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Results for "Fake Haak"

1 - 25 of 37 Records
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Faye Hawk - 1921 to 1996

Birth: 10 Sep 1921 Texasbirth0

Death: 15 Jan 1996 Taylor, Texasdeath0


Father: Thomas Britton Hawk

Mother: Zema Fay Young

Fame Opal Haas - 1885 to 1978

Birth: 30 Mar 1885 Medaryville, Pulaski, Indianabirth1

Death: 1978


Father: Cyrus Haas

Mother: Mary Ann Snodgrass

Faye Hawk - 1923 to 1960

Birth: abt 1923 Minnesotabirth2

Death: December 1960 Ponemah, MNdeath2


Father: O Kingbird

Mother: Edith Wind

Fae Haas - 1919 to 1991

Birth: 22 May 1919 Wyoming, USAbirth3

Death: 28 Feb 1991 Fresno, Fresno, California, United Statesdeath3


Father: Walter Allen Thompson

Mother: Maggie Fae Roberts

Faye Alliene Hawk - 1925 to 2012

Birth: 19 Feb 1925 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 2 Jun 2012


Father: Alfred Roy Hawk

Mother: Mabel Estle Keicher

Faye Eugene Haas - 1926 to 1994

Birth: 19 Sep 1926 Roscoe, Cedar County, Missouri, USA

Death: 17 Oct 1994 Rogers, Benton, Arkansas, USAdeath5


Father: Harvey Roosevelt Haas

Mother: Fannie Ellen Reynolds

Faye Haack - 1943 to 2017

Birth: 1 Sep 1943 Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 2017 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: Ralph Clark Owens

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Rush

Faye Darlene HAAS - 1956 to 2006

Birth: 12 Mar 1956 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth7

Death: 6 May 2006 Ephrata, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: James Walter Haas

Mother: Margaret Jane Boley

Faye Marie Haas - 1919 to 2014

Birth: 23 November 1919 Venturia, McIntosh, North Dakota, USAbirth8

Death: 8 Feb 2014 Salem, Marion, Oregon, USAdeath8


Father: Andrew B Haas

Mother: Magdelena Dockter

Faye B. Haar - 1930 to 2014

Birth: 21 October 1930 Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 16 October 2014 Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: Luke Stoke Haar

Mother: Mary E. Haar

Faye E Haas - 1933

Birth: abt 1933 Pennsylvaniabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Lester D Haas

Mother: Emily Mae Hartman

Afke Haan - 1897 to 1951

Birth: 06 septembre 1897 Grouw, Boarnsterhim, Friesland, Netherlandsbirth11

Death: 07 october 1951 Irnsum, Boarnsterhim, Friesland, Netherlandsdeath11


Father: Tette de Haan

Mother: Hielkje Fokkes Jong de

Faye Isabelle Haas - 1917 to 1989

Birth: 1 Dec 1917 Davis, Slephens County, Illinois, USA

Death: 23 Jun 1989


Father: Luther HAAS

Mother: Emma Mable Long

Jake Hawk - 1912

Birth: abt 1912 Tennesseebirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Isaac Hubert Hawk

Mother: Edith Greever Hayes

Jake C. HAWK - 1917 to 1945

Birth: 21 Apr 1917

Death: 20 Feb 1945 Cocke, Tennessee, USAdeath14


Father: James Ernest Hawk

Mother: Mabel Melvina OTTINGER

Jake Y Hawk - 1912

Birth: abt 1912 South Dakotabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: John Yellow Hawk

Mother: Adele M Azure

Jake Haas - 1862 to 1948

Birth: 1862

Death: 1948


Father: Johann Georg Martin Haas

Mother: Maria Magdalena Hueller

Jake Haas - 1862 to 1948

Birth: 1862

Death: 1948


Father: Johann Georg Heiss

Mother: Anna Maria Haas

Jake Haas - 1895

Birth: Jul 1895 Ohiobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Katharina Elisabeth Steinbrecher

Faye Geraldine Haas

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1997 Edmonton, Edmonton Census Division, Alberta, Canadadeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Melinda Jones

Jake HAAN - 1901 to 1996

Birth: 28 April 1901 Minnesotabirth20

Death: 15 April 1996 Sioux, County, Iowadeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jake Haag - 1894

Birth: 1894 Odessa, Russiabirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Faye Hawk - 1899

Birth: abt 1899 Iowabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jake Haas

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jake Haag

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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