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Results for "Edith Yerbury"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Edith Yerbury - 1905 to 2001

Birth: 7 June 1905 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth0

Death: Jul 2001 St Austell, Cornwall, Englanddeath0


Father: John Yerbury

Mother: Annie Hole

Edith Constance Yerbury - 1894 to 1982

Birth: 22 Aug 1894 Melksham, Wiltshire, Englandbirth1

Death: 4 th Jan 1982 Worthing, Sussex, Englanddeath1


Father: Walter Chillian Yerbury

Mother: Emma Alethea Cottrell

Edith Louise Yerbury - 1887 to 1965

Birth: 14 Apr 1887 Halstead, Essex, Englandbirth2

Death: 31 Jul 1965 Halstead, Essex, Englanddeath2


Father: Walter Yerbury

Mother: Elizabeth Anna Palmer

Edith Mary Yerbury - 1921 to 2007

Birth: 06/15/1921 Cardiff County, Glamorganshire, Walesbirth3

Death: 1 December 2007 Cardiff, Glamorgan, Walesdeath3


Father: Walter Percy Yerbury

Mother: Catherine John

Edith Annie Yerbury - 1840 to 1910

Birth: 9 Feb 1840 Cawnpore Indiabirth4

Death: 18 Aug 1910 Middlesex, Englanddeath4


Father: John William Yerbury

Mother: Emma Webb

Edith Yerbury - 1888 to 1944

Birth: 1888 SYDNEY.N.S.Wbirth5

Death: 1944 Ashfield, New South Walesdeath5


Father: William Yerbury

Mother: Emma Mary Batts

Edith Yerbury - 1601

Birth: 1601 Bradford, Wiltshire, Englandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Yerbury

Mother: Edith Flower

Edith May Yerbury - 1892 to 1963

Birth: abt 1892 Kensington, Londonbirth7

Death: 1963 Kensington, Londondeath7


Father: Frank Yerbury

Mother: Rhoda Deacon

Edith Maude Yerbury - 1905

Birth: 1905 Cardiff, S. Walesbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: George YERBURY

Mother: Mary Jane Milsom

Edith Yerbury - 1534

Birth: 1534 Wiltshire, Englandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Trowbridge Yerberie

Mother: Alice Horton

Edith Yerbury

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Trowbridge Yerberie

Mother: Alice Horton

Edith Yerbury - 1861 to 1907

Birth: 1861 Dinges, Wiltshire, England

Death: January 1907 Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edith Yerbury - 1877

Birth: October 1877 Frome, Somersetbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edith Yerbury

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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