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Results for "Fannie Harwell"

1 - 25 of 38 Records

Fannie Bell Harwell - 1896 to 1981

Birth: 7 Mar 1896 Loudon, Loudon Co., TNbirth0

Death: Jan 1981 Loudon, Loudon Co., TNdeath0


Father: "Marion" Harwell

Mother: Mary Caroline Humphreys

Fannie I Harwell - 1859 to 1911

Birth: abt 1859 Alabamabirth1

Death: 1911 Holdenville, Hughes Co., OKdeath1


Father: Samuel Warren Harwell

Mother: Martha Caroline Sharp

Fannie Katherine Harwell - 1923 to 2009

Birth: 1 Jul 1923 Alabamabirth2

Death: 18 April 2009 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabamadeath2


Father: George Claborn Harwell

Mother: Alice Edna Chesser

Fannie Harwell - 1894 to 1967

Birth: May 1894 Georgiabirth3

Death: 31 Oct 1967 Carrollton, Carroll County, Georgia, USAdeath3


Father: Joseph Brown Harwell

Mother: Mary A. Brassell

Fannie Harwell - 1894 to 1967

Birth: May 1894 Georgiabirth4

Death: 31 Oct 1967 Carrollton, Carroll County, Georgia, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Brown Harwell

Mother: Mary A. Brassell

Fannie Ernestine Harwell - 1903 to 1968

Birth: 31 Aug 1903 Elmo, Kaufman, Texas, USAbirth5

Death: 15,Feb,1968 Houston, Harris, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: James Kendrick Harwell

Mother: Laura Ann Duncan Huffman

Fannie Harwell - 1877 to 1952

Birth: abt 1877 North Carolinabirth6

Death: 5 April 1952 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolinadeath6


Father: Elbert Lawson Harwell

Mother: Rutha Jane Parker

Fannie Harwell - 1848 to 1893

Birth: 1848 Giles, Tennessee, United Statesbirth7

Death: 1893 Giles, Tennessee, United Statesdeath7


Father: Coleman Clayton Harwell

Mother: Marietta Virginia Burge

Fannie Ann Harwell - 1907 to 1972

Birth: 31 Jul 1907 Gaston Cobirth8

Death: 30 Nov 1972 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolinadeath8


Father: Marshall A. Harwell

Mother: Lillie Isabelle Heffner

Fannie Elizabeth Harwell - 1858 to 1942

Birth: 2 Mar 1858 North Carolinabirth9

Death: 17 Mar 1942 Caldwell, Catawba, North Carolinadeath9


Father: Watson A. Harwell

Mother: Barbara Abicail

Fannie (Frances) Ida Harwell - 1859 to 1911

Birth: approx. 1859 near Mobile, Alabamabirth10

Death: 1911


Father: Samuel Warren Harwell

Mother: Martha Caroline Sharp

Fannie Mayes Harwell - 1863 to 1919

Birth: 17 July 1863 Tennesseebirth11

Death: 19 July 1919


Father: Harbard Meade Harwell

Mother: Latishie Kila Young-Harwell

Fannie Alma Harwell - 1892 to 1987

Birth: 5 Nov 1892 Cottle, Texas, United Statesbirth12

Death: 8 Aug 1987 Butte, California, United Statesdeath12


Father: Seaborn Bartley Harwell

Mother: Nannie Ann Tatom

Fannie F Harwell - 1890

Birth: Dec 1890 Texasbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry J. Harwell

Mother: Era Florence Lemmon

Fannie Ruth Harwell - 1903 to 1904

Birth: 8 Aug 1903

Death: Oct 21, 1904 Shelby County, TXdeath14


Father: Joseph Franklin Harwell

Mother: Theo Docia Lambert

Fannie Mae Harwell - 1932 to 2012

Birth: 24 Nov 1932

Death: 27 Aug 2012


Father: Lloyd Phillips

Mother: Mary Adell Kilpatrick Phillips

Fannie E. Harwell - 1859

Birth: Dec 1859 Alabamabirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Warren Harwell

Mother: Amanda Palmer

Fannie Harwell - 1894 to 1967

Birth: May 1894 Georgiabirth17

Death: 31 Oct 1967 Carrollton, Carroll County, Georgia, USAdeath17


Father: Joseph Brown Harwell

Mother: Mary Ann Brassell

Fannie Harwell - 1894

Birth: abt 1894 Alabamabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: John F Harwell

Mother: Nancy Jane 'Nannie' Yarbrough

Fannie Harwell - 1867

Birth: Abt. 1867 Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Logan D Harwell

Mother: Esther Ann Ralston

Fannie Jane Harwell - 1835 to 1909

Birth: abt 1835 Georgiabirth20

Death: 1909 Troy, Pike, Alabama, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Fannie Edna Harwell - 1877 to 1965

Birth: 1877 Lincoln Co? Tnbirth21

Death: 1965 Lincoln Co B:Wright Cem Boonshill Tn


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Fannie Mae Harwell - 1894 to 1957

Birth: 16 Aug 1894 Logan County, Arkansas, USAbirth22

Death: 14 May 1957 Ventura, Californiadeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Fannie Harwell - 1903 to 1977

Birth: Aug 1903 CAbirth23

Death: 09 Jan 1977 CAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Fannie Harwell - 1862 to 1885

Birth: abt 1862 Arkansas, USAbirth24

Death: abt 1885 Arkansas, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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