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Results for "Edward Quackenbush"

1 - 25 of 115 Records

Edward Cushney Quackenbush - 1868 to 1922

Birth: abt 1868 United Statesbirth0

Death: 21 Oct 1922 Mohawk, Herkimer, New York, United Statesdeath0


Father: John Quackenbush

Mother: Louise Nhare

Edward Howard Quackenbush - 1911 to 1997

Birth: 17 Aug 1911 Dumont, Bergen, New Jerseybirth1

Death: 14 Apr 1997 Morgan, Ohiodeath1


Father: Elmer E. Quackenbush

Mother: Julianna Pflager

Edward Robert Quackenbush - 1909 to 1980

Birth: abt 1909 New Yorkbirth2

Death: Mar 1980 Rome, Oneida, New Yorkdeath2


Father: Robert C. Quackenbush

Mother: Laura Vosburgh

Edward Cushney Quackenbush - 1868 to 1922

Birth: abt 1868 United Statesbirth3

Death: 21 Oct 1922 Mohawk, Herkimer, New York, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Quackenbush

Mother: Louise Nhare

Edward Robert Quackenbush - 1909 to 1980

Birth: abt 1909 New Yorkbirth4

Death: Mar 1980 Rome, Oneida, New Yorkdeath4


Father: Robert C. Quackenbush

Mother: Laura Vosburgh

Edward Robert Quackenbush - 1909 to 1980

Birth: abt 1909 New Yorkbirth5

Death: Mar 1980 Rome, Oneida, New Yorkdeath5


Father: Robert C. Quackenbush

Mother: Laura Vosburgh

Edward J Quackenbush - 1881 to 1942

Birth: 17 Jul 1881 Petrolia, Lambton, Ontariobirth6

Death: 20 Dec 1942 Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: Robert William Quackenbush

Mother: Annie Ablenia Greer

Edward Jerome Quackenbush - 1846 to 1931

Birth: Sep 1846 Manlius, Onondaga, New York, USAbirth7

Death: 25 Apr 1931 Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USAdeath7


Father: John I. Quackenbush

Mother: Ameret Cronkhite Cross

Edward "Ned" QUACKENBUSH - 1881 to 1929

Birth: abt 1881 Indianabirth8

Death: 3 Nov 1929


Father: John Quakenbush

Mother: Susanna Nannie McKenzie

Edward "Ned" QUACKENBUSH - 1881 to 1929

Birth: abt 1881 Indianabirth9

Death: 3 Nov 1929


Father: John Quakenbush

Mother: Susanna Nannie McKenzie

Edward "Ned" QUACKENBUSH - 1881 to 1929

Birth: abt 1881 Indianabirth10

Death: 3 Nov 1929


Father: John Quakenbush

Mother: Susanna Nannie McKenzie

Edward C. Quackenbush - 1883 to 1917

Birth: 26 Jan 1883 New Jerseybirth11

Death: 18 March 1917 Bergen, New Jersey, United Statesdeath11


Father: Jacob E Quackenbush

Mother: Jennie C Blauvelt

Edward Francis Quackenbush - 1932 to 1998

Birth: 5 Dec 1932 Elmont, Nassau, New Yorkbirth12

Death: 12 Nov 1998 Reno, Washoe, Nevadadeath12


Father: David F. Quackenbush

Mother: Edna Catherine Bischoff

Edward Clarke Quackenbush - 1906 to 1987

Birth: 1 Oct 1906 Toronto, York, Ontariobirth13

Death: 3 Jul 1987 Salinas, Monterey, Californiadeath13


Father: Edward Baird Quackenbush

Mother: Ellen Jane "Helen" Chartrand

Edward Quackenbush - 1827 to 1906

Birth: 11 Jun 1827 Milford Center, Otsego, New Yorkbirth14

Death: 14 Aug 1906 probably La Porte City, Iowadeath14


Father: Abraham "Abram" Quackenbush

Mother: Delaney "Lany" Wolfe

Edward Baird Quackenbush - 1871 to 1920

Birth: 19 MAR 1871 Miller Township, Frontenac County, Ontario, Canadabirth15

Death: 29 Oct 1920 Aitkin, Aitkin, Minnesotadeath15


Father: John Henry Quackenbush

Mother: Delina Clarke

Edward D Quackenbush - 1877 to 1965

Birth: 21 Mar 1877 Whiteside, Illinois, United Statesbirth16

Death: 13 Feb 1965 Harlowton, Wheatland, Montana, United Statesdeath16


Father: Peter Ansley Quackenbush

Mother: Harriet Drum

Edward (Edwin) Quackenbush - 1869 to 1956

Birth: 1 Sep 1869 New Yorkbirth17

Death: 31 Jan 1956 Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New Yorkdeath17


Father: James M Quackenbush

Mother: Harriett Mabb

Edward George Quackenbush - 1915 to 1983

Birth: 10 Jan 1915 Old Bridge, New Jersey USAbirth18

Death: 12 Oct 1983 Old Bridge, Middlesex, New Jerseydeath18


Father: Luther Edward Quackenbush

Mother: Lucy Helen Green

Edward Boynton Quackenbush - 1872 to 1943

Birth: 27 Nov 1872 Saint Charles, Kane, Illinois, USAbirth19

Death: 12 Jul 1943 Santa Clara County, California, USAdeath19


Father: Marvin Quackenbush

Mother: Eleanor Boynton

Edward Arthur Quackenbush - 1874 to 1951

Birth: 22 Dec 1874 Lawrence County, Indianabirth20

Death: 25 Aug 1951 Bedford, Lawrence, Indianadeath20


Father: Ebenezer Quackenbush

Mother: Juliette Boyd

Edward Charles Quackenbush - 1851 to 1881

Birth: 12 Aug 1851 Onondaga County, New York, USAbirth21

Death: 21 July 1881 Killed in a train wreckdeath21


Father: Albert Guinall Quackenbush

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Marsh

Edward William Quackenbush - 1916 to 1990

Birth: 2 Jan 1916 Halfmoon, Saratoga, New Yorkbirth22

Death: 22 Sep 1990 Crescent, Saratoga, New Yorkdeath22


Father: Gamaliel W Quackenbush

Mother: Ellen Mae "Nellie" Clute

Edward Carl Quackenbush - 1947

Birth: abt 1947 Kansasbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Edward Carl Quackenbush

Mother: Lenora D. Johnson

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