23 Dec 1997 Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolina, USAdeath20


Father: Samuel Sylvester Harris

Mother: Bell Harris

Harley G. Harris - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 1909 Michiganbirth21

Death: 28 Sep 1986


Father: Alfred F. Harris

Mother: Margaret E Noble-Harris

Harley G. Harris - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 1909 Michiganbirth22

Death: 28 Sep 1986


Father: Alfred F. Harris

Mother: Margaret E Noble-Harris

arley harris - 1910 to 1995

Birth: 1910 Virginia, USAbirth23

Death: 1995 East Orange, New Jersey, USAdeath23


Father: George G Harris

Mother: Ann Hall

Parley Harris - 1788 to 1868

Birth: abt 1788 Connecticutbirth24

Death: 27 Dec 1868 Otego, Otsego, New Yorkdeath24


Father: Ebenezer King HARRIS

Mother: Lydia Washburn

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