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Results for "Fannie Hairston"

1 - 25 of 114 Records

Fannie Hairston - 1835 to 1920

Birth: Abt. 1835 Dan River, Pittsylvania County, Virginia, USAbirth0

Death: 29 Jul 1920 Henry County, Virginia, USAdeath0


Father: Cager Hairston

Mother: Mary Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1937 to 2010

Birth: 19 Dec 1937 Rockingham County, North Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: 9 May 2010


Father: James Phillip Tinsley

Mother: Chinester Blackstock

Fannie Hairston - 1937 to 2010

Birth: 19 Dec 1937 Rockingham County, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 9 May 2010


Father: James Phillip Tinsley

Mother: Chinester Blackstock

Fannie Hairston - 1907

Birth: 1907 Martinsville, Henry, Virginia, USAbirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: George Rendy Hairston

Mother: Julia Haiston



Death: Not Available


Father: James Byers Hairston

Mother: Martha Dunn



Death: Not Available


Father: James Byers Hairston

Mother: Martha Dunn

Fannie Freeman Hairston - 1878 to 1953

Birth: 25 Oct 1878 Lewisville, North Carolinabirth6

Death: 28 Mar 1953 Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolinadeath6


Father: William Freeman

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Scott

Fannie Hairston - 1864 to 1941

Birth: abt 1864 Davie, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 31 Dec 1941 Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Riley Hairston

Mother: Mary Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1893 to 1970

Birth: 13 Jan 1893 Franklin, Georgia, USAbirth8

Death: 1 Oct 1970 Boaz, Marshall, Alabamadeath8


Father: Alexander Lafayette Hairston

Mother: Catherine Cordelia Lipp

Fannie Hairston - 1840 to 1920

Birth: Dec 14, 1840 Beavercreek Plantation, Henry Co, Vabirth9

Death: 29 Jul 1920 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: Samuel Slickman Hairston

Mother: Mary Hairston

Fannie Bell Hairston - 1898 to 1986

Birth: 1898 Henry County, Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: Nov 1986


Father: James Hairston

Mother: Lucy U. (Millner) Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1881

Birth: 1881 Pitts. Co., VAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: John Hairston

Mother: Julie Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1871 to 1931

Birth: Abt 1871 Virginiabirth12

Death: 16 Jun 1931 Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, USAdeath12


Father: Hyda Hide Hairston

Mother: Charlotte Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1874 to 1919

Birth: Jul 1874 North Carolinabirth13

Death: 20 Dec 1919 Rockingham, North Carolinadeath13


Father: Philip Hairston

Mother: Isabell Hairston

Fannie Bell Hairston - 1921 to 1996

Birth: 30 June 1921 Draper, Rockingham, North Carolina, USAbirth14

Death: 28 Nov 1996 Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina, USAdeath14


Father: Fred Douglas Hairston

Mother: Rosa L Harston

Fannie Lamar Hairston - 1885 to 1966

Birth: 31 Oct 1885 Springfield, Conway, Arkansas, United Statesbirth15

Death: 29 Jan 1966 Arkansas, USAdeath15


Father: Thomas Benjamin Hairston

Mother: Virginia "Jennie" Irene Smith

Fannie S Hairston - 1906 to 2006

Birth: abt 1906 Virginiabirth16

Death: Bef. 2006


Father: John Peter Hairston

Mother: Julia Haiston

Fannie L Hairston - 1863 to 1938

Birth: 22 December 1863 Forsyth County, North Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 31 January 1938 Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, USAdeath17


Father: York Zack Hairston

Mother: Nancy Brooks

Fannie R. Hairston - 1863 to 1954

Birth: 1863 Beavercreek Plantation, Henry Co, Vabirth18

Death: 24 Jan 1954 Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath18


Father: Jacob Jake Hairston

Mother: Barthenia (Betsey Ann) Hairston

Fannie Mae Hairston - 1921 to 1987

Birth: 15 April 1921 Spencer, Rowan County, North Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 14 May 1987 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniadeath19


Father: Thomas Hairston

Mother: Pearl Poe

Fannie Hairston - 1882 to 1947

Birth: 16 May 1882 Davidson North Carolinabirth20

Death: 28 Nov 1947 Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolinadeath20


Father: Henry Hariston

Mother: Fanny Hairston

Fannie Mary (of Boss) Hairston - 1917 to 1985

Birth: 25 Apr 1917 Henry, VAbirth21

Death: 8 Mar 1985 Martinsville, Virginia, USAdeath21


Father: Bossy Hairston

Mother: Necie Ann Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1900 to 1980

Birth: 1900

Death: 20 Sep 1980 Martinsville, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Nat Hairston

Mother: Leutish Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1922

Birth: 1922 Virginiabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: John R. Hairston

Mother: Lucy Hairston

Fannie Hairston - 1853

Birth: 1853 Henry Co., Virginiabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Cora Hairston

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