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Results for "Erma Atkinson"

1 - 25 of 44 Records

Erma Renna Atkinson - 1897 to 1974

Birth: 22 DEC 1897 Michiganbirth0

Death: Mar 1974 Pickford, Chippewa, Michigan, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Thomas Wellington Atkinson

Mother: Elsie Dyce

Erma Thelma Atkinson - 1916 to 2014

Birth: 10 MAR 1916 Giles County, Tennesseebirth1

Death: 2 Jun 2014 Bon Aqua, Hickman, Tennessee, United Statesdeath1


Father: Francis Marion Attkisson

Mother: Mattie Annie Barnickle

Erma May Atkinson - 1894 to 1930

Birth: Aug 1894 Missouribirth2

Death: after 1930 Washington, Buchanan County, Missourideath2


Father: Perry Commodore Worrell

Mother: Elizabeth Brooks Koontz Worrell Sanders

Erma E Atkinson - 1910 to 1980

Birth: 30 Jun 1910 Michigan City, La Porte Co., Indiana, USAbirth3

Death: 15 Oct 1980 Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan, USAdeath3


Father: Herman Stick

Mother: Ida Foelker Stick McClosky

Erma E Atkinson - 1910 to 1980

Birth: 30 Jun 1910 Michigan City, La Porte Co., Indiana, USAbirth4

Death: 15 Oct 1980 Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan, USAdeath4


Father: Herman Stick

Mother: Ida Foelker Stick McClosky

Erma Margorie Atkinson - 1914 to 2003

Birth: 31 Mar 1914 Riverhurst, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth5

Death: 15 March 2003 Ellsworth, Antrim County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath5


Father: John Francis Atkinson

Mother: Sarah May Muma

Erma Atkinson - 1915 to 2003

Birth: 11 Dec 1915 Francis, Summit, Utah, USAbirth6

Death: 19 April 2003 Heber City, Wasatch, Utah, USAdeath6


Father: Henry Roy Atkinson

Mother: Lucile Pace (Atkinson)

Erma Blanche Atkinson - 1899 to 1983

Birth: March 11, 1899 Knox County, Missouribirth7

Death: March 10, 1983 Hutchinson, Reno, Kansasdeath7


Father: Charles Lycurgus Atkinson

Mother: Louella Baker

Erma Atkinson - 1917 to 1999

Birth: 01 DEC 1917 Randolph, Fremont Co., Iowabirth8

Death: 05 MAR 1999 Anderson, Madison Co., Indianadeath8


Father: William Elmer Atkinson

Mother: Ruby Benton

Erma Jane Atkinson - 1936 to 1999

Birth: 31 Jul 1936 Cheybogan, Michigan, USAbirth9

Death: 20 Oct 1999 Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath9


Father: Robert Lewis Atkinson

Mother: Emma Crouch

Erma Lee Ethel Atkinson - 1915 to 1974

Birth: 26 Aug 1915 Crystal Falls, Stephens, Texas, United Statesbirth10

Death: 26 Nov 1974 Lake Whitney, Precinct 4, Hill, Texas, USA


Father: Edgar Arthur Atkinson

Mother: Willie Helen Hawley

Erma Lucy Atkinson - 1907 to 1909

Birth: 14 March 1907 Cove, Cache, Utah, United Statesbirth11

Death: 17 February 1909 Treasureton, Franklin County, Idaho, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Henry Clipson Atkinson

Mother: Charlotte Henrietta Dawson

Erma Blanche Atkinson - 1899 to 1983

Birth: 11 March 1899 Knox County, Missouri, USAbirth12

Death: 10 March 1983 Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas, USAdeath12


Father: Charles Lycurgus Atkinson

Mother: Louella Baker

Erma Marie Atkinson - 1920 to 1987

Birth: 19 DEC 1920 Brunswick Co., NCbirth13

Death: 29 MAY 1987 Brunswick Co., NCdeath13


Father: Quincy Edward Atkinson

Mother: Lula Mae Phelps

Erma Jewel Atkinson - 1939 to 2007

Birth: 03 SEP 1939 Fisher, Poinsett, Arkansas, USAbirth14

Death: 17 April 2007 Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USAdeath14


Father: Goley Atkinson

Mother: Beula Olive Lansford

Erma Atkinson - 1909 to 2000

Birth: 24 August 1909 Cumberland County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 20 Sep 2000 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USAdeath15


Father: Marshall Edward Atkinson

Mother: Ida Marion Owen

Erma M Atkinson - 1918 to 2012

Birth: 07SEP1918 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAbirth16

Death: 17 April 2012 St Augustine, FLdeath16


Father: Hugh Walter Atkinson

Mother: Mary Ellen Walter

Erma Atkinson - 1913 to 2011

Birth: 17 Jul 1913 Michiganbirth17

Death: 3 Apr 2011 Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigandeath17


Father: Richard Louis Atkinson

Mother: Nellie Mae Alford

Erma S Atkinson - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 10 Feb 1911 Archer, Madison, Idaho, USAbirth18

Death: 9 Jul 1998 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath18


Father: Hyrum Burt Atkinson

Mother: Lucinda Rhoana Hatch

Erma Atkinson - 1909 to 2000

Birth: 24 Oct 1909 Virginiabirth19

Death: 16 Mar 2000 Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, USAdeath19



Mother: Alice Teresa Coleman

Erma Atkinson - 1928

Birth: 1928 New Yorkbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: William E Atkinson Jr.

Mother: Ida Atkinson

Erma Charlotte Atkinson - 1922 to 1928

Birth: 20 Aug 1922 Meade County, Kansas, USAbirth21

Death: 4 Nov 1928 Meade County, Kansas, USAdeath21


Father: William Clyde Atkinson

Mother: Clara Belle Schmid

Erma B Atkinson - 1899 to 1910

Birth: Oct 1899 Coloradobirth22

Death: BEF 1910 BURBANK. CALIFORNIAdeath22


Father: Sherman Lathrop Gray Atkinson

Mother: Burnetta Mary Allphin

Erma Atkinson - 1909

Birth: abt 1909 Texasbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mariah Wiggins

Erma A Atkinson - 1878 to 1970

Birth: 13 May 1878 New Jerseybirth24

Death: 29 May 1970 Shafter, Kern, California, USAdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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