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Results for "Elizabeth Schmoker"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Elizabeth M Schmoker - 1864 to 1941

Birth: 10 April 1864 Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 30 December 1941 Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: Jacob Schmoker

Mother: Katharina Geiger

Elizabeth Lizzie Schmoker - 1855 to 1932

Birth: abt 1855 Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 29 Oct 1932 Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, USAdeath1


Father: Christian Schmocker

Mother: Anna Bernet

Elizabeth R Schmoker - 1906 to 2007

Birth: 2 December 1906 West Liberty, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth2

Death: 7 Aug 2007 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Joseph A Schmoker

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Schuckert

Elizabeth Lizzie Schmoker - 1855 to 1932

Birth: abt 1855 Switzerlandbirth3

Death: 29 Oct 1932 Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, USAdeath3


Father: Christian Schmocker

Mother: Anna Bernet

Elizabeth Schmoker - 1854 to 1932

Birth: 08 JUL 1854 Switzerlandbirth4

Death: 1932


Father: Christian Schmocker

Mother: Anna Bernet

Elizabeth Marie Schmoker - 1906 to 1990

Birth: 1 May 1906 Dickey, La Moure, North Dakota, USAbirth5

Death: 14 May 1990 Alameda, California, USAdeath5


Father: Paul A Schmoker

Mother: Viola Emma Mack

Elizabeth Lizzie Schmoker - 1855 to 1932

Birth: abt 1855 Switzerlandbirth6

Death: 29 Oct 1932 Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, USAdeath6


Father: Christian Schmocker

Mother: Anna Bernet

Elizabeth Schmoker - 1924 to 2009

Birth: 1924

Death: 17 Jun 2009


Father: Edward Schmoker

Mother: Marie Murphy

Elizabeth Marie Schmoker - 1906 to 1988

Birth: 29 Oct 1906 Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, USAbirth8

Death: 8 Feb 1988 Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USAdeath8


Father: Ferdinand Rudolph Schmoker

Mother: Ida Linse

Elizabeth Schmoker - 1833 to 1837

Birth: 29 September 1833 Grindelwald, Bern, Switzerlandbirth9

Death: 20 January 1837 Grindelwald, Bern, Switzerlanddeath9


Father: Jacob Schmocker

Mother: Maria Rubi Dahlman

Elizabeth Schmoker - 1859

Birth: abt 1859 Iowabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob W Schmoker

Mother: Ottilie Louise Dallmann

Elizabeth Schmoker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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